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Items endpoint down

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A lot of similar endpoints are having these problems too, like achievements, outfits, and skins.

My guess is that the API runs on one server that in turn communicates with another server that actually houses the information for the game and for whatever reason the latter server isn't responding properly. The images for items, etc being broken would be another symptom of this and in fact, sometimes trying to load an image will result in a server error from AWS.


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I get issues with v2/wvw/matches endpoint since the last 5 hours. For met it started at 9:37 am GMT+1

In 65% of the time I get a JSON with this value: "{"text": "unknown error"}"In 15% of the time I get a "504 Gateway Time-out"The other 20% I get a correct JSON responds.

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@"Steelskin.5826" said:404 errors are back again since approximately 5:27:52 PM UTC (my first error of the day :'()

Yes also noticed this.

In particular for the items endpoint it seems items are missing, for example The Moot, id: 30692. Is not returning properly for me.

URL: https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/items?ids=30692

Response I'm getting:

{"text": "all ids provided are invalid"}

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not just items, achievement categories are broken as well:


{"id": 145,"name": "Daily Ember Bay","description": "","order": 24,"icon": "https://render.guildwars2.com/file/FF6CE1381E924D445715A0A4D0085EE1A8F92F25/1494333.png","achievements": []}

Retrieving the achievements that should be there is unreliable, some resolve some don't.

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