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Give Swipe a Tether


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Hey everyone

I have been messing around with Daredevil swipe in PvP just for fun to see what I think about the change. I am by no means a thief main, but I can see that the range is quite pathetic now. I was looking at the reasoning behind ANet's decision but I feel, like many others, that too much was taken away and too little gained. Although I do like the fact that we have a rather reliable, unblockable, cc/interrupt on steal now if traited well.

While thinking though alternative ways it could have been handled, based on ANet's reasoning, I came up with some ideas which I already see represented on the forums (like making it knock-down/stun). Another suggestion which I think I might have seen is giving Swipe a lower base CD compared to Steal so we can use it as an interrupt and re-engage tool more often. We already have many ways to disengage, and giving swipe a lower CD would mean we can more often re-engage leading with a daze. Or apply more poison which helps the Condi direction the spec also has

Another idea I had which I have not seen and which I think would be very cool and fun would be to give Swipe a tether like Dragonhunter F1 with which you can pull your targets. You shadowstep closer to your target, Swipe to target and apply tether, shadowstep back, and pull your target for miles LOL. I am not sure, but I suspect it would allow you to stick to your targets better and counter pew-pew ranged builds and fulfill ANets desire to make Swipe a tool to keep Daredevil a close range fighter.

Anyway just some random thoughts from a non-thief main which I personally think would be really cool

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@derd.6413 said:swipe does not need (more) CCMuch eloquent, such wow

I am not arguing for more CC, I had the stun/knockdown idea, but as the tithe of the post suggests, I am not arguing for that direction.While the tether would be more CC, it not just CC for its own sake, it is an introduction of a new mechanic which allows new ways of playing the spec by keeping your range to your target close, like it does for Dragonhunter already

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@derd.6413 said:swipe does not need (more) CC

It doesnt have qany CC unles Traited man come on. Swipe on its own is shadowstep and unblockable stealing of stolen skill. It deals 0 dmg and it doesnt interupt. how many times to ppl have to emphasize it here. Go to game equip DrD trait urself the way your Steal doesnt grant you absolutely nothing and steal to someone when they cast a skill you will see what I mean

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@Jack Redline.5379 said:

@derd.6413 said:swipe does
need (more) CC

It doesnt have any CC unles Traited man come on. Swipe on its own is shadowstep and unblockable stealing of stolen skill. It deals 0 dmg and it doesnt interupt. how many times to ppl have to emphasize it here. Go to game equip DrD trait urself the way your Steal doesnt grant you absolutely nothing and steal to someone when they cast a skill you will see what I mean

hence why more was between parentheses

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@derd.6413 said:

hence why more was between parentheses

I find your fancy manner of altering the topic discussed in aforementioned statements to be entertaining. Claiming that ''more'' within parentheses of a statement you presented to emphasize the amount of a CC applicable by Swipe barries any further deviation from the fact your claim is that the Swipe already possesses any and all necessary forms of CC aviable within conditions of this game which is proven to be untrue.

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@Jack Redline.5379 said:

hence why more was between parentheses

I find your fancy manner of altering the topic discussed in aforementioned statements to be entertaining. Claiming that ''more'' within parentheses of a statement you presented to emphasize the amount of a CC applicable by Swipe barries any further deviation from the fact your claim is that the Swipe already possesses any and all necessary forms of CC aviable within conditions of this game which is proven to be untrue.

could you say that in an understandable manner because all i got from that is that you have an extremely high horse

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Why ofcourseI said that the fact you said ''(more)'' in brackets doesnt rule out the fact that what you said implies that Swipe actually has some CC which it doesnt unless you trait it inside so the Swipe on its own doesnt have any manner of dps or CC so you are not right about the fact it doesn need (more) CC since you cant have MORE of something if you dont have SOMETHING at the begining

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I don't like the idea because a tether would work very poorly when you mix it with stealth. Daredevil being a "brawler" doesn't mean it stops being a thief, stealth is still a part of your kit and you can still use it effectively both for defense and offense in small amounts.

I'd rather have either swipe or the stolen skills be redesigned completely for the melee brawler role, just like deadeye got deadeye's mark to fit the idea of a ranged assassin.

Edit: Also, the problem with making swipe have a lower cooldown is that steal can get really bloated with traits, which could break the spec. Then again, boonbeast and holosmith are a thing so I guess anet would be ok with it lol.

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They didn't make us a Brawler type class... Why ppl keep sayin it? That extra vitality (if u trait for it) means u r brawler? Condi cleanse on dodge? We also used to have it tho no1 traited for it. For now daredevil is the same daredevil just with a crappy 600 range steal. So as far as i can tell.. Anet doesnt want us to become brawlers. Just naked assassins without any armor with wet noodles in their hands as daggers that hit for 18dmg. (or 36 if u r lucky). While revenant comes up and hits u for 15000 with his shiny heavy armor on.

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@"Creaitov.6328" said:I don't like the idea because a tether would work very poorly when you mix it with stealth. Daredevil being a "brawler" doesn't mean it stops being a thief, stealth is still a part of your kit and you can still use it effectively both for defense and offense in small amounts.

I'd rather have either swipe or the stolen skills be redesigned completely for the melee brawler role, just like deadeye got deadeye's mark to fit the idea of a ranged assassin.

Edit: Also, the problem with making swipe have a lower cooldown is that steal can get really bloated with traits, which could break the spec. Then again, boonbeast and holosmith are a thing so I guess anet would be ok with it lol.

Those are some good points thank you, I did not think through the fact that tether would probably reveal your location while stealthed, and the target would probably need to see the tether line for fairness.

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BUT THE TRAITS ARE NOT PART OF SWIPEYou cant trait it as well for Steal and for Deadeye's markYou dont have meat in cheesburgerYea you can put it in there on your own after you get the cheesburgerBUT THERE IS NO MEAT IN CHEESBURGERI dont rly think i can explain it better

what odd burgers do you have without meat, but with cheese?

cheeseburger is literally a slice of cheese on a regular(with meat) hamburger :p

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