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Mallyx Ideas


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Hey there!

I love this legend and I want the best for it. I think Mallyx and Corruption have some problems that can make them very clunky orcompletely useless in certain scenarios. I'd like to give some suggestions for both.If we can't get HoT-launch Mallyx my list of changes would look like this:


  • Unyielding Anguish is a Leap Finisher
  • Pain Absorption - Apply 1-2s Blind (small range) - instantly on using skill PA / or after cast, this could improve this skill dramatically + Blind could be countered by dodging, so there's no stupid evade frames or out-of-Jalis Stability.I think that access to Evade should be as limited as possible. I know about Shiro od other classes, that's just my opinion. Keep Revenant pure.


  • Replenishing Despair - Heals when you get Resistance
  • Pulsating Pestilence - Transfer Conditions when you use Elite, not legend swap (this would bring back the feel od old Mallyx) + more control over condition management
  • Spontaenous Destruction - Apply 1x of Confusion for every 4x of Torment on your foe. I'm not sure about this one. I don't like the concept of Traits providing mini-utilities - Lesser Banish Enchantment.

What do you think?

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None of the changes would make Mallyx or corruption competitive. I understand you’re against evade, but without evade what does Revenant have? 1 block on staff, 1 on shield, Glint’s invuln and some poor damage reduction in Jalis...that’s...not much. Damage reduction or healing doesn’t matter anyway if you don’t have a consistent way to completely shut damage off (I.e. aegis, evade, etc). Mallyx will never be competitive with Glint or Shiro in its current state, even for condition builds (non-pve), simply because it has 0 way to mitigate damage.

As for stability, sure it should be primarily a retribution/Jalis thing, but personal stability for Mallyx wouldn’t be OP and would be a lore friendly way to fix some of his issues (have you seen Mallyx in the first game? Dude is a hulk).


Unyielding Anguish Bare minimum give x amount of stability for 2 seconds. Alternatively, if it needs something stronger, give evade for the duration of the leap, but I’d rather they add the evade to echoing eruption instead to make Mace more viable. Could be evade on both if evade on one isn’t enough. Also make a leap finisher.

pain absorption add 1second stability to cover the cast, much like how they added stab to darkrazor to cover its cast time.


echoing eruption add evade for 1/2 second


Demonic Defiance make it work with other legends like how Notoriety works for a reduced amount of resistance. Also potentially make it baseline for Corruption.

Insert Random Might Trait Here Corruption seriously needs a trait that grants might, especially in pvp, now that might durations are so low and Notoriety isn’t viable for condition/directly punishes condition builds. Could be something like gain X might when you receive a condition or something like that, but regardless it should be strong in combat and provide a fair amount of might, similar to how strong notoriety is.

I like your idea for pulsating pestilence; i think that’s strong and would be a nice way to make Embrace the Darkness stronger in pvp without adding more to it.

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I think there needs to be a buff to damage by reducing duration and increasing stacks on multiple skills/traits. Anything else is beating around the bush. Anet has made a boat load of changes, not damage related and the do not work, at all in PvP.

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Roll it back to pre-launch HoT mallyx, the one who shat all over condi-builds. With as much condi spam in the game now and as much sustain and well boon boots its not hard to have it in that form. That would mean for WvW and PvP it would be the go to for shutting down fire-brands and Scourages which are in some regards still considered a nuisance. So make Mallyx and by proxy condi-rev their direct counter, Give him tools to deal with these two and make him difficult to outright stomp.

! Change his utilities, we need one engage that is not clunlky like the leap we have now, something with more useful applications. I would say a charge (Like Greatsword on warrior or bulls rush.) This would give us tools to enable quick get in and get out.! Change banish enchantment to be more powerful, confusion was king but by itself it kind of is lack luster. It also seems to fall off pretty heavy which is odd considering how torment seems to stack; We also need some condi-duration baked into it baseline. Rev condi falls of quick if not able to apply it readily and most classes can abuse this.! Change embrace the darkness to be worthwhile, while spaming torment and burning depending on talent choice is strong its not strong enough. Make it when they go into that elite the upkeep is worth investing in.! Make the heal worthwhile, right now compared to other classes and even rev as a whole mallyx's heal is kinda.. meh?! We need a baseline condi-ranged weapon. Scepter Focus to me would be a good addition just baseline to the Rev to give it the mid-long range condi weapon it desperatly needs. Kalla is kinda meh and taking renegade or shortbow kind of sucks in PvP and WvW, Giving us a baseline ranged weapon would seem bad to some but it would mean you could see more condi rev's. Our biggest issue is that we either go mace/axe + Staff or we trade the staff for hammer. (If thats even worth it.) Or add swords in somewhere, for the utility and movement. We lack a strong weapon to syngerize well with mallyx and mace/axe.! As it currently stands he doesn't offer enough when compared to shiro + Glint, whom have upkeep for might and strong mobility and burst. Nerfing this won't change that fact either because even without might the heal on glint, and the mobility on shiro makes Mallyx and any build involving him seem meh. Mace and Axe could perhaps also use a change here, I personally like those weapons as are but they could use some sprucing in the pvp genre.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:None of the changes would make Mallyx or corruption competitive. I understand you’re against evade, but without evade what does Revenant have? 1 block on staff, 1 on shield, Glint’s invuln and some poor damage reduction in Jalis...that’s...not much. Damage reduction or healing doesn’t matter anyway if you don’t have a consistent way to completely shut damage off (I.e. aegis, evade, etc). Mallyx will never be competitive with Glint or Shiro in its current state, even for condition builds (non-pve), simply because it has 0 way to mitigate damage.

As for stability, sure it should be primarily a retribution/Jalis thing, but personal stability for Mallyx wouldn’t be OP and would be a lore friendly way to fix some of his issues (have you seen Mallyx in the first game? Dude is a hulk).


Unyielding Anguish Bare minimum give x amount of stability for 2 seconds. Alternatively, if it needs something stronger, give evade for the duration of the leap, but I’d rather they add the evade to echoing eruption instead to make Mace more viable. Could be evade on both if evade on one isn’t enough. Also make a leap finisher.

pain absorption add 1second stability to cover the cast, much like how they added stab to darkrazor to cover its cast time.


echoing eruption add evade for 1/2 second


Demonic Defiance make it work with other legends like how Notoriety works for a reduced amount of resistance. Also potentially make it baseline for Corruption.

Insert Random Might Trait Here Corruption seriously needs a trait that grants might, especially in pvp, now that might durations are so low and Notoriety isn’t viable for condition/directly punishes condition builds. Could be something like gain X might when you receive a condition or something like that, but regardless it should be strong in combat and provide a fair amount of might, similar to how strong notoriety is.

I like your idea for pulsating pestilence; i think that’s strong and would be a nice way to make Embrace the Darkness stronger in pvp without adding more to it.

Well, I think you are rights about things that prezent Mallyx from being competitive. Current Specialization design forces classes to have as much invulnerability frames as possible - but should it be like this?I don't want to suggest evades, stability or extra blocks when it doesn't make sense for that legend. Giving this stuff just for the sake of making it stronger doesn't sound appealing to me.

Herald offers Might generation for Mallyx outside of Glint. I think people want Mallyx to be a Condi Machine that kills, but at the very beginning this legend wasn't dealing a lot of damage. In fact, Mallyx was kind of support-ish in it's usage.

  • Displacement on UA,
  • Condi transfer on EtD,
  • Boon removal,
  • Resistance,
  • Condi-absorption
  • Heal-off condisTorment was just a Condi that made sense for the legend.

I think old Mallyx is still there and we shouldn't expect this legend to deal huge amount of condi-damage, be invincible with evades and blocks. The Torment aspect is present 100% in PvE, in PvP it's still the above-mentioned + Torment.PvE uses 2/5 Mallyx's skills.

All I'd want is to help Mallyx stay as it, but more viable while still being fairly counterable. Evade and on-cast Stability is very unhealthy. But! Thanks for the ideas and some insight.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:None of the changes would make Mallyx or corruption competitive. I understand you’re against evade, but without evade what does Revenant have? 1 block on staff, 1 on shield, Glint’s invuln and some poor damage reduction in Jalis...that’s...not much. Damage reduction or healing doesn’t matter anyway if you don’t have a consistent way to completely shut damage off (I.e. aegis, evade, etc). Mallyx will never be competitive with Glint or Shiro in its current state, even for condition builds (non-pve), simply because it has 0 way to mitigate damage.

As for stability, sure it should be primarily a retribution/Jalis thing, but personal stability for Mallyx wouldn’t be OP and would be a lore friendly way to fix some of his issues (have you seen Mallyx in the first game? Dude is a hulk).


Unyielding Anguish
Bare minimum give x amount of stability for 2 seconds. Alternatively, if it needs something stronger, give evade for the duration of the leap, but I’d rather they add the evade to echoing eruption instead to make Mace more viable. Could be evade on both if evade on one isn’t enough. Also make a leap finisher.

pain absorption
add 1second stability to cover the cast, much like how they added stab to darkrazor to cover its cast time.


echoing eruption
add evade for 1/2 second


Demonic Defiance
make it work with other legends like how Notoriety works for a reduced amount of resistance. Also potentially make it baseline for Corruption.

Insert Random Might Trait Here
Corruption seriously needs a trait that grants might, especially in pvp, now that might durations are so low and Notoriety isn’t viable for condition/directly punishes condition builds. Could be something like gain X might when you receive a condition or something like that, but regardless it should be strong in combat and provide a fair amount of might, similar to how strong notoriety is.

I like your idea for pulsating pestilence; i think that’s strong and would be a nice way to make Embrace the Darkness stronger in pvp without adding more to it.

Well, I think you are rights about things that prezent Mallyx from being competitive. Current Specialization design forces classes to have as much invulnerability frames as possible - but should it be like this?I don't want to suggest evades, stability or extra blocks when it doesn't make sense for that legend. Giving this stuff just for the sake of making it stronger doesn't sound appealing to me.

Herald offers Might generation for Mallyx outside of Glint. I think people want Mallyx to be a Condi Machine that kills, but at the very beginning this legend wasn't dealing a lot of damage. In fact, Mallyx was kind of support-ish in it's usage.
  • Displacement on UA,
  • Condi transfer on EtD,
  • Boon removal,
  • Resistance,
  • Condi-absorption
  • Heal-off condisTorment was just a Condi that made sense for the legend.

I think old Mallyx is still there and we shouldn't expect this legend to deal huge amount of condi-damage, be invincible with evades and blocks. The Torment aspect is present 100% in PvE, in PvP it's still the above-mentioned + Torment.PvE uses 2/5 Mallyx's skills.

All I'd want is to help Mallyx stay as it, but more viable while still being fairly counterable. Evade and on-cast Stability is very unhealthy. But! Thanks for the ideas and some insight.

@otto.5684 said:I think there needs to be a buff to damage by reducing duration and increasing stacks on multiple skills/traits. Anything else is beating around the bush. Anet has made a boat load of changes, not damage related and the do not work, at all in PvP.

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Roll it back to pre-launch HoT mallyx, the one who kitten all over condi-builds. With as much condi spam in the game now and as much sustain and well boon boots its not hard to have it in that form. That would mean for WvW and PvP it would be the go to for shutting down fire-brands and Scourages which are in some regards still considered a nuisance. So make Mallyx and by proxy condi-rev their direct counter, Give him tools to deal with these two and make him difficult to outright stomp.

Change his utilities, we need one engage that is not clunlky like the leap we have now, something with more useful applications. I would say a charge (Like Greatsword on warrior or bulls rush.) This would give us tools to enable quick get in and get out.!
Change banish enchantment to be more powerful, confusion was king but by itself it kind of is lack luster. It also seems to fall off pretty heavy which is odd considering how torment seems to stack; We also need some condi-duration baked into it baseline. Rev condi falls of quick if not able to apply it readily and most classes can abuse this.!
Change embrace the darkness to be worthwhile, while spaming torment and burning depending on talent choice is strong its not strong enough. Make it when they go into that elite the upkeep is worth investing in.!
Make the heal worthwhile, right now compared to other classes and even rev as a whole mallyx's heal is kinda.. meh?!
We need a baseline condi-ranged weapon. Scepter Focus to me would be a good addition just baseline to the Rev to give it the mid-long range condi weapon it desperatly needs. Kalla is kinda meh and taking renegade or shortbow kind of sucks in PvP and WvW, Giving us a baseline ranged weapon would seem bad to some but it would mean you could see more condi rev's. Our biggest issue is that we either go mace/axe + Staff or we trade the staff for hammer. (If thats even worth it.) Or add swords in somewhere, for the utility and movement. We lack a strong weapon to syngerize well with mallyx and mace/axe.!
As it currently stands he doesn't offer enough when compared to shiro + Glint, whom have upkeep for might and strong mobility and burst. Nerfing this won't change that fact either because even without might the heal on glint, and the mobility on shiro makes Mallyx and any build involving him seem meh. Mace and Axe could perhaps also use a change here, I personally like those weapons as are but they could use some sprucing in the pvp genre.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:None of the changes would make Mallyx or corruption competitive. I understand you’re against evade, but without evade what does Revenant have? 1 block on staff, 1 on shield, Glint’s invuln and some poor damage reduction in Jalis...that’s...not much. Damage reduction or healing doesn’t matter anyway if you don’t have a consistent way to completely shut damage off (I.e. aegis, evade, etc). Mallyx will never be competitive with Glint or Shiro in its current state, even for condition builds (non-pve), simply because it has 0 way to mitigate damage.

As for stability, sure it should be primarily a retribution/Jalis thing, but personal stability for Mallyx wouldn’t be OP and would be a lore friendly way to fix some of his issues (have you seen Mallyx in the first game? Dude is a hulk).


Unyielding Anguish
Bare minimum give x amount of stability for 2 seconds. Alternatively, if it needs something stronger, give evade for the duration of the leap, but I’d rather they add the evade to echoing eruption instead to make Mace more viable. Could be evade on both if evade on one isn’t enough. Also make a leap finisher.

pain absorption
add 1second stability to cover the cast, much like how they added stab to darkrazor to cover its cast time.


echoing eruption
add evade for 1/2 second


Demonic Defiance
make it work with other legends like how Notoriety works for a reduced amount of resistance. Also potentially make it baseline for Corruption.

Insert Random Might Trait Here
Corruption seriously needs a trait that grants might, especially in pvp, now that might durations are so low and Notoriety isn’t viable for condition/directly punishes condition builds. Could be something like gain X might when you receive a condition or something like that, but regardless it should be strong in combat and provide a fair amount of might, similar to how strong notoriety is.

I like your idea for pulsating pestilence; i think that’s strong and would be a nice way to make Embrace the Darkness stronger in pvp without adding more to it.

Well, I think you are rights about things that prezent Mallyx from being competitive. Current Specialization design forces classes to have as much invulnerability frames as possible - but should it be like this?I don't want to suggest evades, stability or extra blocks when it doesn't make sense for that legend. Giving this stuff just for the sake of making it stronger doesn't sound appealing to me.

Herald offers Might generation for Mallyx outside of Glint. I think people want Mallyx to be a Condi Machine that kills, but at the very beginning this legend wasn't dealing a lot of damage. In fact, Mallyx was kind of support-ish in it's usage.
  • Displacement on UA,
  • Condi transfer on EtD,
  • Boon removal,
  • Resistance,
  • Condi-absorption
  • Heal-off condisTorment was just a Condi that made sense for the legend.

I think old Mallyx is still there and we shouldn't expect this legend to deal huge amount of condi-damage, be invincible with evades and blocks. The Torment aspect is present 100% in PvE, in PvP it's still the above-mentioned + Torment.PvE uses 2/5 Mallyx's skills.

All I'd want is to help Mallyx stay as it, but more viable while still being fairly counterable. Evade and on-cast Stability is very unhealthy. But! Thanks for the ideas and some insight.

@otto.5684 said:I think there needs to be a buff to damage by reducing duration and increasing stacks on multiple skills/traits. Anything else is beating around the bush. Anet has made a boat load of changes, not damage related and the do not work, at all in PvP.

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:Roll it back to pre-launch HoT mallyx, the one who kitten all over condi-builds. With as much condi spam in the game now and as much sustain and well boon boots its not hard to have it in that form. That would mean for WvW and PvP it would be the go to for shutting down fire-brands and Scourages which are in some regards still considered a nuisance. So make Mallyx and by proxy condi-rev their direct counter, Give him tools to deal with these two and make him difficult to outright stomp.

Change his utilities, we need one engage that is not clunlky like the leap we have now, something with more useful applications. I would say a charge (Like Greatsword on warrior or bulls rush.) This would give us tools to enable quick get in and get out.!
Change banish enchantment to be more powerful, confusion was king but by itself it kind of is lack luster. It also seems to fall off pretty heavy which is odd considering how torment seems to stack; We also need some condi-duration baked into it baseline. Rev condi falls of quick if not able to apply it readily and most classes can abuse this.!
Change embrace the darkness to be worthwhile, while spaming torment and burning depending on talent choice is strong its not strong enough. Make it when they go into that elite the upkeep is worth investing in.!
Make the heal worthwhile, right now compared to other classes and even rev as a whole mallyx's heal is kinda.. meh?!
We need a baseline condi-ranged weapon. Scepter Focus to me would be a good addition just baseline to the Rev to give it the mid-long range condi weapon it desperatly needs. Kalla is kinda meh and taking renegade or shortbow kind of sucks in PvP and WvW, Giving us a baseline ranged weapon would seem bad to some but it would mean you could see more condi rev's. Our biggest issue is that we either go mace/axe + Staff or we trade the staff for hammer. (If thats even worth it.) Or add swords in somewhere, for the utility and movement. We lack a strong weapon to syngerize well with mallyx and mace/axe.!
As it currently stands he doesn't offer enough when compared to shiro + Glint, whom have upkeep for might and strong mobility and burst. Nerfing this won't change that fact either because even without might the heal on glint, and the mobility on shiro makes Mallyx and any build involving him seem meh. Mace and Axe could perhaps also use a change here, I personally like those weapons as are but they could use some sprucing in the pvp genre.

I actually think rather than Scepter/Focus we should get something more wacky? Mainly because Revenant likes to turn things on its head (Melee staff support, Ranged hammer.) So What about Main-Hand Focus which claws through the mists to cause suffering to foes with like Offhand Torch or dagger? This would then mean you could use it with Axe or sword; And means that we would be the only/First class to have a off-hand become a main-hand.

  • Focus becomes a powerful ranged condi-weapon in the hands of the Rev
  • Torch could be used to conjure devastating corrupting fire/mist fire?
  • Make it have a projectile skill like trident where you rapid fire mist orbs.
  • Make it have a good amount of AoE
  • Mallyx would benefit from it especially if it applied, chill on its auto and second skill. While its off-hand could cause burning so we get some strong condi because as I said Confusion is not as strong at the moment and the condi on mallyx falls off quick.
  • I feel as though mallyx should have rather than embrace the darkness be turning you into the "Demon" so to speak. You rip open a portal above the enemy and it rains down constant condi-pressure in the name of upkeep? This would benefit directly because it could be cast while you yourself are not necessarily in the fray. You could be on the wall and offering support to allies while you rip this tear open. It could look sorta like Axe second skill; But be more like a constant portal that rains death from above. While also shrouding you in the embrace the darkness we have now so that you have it around you but also elsewhere. Would make you versatile in a fight and could offer some great cleave pressure.
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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:None of the changes would make Mallyx or corruption competitive. I understand you’re against evade, but without evade what does Revenant have? 1 block on staff, 1 on shield, Glint’s invuln and some poor damage reduction in Jalis...that’s...not much. Damage reduction or healing doesn’t matter anyway if you don’t have a consistent way to completely shut damage off (I.e. aegis, evade, etc). Mallyx will never be competitive with Glint or Shiro in its current state, even for condition builds (non-pve), simply because it has 0 way to mitigate damage.

As for stability, sure it should be primarily a retribution/Jalis thing, but personal stability for Mallyx wouldn’t be OP and would be a lore friendly way to fix some of his issues (have you seen Mallyx in the first game? Dude is a hulk).


Unyielding Anguish
Bare minimum give x amount of stability for 2 seconds. Alternatively, if it needs something stronger, give evade for the duration of the leap, but I’d rather they add the evade to echoing eruption instead to make Mace more viable. Could be evade on both if evade on one isn’t enough. Also make a leap finisher.

pain absorption
add 1second stability to cover the cast, much like how they added stab to darkrazor to cover its cast time.


echoing eruption
add evade for 1/2 second


Demonic Defiance
make it work with other legends like how Notoriety works for a reduced amount of resistance. Also potentially make it baseline for Corruption.

Insert Random Might Trait Here
Corruption seriously needs a trait that grants might, especially in pvp, now that might durations are so low and Notoriety isn’t viable for condition/directly punishes condition builds. Could be something like gain X might when you receive a condition or something like that, but regardless it should be strong in combat and provide a fair amount of might, similar to how strong notoriety is.

I like your idea for pulsating pestilence; i think that’s strong and would be a nice way to make Embrace the Darkness stronger in pvp without adding more to it.

Well, I think you are rights about things that prezent Mallyx from being competitive. Current Specialization design forces classes to have as much invulnerability frames as possible - but should it be like this?I don't want to suggest evades, stability or extra blocks when it doesn't make sense for that legend. Giving this stuff just for the sake of making it stronger doesn't sound appealing to me.

Herald offers Might generation for Mallyx outside of Glint. I think people want Mallyx to be a Condi Machine that kills, but at the very beginning this legend wasn't dealing a lot of damage. In fact, Mallyx was kind of support-ish in it's usage.
  • Displacement on UA,
  • Condi transfer on EtD,
  • Boon removal,
  • Resistance,
  • Condi-absorption
  • Heal-off condisTorment was just a Condi that made sense for the legend.

I think old Mallyx is still there and we shouldn't expect this legend to deal huge amount of condi-damage, be invincible with evades and blocks. The Torment aspect is present 100% in PvE, in PvP it's still the above-mentioned + Torment.PvE uses 2/5 Mallyx's skills.

All I'd want is to help Mallyx stay as it, but more viable while still being fairly counterable. Evade and on-cast Stability is very unhealthy. But! Thanks for the ideas and some insight.

@otto.5684 said:I think there needs to be a buff to damage by reducing duration and increasing stacks on multiple skills/traits. Anything else is beating around the bush. Anet has made a boat load of changes, not damage related and the do not work, at all in PvP.

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Roll it back to pre-launch HoT mallyx, the one who kitten all over condi-builds. With as much condi spam in the game now and as much sustain and well boon boots its not hard to have it in that form. That would mean for WvW and PvP it would be the go to for shutting down fire-brands and Scourages which are in some regards still considered a nuisance. So make Mallyx and by proxy condi-rev their direct counter, Give him tools to deal with these two and make him difficult to outright stomp.

Change his utilities, we need one engage that is not clunlky like the leap we have now, something with more useful applications. I would say a charge (Like Greatsword on warrior or bulls rush.) This would give us tools to enable quick get in and get out.!
Change banish enchantment to be more powerful, confusion was king but by itself it kind of is lack luster. It also seems to fall off pretty heavy which is odd considering how torment seems to stack; We also need some condi-duration baked into it baseline. Rev condi falls of quick if not able to apply it readily and most classes can abuse this.!
Change embrace the darkness to be worthwhile, while spaming torment and burning depending on talent choice is strong its not strong enough. Make it when they go into that elite the upkeep is worth investing in.!
Make the heal worthwhile, right now compared to other classes and even rev as a whole mallyx's heal is kinda.. meh?!
We need a baseline condi-ranged weapon. Scepter Focus to me would be a good addition just baseline to the Rev to give it the mid-long range condi weapon it desperatly needs. Kalla is kinda meh and taking renegade or shortbow kind of sucks in PvP and WvW, Giving us a baseline ranged weapon would seem bad to some but it would mean you could see more condi rev's. Our biggest issue is that we either go mace/axe + Staff or we trade the staff for hammer. (If thats even worth it.) Or add swords in somewhere, for the utility and movement. We lack a strong weapon to syngerize well with mallyx and mace/axe.!
As it currently stands he doesn't offer enough when compared to shiro + Glint, whom have upkeep for might and strong mobility and burst. Nerfing this won't change that fact either because even without might the heal on glint, and the mobility on shiro makes Mallyx and any build involving him seem meh. Mace and Axe could perhaps also use a change here, I personally like those weapons as are but they could use some sprucing in the pvp genre.

I actually think rather than Scepter/Focus we should get something more wacky? Mainly because Revenant likes to turn things on its head (Melee staff support, Ranged hammer.) So What about Main-Hand Focus which claws through the mists to cause suffering to foes with like Offhand Torch or dagger? This would then mean you could use it with Axe or sword; And means that we would be the only/First class to have a off-hand become a main-hand.
  • Focus becomes a powerful ranged condi-weapon in the hands of the Rev
  • Torch could be used to conjure devastating corrupting fire/mist fire?
  • Make it have a projectile skill like trident where you rapid fire mist orbs.
  • Make it have a good amount of AoE
  • Mallyx would benefit from it especially if it applied, chill on its auto and second skill. While its off-hand could cause burning so we get some strong condi because as I said Confusion is not as strong at the moment and the condi on mallyx falls off quick.
  • I feel as though mallyx should have rather than embrace the darkness be turning you into the "Demon" so to speak. You rip open a portal above the enemy and it rains down constant condi-pressure in the name of upkeep? This would benefit directly because it could be cast while you yourself are not necessarily in the fray. You could be on the wall and offering support to allies while you rip this tear open. It could look sorta like Axe second skill; But be more like a constant portal that rains death from above. While also shrouding you in the embrace the darkness we have now so that you have it around you but also elsewhere. Would make you versatile in a fight and could offer some great cleave pressure.

I'm always all for the new weapons for Revenant. It lacks off-hand utility weapons because both OH Axe and OH Sword are 100% offensive.We can find out data about the Dagger for Rev but the idea was scrapped. I think Torch and Focus make the most sense as the theme of Revenant allows it to turn these weapons basically into anything.I'd love a weapon for Invocation. An Off-hand weapon that could change like Trident depending on currently invoked legend.As for Mallyx, yeah - it could really use a different weapon set since Mace is basically the only weapon designed for the legend while Shiro can make a lot more use of Staff, Hammer, Swords, Axe. By the way - Jalis and Hammer are so disconnected that I don't even find this combo interesting. I forced myself to play Jalis+Hammer but that doesn't work for me.Mallyx needs just a bit of love and a weapon that could allow him to shine both offensively and defensively if you want to play Axe OR Utility Off-hand.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:None of the changes would make Mallyx or corruption competitive. I understand you’re against evade, but without evade what does Revenant have? 1 block on staff, 1 on shield, Glint’s invuln and some poor damage reduction in Jalis...that’s...not much. Damage reduction or healing doesn’t matter anyway if you don’t have a consistent way to completely shut damage off (I.e. aegis, evade, etc). Mallyx will never be competitive with Glint or Shiro in its current state, even for condition builds (non-pve), simply because it has 0 way to mitigate damage.

As for stability, sure it should be primarily a retribution/Jalis thing, but personal stability for Mallyx wouldn’t be OP and would be a lore friendly way to fix some of his issues (have you seen Mallyx in the first game? Dude is a hulk).


Unyielding Anguish
Bare minimum give x amount of stability for 2 seconds. Alternatively, if it needs something stronger, give evade for the duration of the leap, but I’d rather they add the evade to echoing eruption instead to make Mace more viable. Could be evade on both if evade on one isn’t enough. Also make a leap finisher.

pain absorption
add 1second stability to cover the cast, much like how they added stab to darkrazor to cover its cast time.


echoing eruption
add evade for 1/2 second


Demonic Defiance
make it work with other legends like how Notoriety works for a reduced amount of resistance. Also potentially make it baseline for Corruption.

Insert Random Might Trait Here
Corruption seriously needs a trait that grants might, especially in pvp, now that might durations are so low and Notoriety isn’t viable for condition/directly punishes condition builds. Could be something like gain X might when you receive a condition or something like that, but regardless it should be strong in combat and provide a fair amount of might, similar to how strong notoriety is.

I like your idea for pulsating pestilence; i think that’s strong and would be a nice way to make Embrace the Darkness stronger in pvp without adding more to it.

Well, I think you are rights about things that prezent Mallyx from being competitive. Current Specialization design forces classes to have as much invulnerability frames as possible - but should it be like this?I don't want to suggest evades, stability or extra blocks when it doesn't make sense for that legend. Giving this stuff just for the sake of making it stronger doesn't sound appealing to me.

Herald offers Might generation for Mallyx outside of Glint. I think people want Mallyx to be a Condi Machine that kills, but at the very beginning this legend wasn't dealing a lot of damage. In fact, Mallyx was kind of support-ish in it's usage.
  • Displacement on UA,
  • Condi transfer on EtD,
  • Boon removal,
  • Resistance,
  • Condi-absorption
  • Heal-off condisTorment was just a Condi that made sense for the legend.

I think old Mallyx is still there and we shouldn't expect this legend to deal huge amount of condi-damage, be invincible with evades and blocks. The Torment aspect is present 100% in PvE, in PvP it's still the above-mentioned + Torment.PvE uses 2/5 Mallyx's skills.

All I'd want is to help Mallyx stay as it, but more viable while still being fairly counterable. Evade and on-cast Stability is very unhealthy. But! Thanks for the ideas and some insight.

@otto.5684 said:I think there needs to be a buff to damage by reducing duration and increasing stacks on multiple skills/traits. Anything else is beating around the bush. Anet has made a boat load of changes, not damage related and the do not work, at all in PvP.

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Roll it back to pre-launch HoT mallyx, the one who kitten all over condi-builds. With as much condi spam in the game now and as much sustain and well boon boots its not hard to have it in that form. That would mean for WvW and PvP it would be the go to for shutting down fire-brands and Scourages which are in some regards still considered a nuisance. So make Mallyx and by proxy condi-rev their direct counter, Give him tools to deal with these two and make him difficult to outright stomp.

Change his utilities, we need one engage that is not clunlky like the leap we have now, something with more useful applications. I would say a charge (Like Greatsword on warrior or bulls rush.) This would give us tools to enable quick get in and get out.!
Change banish enchantment to be more powerful, confusion was king but by itself it kind of is lack luster. It also seems to fall off pretty heavy which is odd considering how torment seems to stack; We also need some condi-duration baked into it baseline. Rev condi falls of quick if not able to apply it readily and most classes can abuse this.!
Change embrace the darkness to be worthwhile, while spaming torment and burning depending on talent choice is strong its not strong enough. Make it when they go into that elite the upkeep is worth investing in.!
Make the heal worthwhile, right now compared to other classes and even rev as a whole mallyx's heal is kinda.. meh?!
We need a baseline condi-ranged weapon. Scepter Focus to me would be a good addition just baseline to the Rev to give it the mid-long range condi weapon it desperatly needs. Kalla is kinda meh and taking renegade or shortbow kind of sucks in PvP and WvW, Giving us a baseline ranged weapon would seem bad to some but it would mean you could see more condi rev's. Our biggest issue is that we either go mace/axe + Staff or we trade the staff for hammer. (If thats even worth it.) Or add swords in somewhere, for the utility and movement. We lack a strong weapon to syngerize well with mallyx and mace/axe.!
As it currently stands he doesn't offer enough when compared to shiro + Glint, whom have upkeep for might and strong mobility and burst. Nerfing this won't change that fact either because even without might the heal on glint, and the mobility on shiro makes Mallyx and any build involving him seem meh. Mace and Axe could perhaps also use a change here, I personally like those weapons as are but they could use some sprucing in the pvp genre.

I actually think rather than Scepter/Focus we should get something more wacky? Mainly because Revenant likes to turn things on its head (Melee staff support, Ranged hammer.) So What about Main-Hand Focus which claws through the mists to cause suffering to foes with like Offhand Torch or dagger? This would then mean you could use it with Axe or sword; And means that we would be the only/First class to have a off-hand become a main-hand.
  • Focus becomes a powerful ranged condi-weapon in the hands of the Rev
  • Torch could be used to conjure devastating corrupting fire/mist fire?
  • Make it have a projectile skill like trident where you rapid fire mist orbs.
  • Make it have a good amount of AoE
  • Mallyx would benefit from it especially if it applied, chill on its auto and second skill. While its off-hand could cause burning so we get some strong condi because as I said Confusion is not as strong at the moment and the condi on mallyx falls off quick.
  • I feel as though mallyx should have rather than embrace the darkness be turning you into the "Demon" so to speak. You rip open a portal above the enemy and it rains down constant condi-pressure in the name of upkeep? This would benefit directly because it could be cast while you yourself are not necessarily in the fray. You could be on the wall and offering support to allies while you rip this tear open. It could look sorta like Axe second skill; But be more like a constant portal that rains death from above. While also shrouding you in the embrace the darkness we have now so that you have it around you but also elsewhere. Would make you versatile in a fight and could offer some great cleave pressure.

I'm always all for the new weapons for Revenant. It lacks off-hand utility weapons because both OH Axe and OH Sword are 100% offensive.We can find out data about the Dagger for Rev but the idea was scrapped. I think Torch and Focus make the most sense as the theme of Revenant allows it to turn these weapons basically into anything.I'd love a weapon for Invocation. An Off-hand weapon that could change like Trident depending on currently invoked legend.As for Mallyx, yeah - it could really use a different weapon set since Mace is basically the only weapon designed for the legend while Shiro can make a lot more use of Staff, Hammer, Swords, Axe. By the way - Jalis and Hammer are so disconnected that I don't even find this combo interesting. I forced myself to play Jalis+Hammer but that doesn't work for me.Mallyx needs just a bit of love and a weapon that could allow him to shine both offensively and defensively if you want to play Axe OR Utility Off-hand.

It also gives us what we lack, a ranged option. I mean camping mace+axe all the time and being trenched in melee is fine but sometimes in some events/encounters ranged is the only option. Which makes it hard for core revenant to stand up on its own two feet; This is my favorite class but I wont lie and say it isn't missing things and im glad others are campaigning to get this class the needed love it deserves. Trident was a good start ~

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I know this thread is about Mallyx, but talking about condi rev as a whole to become PvP viable:

  1. Unnerf most if not all skills and traits torment damage. Overall damage to remain the same. Instead have higher amount of stacks over lower duration.
  2. Mallyx utilities major improvements across the board. Pain Absorption, cost to 25 and cast time 0.25. Banish Enchantment, remove the confusion and instead of removing boons, corrupt boons. Unyielding Anguish, reduce cast time to 0.5 secs.
  3. Mace 2, I have no fucking idea why Anet thought this skill should have double CD in PvP. Like condi rev was remotely viable. It should be 3 sec across the board.
  4. This is major. I think that the Kalla's favor should be removed from the game. Such a stupid concept that makes no sense. To keep renegade condi damage the same, some buffs, primarily to weapons, is in order. Not sure for SB. For axe, reduce the cast time of mace 2 & 3 to 0.5 secs. Possibly increase the damage of mace 3.
  5. Axe 4, make it target location teleport instead, not requiring a target, as a mobility buff.
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@otto.5684 said:I know this thread is about Mallyx, but talking about condi rev as a whole to become PvP viable:

  1. Unnerf most if not all skills and traits torment damage. Overall damage to remain the same. Instead have higher amount of stacks over lower duration.
  2. Mallyx utilities major improvements across the board. Pain Absorption, cost to 25 and cast time 0.25. Banish Enchantment, remove the confusion and instead of removing boons, corrupt boons. Unyielding Anguish, reduce cast time to 0.5 secs.
  3. Mace 2, I have no kitten idea why Anet thought this skill should have double CD in PvP. Like condi rev was remotely viable. It should be 3 sec across the board.
  4. This is major. I think that the Kalla's favor should be removed from the game. Such a stupid concept that makes no sense. To keep renegade condi damage the same, some buffs, primarily to weapons, is in order. Not sure for SB. For axe, reduce the cast time of mace 2 & 3 to 0.5 secs. Possibly increase the damage of mace 3.
  5. Axe 4, make it target location teleport instead, not requiring a target, as a mobility buff.

I agree but we also lack CC and counters to CC, we don't have many defensive's as a condi-rev. Not unless you take Jalis but I feel like Jalis doesn't bring much to the table in pvp or WvW. Kalla is crap all the way around the utilities are trashs, the traits are better suited for a power build which makes me wonder what they were thinking in general as the vulnerability +Boons it supplies really can even without taking kalla as a legend help shiro do some shenanigans. Frankly the power side of Rev is pretty good and you can run either elite spec fine. I feel condi as a whole, comprehensively needs a rework and maybe another legend for core for it to stand up.

  • We need CC and Defensives, outside of just resistance and like I said I don't feel jalis brings enough in that regard as he is hard to pull off in pvp.
  • More mobility
  • More conditions outside of Torment, being limited to torment with liberal burning/confusion is not a great thing.
  • Mallyx on his own should corrupt boons passively, and feast on conditions growing stronger even without being in that stance.
  • Larger AoE
  • A baseline Ranged condi Weapon.
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