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Team Ranked Games is Unhealthy.

Crab Fear.1624

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Allowing teams in ranked would be unfair because those teams could balance out their composition to work well and complement each other’s roles better than a pugs. They could communicate with voice comms and make faster decisions and using this they can also guide a team mate who is struggling to make the correct decision with positive constructive criticism. This is especially unfair because they can adjust a weaker players actions without hurting their feelings. They will all be on the same page, working in unison towards the same goal. They can let team mates know that something went wrong and work is on its way mid or wherever. No one would quit on this team against the hardest challenge or against the best players because you never know, this coordination might be able to trump skill if the difference is not as great as believed. That would be really bad if the best players lost to a team. That team would think they were good, een though in reality they were just carried by the team. Shaking my fucking head, the team carried the team. Teams are only for ATs, because a team based game mode is best played solo and bitterly while complaining about your bots for team mates and wondering why they are throwing or giving up against Baruto and Hellburger Helper. Playing with more than 1 friend at a time is actually unhealthy for the game, and those types will just manipulate the leaderboard. Go to unranked because you can’t work towards any nice pvp items or loot there, but you get your precious teams. This isn’t an MMORPG fool. This is an ISORPG (I solo or role play game). Playing well with others and making group decisions is not a skill idiot. That is match manipulation. I don’t care if you don’t have a schedule that doesn’t allow you to participate in the tourneys that the game has for you. Why does it have to be ranked? Is it because you earn more gold and rewards for participation? I mean, like, who the hell cares about loot if you care about pvp? The answer is no. No, not maybe, no. Don’t try to ruin my fun. When I get off work I just want to play with myself.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:Allowing teams in ranked would be unfair because those teams could balance out their composition to work well and complement each other’s roles better than a pugs. They could communicate with voice comms and make faster decisions and using this they can also guide a team mate who is struggling to make the correct decision with positive constructive criticism. This is especially unfair because they can adjust a weaker players actions without hurting their feelings. They will all be on the same page, working in unison towards the same goal. They can let team mates know that something went wrong and work is on its way mid or wherever. No one would quit on this team against the hardest challenge or against the best players because you never know, this coordination might be able to trump skill if the difference is not as great as believed. That would be really bad if the best players lost to a team. That team would think they were good, een though in reality they were just carried by the team. Shaking my kitten head, the team carried the team. Teams are only for ATs, because a team based game mode is best played solo and bitterly while complaining about your bots for team mates and wondering why they are throwing or giving up against Baruto and Hellburger Helper. Playing with more than 1 friend at a time is actually unhealthy for the game, and those types will just manipulate the leaderboard. Go to unranked because you can’t work towards any nice pvp items or loot there, but you get your precious teams. This isn’t an MMORPG fool. This is an ISORPG (I solo or role play game). Playing well with others and making group decisions is not a skill idiot. That is match manipulation. I don’t care if you don’t have a schedule that doesn’t allow you to participate in the tourneys that the game has for you. Why does it have to be ranked? Is it because you earn more gold and rewards for participation? I mean, like, who the hell cares about loot if you care about pvp? The answer is no. No, not maybe, no. Don’t try to ruin my fun. When I get off work I just want to play with myself.


Mind the poe's law\10, top marks.

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