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WvW Core Swap Special Event


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Useless and... waste of time, but well it’s the type of usefulness results from what I am usually `expecting from Anet...

So kinda congrats on maintaining the useless crap alive and constant.

Lol gw2 classes werent prepared for this off problems of very broken stuff happen...

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cant remember if my client did even download anything for the event. i mean if such events could be activated by anet on the fly without us need to logout such events could be interesting in the future. like you get an message ingame suddenly „core skill event until end of day“ or for 2-3 days or so and the event last until the time is over. as long there is no event spam could be cool to have several hours something special from time to time without the need to let it last for a whole week. same goes with wxp buffs which could be rewarded for completing

or the old gw1 „favor of the gods“ could be brought back in form of every action in wvw works towards the favor of the gods like with every keep you conquer, etc you get closer to the favor of the gods which when reached activate some favor for some time.

grenth says „no downstate next 2 hours“balthasar says „200% damage increase for half an hour“dwayna says „50% heal increase for 1 hour“melandru says „75% damage reduction for 1 hour“kormir says „200% wxp and 50% reward track until end of the day“lyssa says „3 dodges instead of 2 for 2 hours“

could be different events from different gods all the time, the duration of the event must be designed in dependancy of the effort players need to do until one event activates. like if the favor of the gods need one week to activate in general, event should at least last for like 3 days etc.

so make events an automate process which activate after players have done enough activity inside a matchup.


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@coro.3176 said:I haven't been able to take advantage of it at all. Engineer needs its utility skills too badly to be able to put them on long cooldowns after using another class' skills. Being locked out of kits is a death sentence on my build.

I tried it for 5 minutes, realized it puts your normal utilities on cooldown, then haven't touched it since.

That's how I feel playing Revenant too. Energy and legend swapping feel nearly pointless with an orb equipped. And then unequipping the orb and seeing a 30 second cooldown on Riposting Shadows...yeah, no thank you. I guess it wouldn't be as bad on Renegade since you have more F skills, but to me it feels like the orbs take away the very class mechanic of Revenant. It feels very poorly implemented for the class.

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Core swap is fine...i guess

If only i could choose when to swap the core instead of picking it up immediatly. At least to have some "decisions" to make instead of being left hanging when you need to equip the guard core but all you got is a ranger one because he died to close to you.

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