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how does Reward Track progression work?


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I was under the assumption that all actions that help your team would reward progression. But I did a test I had a slight bit I needed to get the final reward on the track, and it took over and hour to get that final millimeter to get the reward.

I was trebbing SMC and destroying walls, repairing walls and stuff like that. But that didnt seem to move the bar. I stopped and attacked some neutral NPCs and it quickly moved it. Not sure why that happened or how it works. Decided to ask here

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@"Knighthonor.4061" said:I was under the assumption that all actions that help your team would reward progression. But I did a test I had a slight bit I needed to get the final reward on the track, and it took over and hour to get that final millimeter to get the reward.

I was trebbing SMC and destroying walls, repairing walls and stuff like that. But that didnt seem to move the bar. I stopped and attacked some neutral NPCs and it quickly moved it. Not sure why that happened or how it works. Decided to ask here

The wiki covers it pretty thoroughly:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track

In brief:

  • You only progress your reward track if your participation is Tier 3 or above.
  • Most actions helpful to your team add to participation; each tick of idle time reduces it.
  • Many actions are better suited towards delaying or halting reduction; only some actions are meaningful in adding substantial progress.

The likely situation is that you were at T2 participation the entire time and your actions were just maintaining your level. In theory, that last little bit could have taken 20 hours or 5 minutes, with the difference being which actions you chose.

Generally speaking, if you can flip enemy camps often, you'll max your participation soon enough and can maintain it by doing less useful-for-the team actions, like trebbing SMC or repairing walls.(It's not the only way, of course; it's just one suited well for solo play.)

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