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Signet of Illusions broken for Chrono?


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I know that F4 specifically says: "This skill's recharge cannot be reset by other mesmer skills" but the new F1-F3 doesn't say anything... yet Signet of Illusions does nothing when you use it on chrono... Did I miss something in the patch notes or is it a bug?

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Just tested this on the golem. Yes, it seems that the Signet of Illusions active is currently not working with ANY of the chrono shatters.

Probably an oversight when creating the new shatters and forgetting to add them to the skills which are affected by Signat of Illusions. Very likely a bug.

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It’s things like this that really reinforce the notion that ANet doesn’t play Mesmer so the changes they make they don’t understand the downstream impact.

And this is the biggest problem I have with how they make changes. As someone who is part of a product management team, whenever we propose changes to our software we have to fully dive into what/where those changes impact. I’ve been managing teams in software development for 12 years and one glaring thing that’s overt is that ANets management team from top down has no sense of direction and egos larger than this game.

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@phokus.8934 said:It’s things like this that really reinforce the notion that ANet doesn’t play Mesmer so the changes they make they don’t understand the downstream impact.

And this is the biggest problem I have with how they make changes. As someone who is part of a product management team, whenever we propose changes to our software we have to fully dive into what/where those changes impact. I’ve been managing teams in software development for 12 years and one glaring thing that’s overt is that ANets management team from top down has no sense of direction and egos larger than this game.

im not an expert but logical thing to do when changing fundamentaly how one ability works would warrant taking into account every single interaction with the ability, but i guess they just said f it change it whatever, see ya in 4months lads. Mb it will be fixed by then.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@phokus.8934 said:It’s things like this that really reinforce the notion that ANet doesn’t play Mesmer so the changes they make they don’t understand the downstream impact.

And this is the biggest problem I have with how they make changes. As someone who is part of a product management team, whenever we propose changes to our software we have to fully dive into what/where those changes impact. I’ve been managing teams in software development for 12 years and one glaring thing that’s overt is that ANets management team from top down has no sense of direction and egos larger than this game.

im not an expert but logical thing to do when changing fundamentaly how one ability works would warrant taking into account every single interaction with the ability, but i guess they just said f it change it whatever, see ya in 4months lads. Mb it will be fixed by then.

While I agree with the general sentiment, this particular case is likely less attributable to bad management direction and more attributable to why you don't hard-code. Signet of Illusions likely has a hard-coded list valid skills instead of just being applied to the class 'shatters', or something like that. When they made the new Chrono shatters, they gave them the shatter class but forgot to go in and change all the hard-coded links that also exist.

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@"phokus.8934" said:It’s things like this that really reinforce the notion that ANet doesn’t play Mesmer so the changes they make they don’t understand the downstream impact.

And this is the biggest problem I have with how they make changes. As someone who is part of a product management team, whenever we propose changes to our software we have to fully dive into what/where those changes impact. I’ve been managing teams in software development for 12 years and one glaring thing that’s overt is that ANets management team from top down has no sense of direction and egos larger than this game.

Heheh, want to see another bug? They really don't test. Go on chrono and mount. Open your hero panel and look at the skills. they show the core ones, not the chrono, until you dismount. it's a very hard slap in the face! WHERE ARE THE REGRESSION TESTS!?!?!?! (software engineer for almost 20years)


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@YtseJam.9784 said:

@"phokus.8934" said:It’s things like this that really reinforce the notion that ANet doesn’t play Mesmer so the changes they make they don’t understand the downstream impact.

And this is the biggest problem I have with how they make changes. As someone who is part of a product management team, whenever we propose changes to our software we have to fully dive into what/where those changes impact. I’ve been managing teams in software development for 12 years and one glaring thing that’s overt is that ANets management team from top down has no sense of direction and egos larger than this game.

Heheh, want to see another bug? They really don't test. Go on chrono and mount. Open your hero panel and look at the skills. they show the core ones, not the chrono, until you dismount. it's a very hard slap in the face! WHERE ARE THE REGRESSION TESTS!?!?!?! (software engineer for almost 20years)

It's comically sad actually.

Let's not forget this bug for Chrono where CSplit doesn't activate until your clone(s) shatter.

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@Documental.5946 said:I remember the days when Anet was accused of 'Mesmer' being it's only child. They'd never do anything to hurt their baby. Wasn't that long ago actually...

Guess they decided to main warrior and ranger instead ehh boys?The only spec that dodge all bullets is holo. All HoT specs were gutted, except revenant, herald is still alive and not as bad as others but renegod isnt strong as other PoF specs.If anything their beloved classes are : FB/scourge and especially holo(hadnt got any nerfs this year at all).

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@Teefy.5016 said:how the actual $#! did this get past QA. this should be the first thing a tester tries out. amateurs.

I'm 100000000000000% sure they never test anything before release. Look at the amount of game-breaking bugs they produce every single patch. Thief got some traits baseline. Ele traits were messed too. MoD/SoL doesnt work with new shatters, CS doesnt work how it should, now clones should shatter first . Sanctuary runes, some other runes.

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Interestingly this is not the first time they replaced a skill and "forgot" about traits/skills associated with it.

There was a time when thief's swipe would not have worked on pretty much every trait on steal. It was a dark time but it eventually got fixed. I'm expecting similar process for chrono shatters and whatever poor souls they're working to replace next.

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@"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:Interestingly this is not the first time they replaced a skill and "forgot" about traits/skills associated with it.

There was a time when thief's swipe would not have worked on pretty much every trait on steal. It was a dark time but it eventually got fixed. I'm expecting similar process for chrono shatters and whatever poor souls they're working to replace next.

patch notes : changed mirage cloak to Mirage Cloak. Mirage Cloak no longer works with mirage cloak traits. see you in 4months. /s

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@Teefy.5016 said:how the actual $#! did this get past QA. this should be the first thing a tester tries out. amateurs.

what QA? I wished ANET had a test server like other games do in which big class breaking changes like this could be tested by players and get some feedback before they go make every chrono in the game rage quit.

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