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Can we have an official response please?


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@Carighan.6758 said:That's because the spec isn't actually about clones. Yes there is IH, but it's so weak that you wouldn't pick it for top DPS. It's an issue with the base class. Mesmer has too many mechanics directly opposing one another, a problem they share with kits-vs-everything-else on Engineers.

Forgive my ignorance but what are the issues with the base class ? Honest question, I don't think I know enough about it to guess.

It's a profession I always wanted to play, but I am not fond of the idea that I have to play Chrono if I want to do Fractals/Raids using the LFG tool (because people will probably kick Mirage for not being as useful as Chrono, and not doing enough DPS to compensate).And I feel like Mirage lacks something AoE related, but that may just be me not playing it well, and since there are lots of packs in -for instance- open world and fractals, it feels a bit painful to play it.

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Consider for a moment, just a moment, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over.

Then maybe they should've done it better, instead of throwing together a terrible mish-mash of bad mechanics, like asking us to spend our dodges on offense, or to walk over and touch things in GW2's positioning-and-mobility based combat, with barely any reward even if you manage to do so? Adding to that the fact that Mesmer illusions are fundamentally a terrible mechanic that has been allowed to languish in the same clunky and self-contradictory state it was in five years ago?

Response? There won't be one. By which I mean, neither a developer statement, nor a substantive treatment of Mirage's issues. We are stuck with this trash forever, mark my words.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Beautilation.7915 said:Clearly there needs to be some rework done to Mirage, is this being looked into?

I don't think complaints on this forum are indicative of anything being necessary, and as far as I can tell Mirage is pretty balanced. I'd like to see ambush traits tweaked, but I don't think it's necessary.

balanced for what game mode ?in pve mirage is lowest condi dps lacking of any meaningful utility or aoe while axe has stupid shorter melee range and rng for axe . pretty much useless for anything other than matt or open world pve . you can check qt post on reddit or try it yourself in raid before you randomly claim its balanced .

in pvp , mirage isnt going to fool any decent players , not enough sustain or not enough dmg . clone build doesnt work there too , shatter build suffer same problem as core mesmer . power mirage sword has bug and gs ambush is a cruel joke .

in wvw , for large scale fight , mirage is trash you dont have to run any test to know that . for small group , mirage doesn't have 25% speed passive .the elite range is a cold joke .mirage will still die to condi easily unless you take inspiration line which reduce your dmg output a lot .and unlike chrono , mirage can't spam shatter that often .funny how anet balanced (heavy nerfed )entire inspiration around chrono . now we have the problem that any other mes elite wont be able survive condition bombs without heavily reducing dmg .

you don't just claim something is balanced based on your random imagination .you have to compare its power level to other class , for that mirage is bottom tier .or consider its power level related to content (raid ,fractal ), then you can easily figure that lacking of aoe and long rum up time are simply bad for those content .or you can think of its design choice ,mirror is bad design in most people views for reasons . rng teleport is bad design ,clone from axe2 replace your phant is just insulting ,utilities that don't make sense like long casting time on an offensive teleport , long cd dodge back that requires you run back for its full effect or a skill that simply does a fix all core mes needs but anet sells that as elite spec special thing anyway .

mirage needs rework for many skills . but thats anet so at least they can buff numbers , fix bugs and reduce many casting time on axe skills and teleport .its far from balanced .

oh and don't start saying that everything is op since hot and everything needs to be nerfed so mirage is balanced crap when mes is the only class thats left far behind .engi isn't much better , but they have unique buff + good aoe + vuln stack (new pof spec lack vuln stack), power holo has really good cc , while condi engi cc is also good .

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@Ojimaru.8970 said:Consider for a moment, just a moment, that you've spent two years working on a project. Just as you complete it, your stakeholders scream in your face, tell you to throw everything out and start over. Oh, and they want a perfect, well-packaged product in four weeks. How would you respond?

Pretty sure they didn't work on this for 2 years lol. I'll give them 6 months at best with about 50 hours dedicated on Mirage considering there were 8 other classes, new zones, new story, and dungeons to develop also.

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@musu.9205 said:balanced for what game mode ?

All of them.

PvP: Mirage makes power shatter fun and good again with Self-Deception being an increase to clone generation speed that doesn't compete with traits like ineptitude or superiority complex, and a host of new positioning tools. I'm told that it also makes for good condi builds in PvP, though I've had less personal success with those.

WvW: Mirage is actually faster than chrono at traversing the map even without the 25% speed, because it's got another mobility tool almost as good as blink (and able to cover a lot more distance per second of cooldown than blink) with Mirage Thrust. In addition to that, the above PvP notes obviously apply for roaming builds. It doesn't bring as much to a zerg as a chrono, but that's fine.

PvE: Current estimates of dps with mirage put it at higher than past mesmer dps builds, and in line with everything except the obvious upcoming nerfs such as the 50k weaver.

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@Vahn.9351 said:Forgive my ignorance but what are the issues with the base class ? Honest question, I don't think I know enough about it to guess.

It's a profession I always wanted to play, but I am not fond of the idea that I have to play Chrono if I want to do Fractals/Raids using the LFG tool (because people will probably kick Mirage for not being as useful as Chrono, and not doing enough DPS to compensate).And I feel like Mirage lacks something AoE related, but that may just be me not playing it well, and since there are lots of packs in -for instance- open world and fractals, it feels a bit painful to play it.

Mesmer's core issues are:

  • Too much of our sustained PvE damage relies on phantasms. Phantasms deal a lot more damage than clones, and they're more durable, but there are fewer ways to summon them. Good long-term Mesmer DPS requires keeping three high-damage phantasms alive at all times, which means that you want to avoid using your shatter skills as much as possible (because using a shatter would destroy all your phantasms for a really short-term benefit). Chronomancer gets away with using one of its shatters because it has a trait that will resummon each phantasm once if it's shattered, but that's all. But in PvP and WvW, phantasms have a very different role. They're unlikely to survive for a long time, so you're more likely to summon them for a specific attack or two, then shatter them for some burst damage. I'd argue that phantasms work as intended in PvP and WvW, and the unique situation of long PvE boss fights leads to them having an inflated level of importance there.
  • We don't have enough damage on our weapon skills. Phantasms come with another issue: because they do a lot of damage, comparatively, Mesmer weapon skills don't do as much damage as many other professions' weapon skills. A Mesmer without phantasms deals really low damage. That puts even more importance on keeping up three phantasms for sustained DPS: losing them is a huge DPS loss. And because phantasms can be killed, that means sometimes we lose phantasms for reasons that are entirely outside of our control. This makes our damage unreliable. Again, this is fine in PvP/WvW--Mesmer damage is very good there, and phantasms have a useful place but aren't the entire focus of what we do. And in open world PvE, this is also fine, for exactly the same reason. But in fractals and raids, especially in boss fights, it chains us completely to our phantasms.
  • We have really good burst damage against low health targets--and this includes in PvP and WvW. This obviously isn't an issue in and of itself (it is, in fact, one of our strengths), but it combines with the above issues to create some serious balance challenges. ArenaNet are famously reluctant to split PvE and PvP balance to any significant degree. So how do you increase Mesmer's sustained DPS without also over-buffing our burst?
  • We bring fairly limited PvE support outside of Chronomancer. There are some useful utility skills for things like projectile reflection, and we're good at sharing boons if we build for it (but Chronomancer is much better). We're good at taking out enemy break bars (again, Chronomancer is much better), but that's not all that exclusive a niche. It's hard to see what a DPS-spec Mesmer offers a group compared to most other professions.

Most of these issues have been true since launch. I should know: I've been playing Mesmer as my main profession ever since then. (The last one wasn't strictly true at launch--at the time, some aspects of Mesmer support were much more unique than they are now.) ArenaNet have tried a few band-aid fixes, like that Chronomancer trait that resummons each phantasm once when they're shattered, but none of them have really addressed the core issue.

And then outside of core Mesmer, we have another issue: Chronomancer is, and I hate to say this, way too good. Just unbelievably good. So good that it's practically mandatory that you bring two of them for every ten-player raid. In return, Chronomancer does a miniscule amount of DPS. But if ArenaNet nerfed Chronomancer in a way that would enable other specs to compete for its position, Mesmer ends up with no real place in raids, because it's really hard to increase Mesmer DPS while sticking to the design philosophies that are unlikely to change (namely, the importance of phantasms and the refusal to significantly split PvE and PvP balance). That would suck--just ask any Necromancer how it feels not to have a place.

ArenaNet's in a very difficult position with Mesmer and I think eventually something's going to have to give.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@musu.9205 said:balanced for what game mode ?

All of them.

PvP: Mirage makes power shatter fun and good again with Self-Deception being an increase to clone generation speed that doesn't compete with traits like ineptitude or superiority complex, and a host of new positioning tools. I'm told that it also makes for good condi builds in PvP, though I've had less personal success with those.

WvW: Mirage is actually faster than chrono at traversing the map even without the 25% speed, because it's got another mobility tool almost as good as blink (and able to cover a lot more distance per second of cooldown than blink) with Mirage Thrust. In addition to that, the above PvP notes obviously apply for roaming builds. It doesn't bring as much to a zerg as a chrono, but that's fine.

PvE: Current estimates of dps with mirage put it at higher than past mesmer dps builds, and in line with everything except the obvious upcoming nerfs such as the 50k weaver.

your reply are

  1. in pvp you are told condi mirage is good ?lol check metabattle or other top mes player video maybe they will give you better idea . and power shatter or power interrupt build suffer from low sustain and low sustain dmg while you cant interrupt much with current meta everyone has high stability uptime or passive stunbreak .i made power build from mirage myself and did test from beta to actual pof , i know its fun. but it's weaker for many reasons , in short it would never be any form of meta in its current state .

  2. you guys should learn to read tooltip before saying 60s cd elite slot is better than blink . it is not 20s . and where is your sustain against condi bomb in wvw ? and if you really want to say wasting your dodge for sword ambush is a thing , condi chrono has staff which is far better than that sword ambush .and nope you are not going to use staff + sword for a power mirage build in wvw and get any kill .

  3. in pve , clearly you were not bothered to check the very post i mentioned here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/74b1ik/qt_path_of_fire_builds_and_benchmarks/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=Guildwars2check it yourself ,also check qt web see what boss condi mirage is useful .only carin and matt , same as old condi mes . in the end it changed nothing for mes.beside that op weave staff on big hitbox , every single condi build does more than condi mirage including condi engi since they have unique buff and vuln stack while mirage suffers much more problems. and other condi spec usually offer more utilities and aoe . its not just about numbers bbut in mirage case , it has bad numbers on top of incapable doing aoe or good cc.you can say other class and every other elite are op and needs nerf , truth is only mes got left behind . guess which one needs more balance attention ?

you have no clue what you were talking about and just say mirage is balanced , and you did not address the design issue i mentioned , like rng teleport , there is zero excuse to pretend that thing is balanced or well designed lol .

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@musu.9205 said:your reply are

  1. in pvp you are told condi mirage is good ?lol check metabattle or other top mes player video maybe they will give you better idea . and power shatter or power interrupt build suffer from low sustain and low sustain dmg while you cant interrupt much with current meta everyone has high stability uptime or passive stunbreak .i made power build from mirage myself and did test from beta to actual pof , i know its fun. but it's weaker for many reasons , in short it would never be any form of meta in its current state .

Metabattle doesn't have rated mirage builds yet, except for one, which is condition. Did you check metabattle? Mirage Thrust+IH is actually the perfect tool for dealing with stability uptime, as you can eat through their stacks of it. In addition to positioning all your clones next to the enemy while giving you 1 second of evasion. It's a lot of fun and very effective in PvP. With the increased mobility from sword ambush you can get in and out of fights shattering as you please.

  1. you guys should learn to read tooltip before saying 60s cd elite slot is better than blink . it is not 20s . and where is your sustain against condi bomb in wvw ? and if you really want to say wasting your dodge for sword ambush is a thing , condi chrono has staff which is far better than that sword ambush .and nope you are not going to use staff + sword for a power mirage build in wvw and get any kill .

You should really learn to read what I wrote before saying I was talking about jaunt. I actually said the name of the skill I was talking about. (It's sword ambush) And yeah, if you're roaming between goals in WvW or need to escape, sword ambush is great.

  1. in pve , clearly you were not bothered to check the very post i mentioned here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/74b1ik/qt_path_of_fire_builds_and_benchmarks/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=Guildwars2check it yourself ,also check qt web see what boss condi mirage is useful .only carin and matt , same as old condi mes . in the end it changed nothing for mes.beside that op weave staff on big hitbox , every single condi build does more than condi mirage including condi engi since they have unique buff and vuln stack while mirage suffers much more problems. and other condi spec usually offer more utilities and aoe . its not just about numbers bbut in mirage case , it has bad numbers on top of incapable doing aoe or good cc.you can say other class and every other elite are op and needs nerf , truth is only mes got left behind . guess which one needs more balance attention ?

You should read up on the discussion in this very forum. Golem Benchmarks are nice, but not particularly relevant to balance discussions.

you have no clue what you were talking about and just say mirage is balanced , and you did not address the design issue i mentioned , like rng teleport , there is zero excuse to pretend that thing is balanced or well designed lol .

To be honest, I have no clue what you're talking about half of the time. It's like we're playing completely different games and writing in completely different languages.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@musu.9205 said:your reply are
  1. in pvp you are told condi mirage is good ?lol check metabattle or other top mes player video maybe they will give you better idea . and power shatter or power interrupt build suffer from low sustain and low sustain dmg while you cant interrupt much with current meta everyone has high stability uptime or passive stunbreak .i made power build from mirage myself and did test from beta to actual pof , i know its fun. but it's weaker for many reasons , in short it would never be any form of meta in its current state .

Metabattle doesn't have rated mirage builds yet, except for one, which is condition. Did you check metabattle? Mirage Thrust+IH is actually the perfect tool for dealing with stability uptime, as you can eat through their stacks of it. In addition to positioning all your clones next to the enemy while giving you 1 second of evasion. It's a lot of fun and very effective in PvP. With the increased mobility from sword ambush you can get in and out of fights shattering as you please.
  1. you guys should learn to read tooltip before saying 60s cd elite slot is better than blink . it is not 20s . and where is your sustain against condi bomb in wvw ? and if you really want to say wasting your dodge for sword ambush is a thing , condi chrono has staff which is far better than that sword ambush .and nope you are not going to use staff + sword for a power mirage build in wvw and get any kill .

You should really learn to read what I wrote before saying I was talking about jaunt. I actually said the name of the skill I was talking about. (It's sword ambush) And yeah, if you're roaming between goals in WvW or need to escape, sword ambush is great.
  1. in pve , clearly you were not bothered to check the very post i mentioned here is the link
    check it yourself ,also check qt web see what boss condi mirage is useful .only carin and matt , same as old condi mes . in the end it changed nothing for mes.beside that op weave staff on big hitbox , every single condi build does more than condi mirage including condi engi since they have unique buff and vuln stack while mirage suffers much more problems. and other condi spec usually offer more utilities and aoe . its not just about numbers bbut in mirage case , it has bad numbers on top of incapable doing aoe or good cc.you can say other class and every other elite are op and needs nerf , truth is only mes got left behind . guess which one needs more balance attention ?

You should read up on the discussion in this very forum. Golem Benchmarks are nice, but not particularly relevant to balance discussions.

you have no clue what you were talking about and just say mirage is balanced , and you did not address the design issue i mentioned , like rng teleport , there is zero excuse to pretend that thing is balanced or well designed lol .

To be honest, I have no clue what you're talking about half of the time. It's like we're playing completely different games and writing in completely different languages.
  1. metabbattle has two mirage builds . people did give them score , both are not great . you might want to check again .
  2. comparing to sword ambush , you can just use staff2 on condi chrono which is better . but anyway you claim its faster than chrono /
  3. yeah you should read more than that simple line , other condi builds bring more on table while mirage dps is lower and bring nothing therefore they are only good for 2 bosses .again check qt web and see it youself . coz mirage has more problem than dps being bad . have you ever tried mirage in raid yet ? i did . it is not good in any way for any bosses other than matt . for carin you will have hard time to keep in melee range .and without mirage axe aa you are not much better than core condi mes . and yet all you saw is mirage is a dps increase from core mes without understanding where the dps increase comes from .

tbh , we dont really need to argue about pve and pvp , its quite obvious that no group will ever takes mirage over anyother dps dealer unless its matt .and no one will use mirage in AT and win tournament .unless the needed buff and rework happens .you can believe what you want .

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Beautilation.7915 said:Clearly there needs to be some rework done to Mirage, is this being looked into?

I don't think complaints on this forum are indicative of anything being necessary, and as far as I can tell Mirage is pretty balanced. I'd like to see ambush traits tweaked, but I don't think it's necessary.

Primary we're not talkin about balance, we're talkin about bugs. If u didn't realize those bug exist, im not giving much about ur balance opinion, because u'r talkin about whole Mirage mate. Where is the balance in beeing unable to hit something with staff ambush for example.Dont u wonder what happens with ur staff ambushes? Don't u wonder where u are after axe 3?

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Beautilation.7915 said:Clearly there needs to be some rework done to Mirage, is this being looked into?

I don't think complaints on this forum are indicative of anything being necessary, and as far as I can tell Mirage is pretty balanced. I'd like to see ambush traits tweaked, but I don't think it's necessary.

Primary we're not talkin about balance, we're talkin about bugs. If u didn't realize those bug exist, im not giving much about ur balance opinion, because u'r talkin about whole Mirage mate. Where is the balance in beeing unable to hit something with staff ambush for example.Dont u wonder what happens with ur staff ambushes? Don't u wonder where u are after axe 3?

There are some people talking about bugs, and I'm all for bug fixes. But as far as I can tell the discussion is overwhelmingly hyperbole posted by people with unreasonable expectations of what mirage should have done for the mesmer class.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:

@Beautilation.7915 said:Clearly there needs to be some rework done to Mirage, is this being looked into?

I don't think complaints on this forum are indicative of anything being necessary, and as far as I can tell Mirage is pretty balanced. I'd like to see ambush traits tweaked, but I don't think it's necessary.

Primary we're not talkin about balance, we're talkin about bugs. If u didn't realize those bug exist, im not giving much about ur balance opinion, because u'r talkin about whole Mirage mate. Where is the balance in beeing unable to hit something with staff ambush for example.Dont u wonder what happens with ur staff ambushes? Don't u wonder where u are after axe 3?

There are some people talking about bugs, and I'm all for bug fixes. But as far as I can tell the discussion is overwhelmingly hyperbole posted by people with unreasonable expectations of what mirage should have done for the mesmer class.

Then we're probably on the same thinking lvl. While i have to admit that on several things i'd like to see some buffs too."Gain 1,5 protection after mirage cloak ends"- Basically this is my biggest issue on Mirage, balance-wise.Add a heal or a barrier too it. Doesn't need to be 1k heal or something, but at least a little bit, maybe with good healing power scaling. I'd say its not too much asked.

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@atlashugged.7642 said:

@musu.9205 said:balanced for what game mode ?

All of them.

PvP: Mirage makes power shatter fun and good again with Self-Deception being an increase to clone generation speed that doesn't compete with traits like ineptitude or superiority complex, and a host of new positioning tools. I'm told that it also makes for good condi builds in PvP, though I've had less personal success with those.

WvW: Mirage is actually faster than chrono at traversing the map even without the 25% speed, because it's got another mobility tool almost as good as blink (and able to cover a lot more distance per second of cooldown than blink) with Mirage Thrust. In addition to that, the above PvP notes obviously apply for roaming builds. It doesn't bring as much to a zerg as a chrono, but that's fine.

PvE: Current estimates of dps with mirage put it at higher than past mesmer dps builds, and in line with everything except the obvious upcoming nerfs such as the 50k weaver.

You don't know what you're talking about, not even remotely. 4k DPS below with zero utility to soulbeast, renegade, firebrand, and scourge is not "in line". Time to refresh on your arithmetic.

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@Zenith.7301 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:

@musu.9205 said:balanced for what game mode ?

All of them.

PvP: Mirage makes power shatter fun and good again with Self-Deception being an increase to clone generation speed that doesn't compete with traits like ineptitude or superiority complex, and a host of new positioning tools. I'm told that it also makes for good condi builds in PvP, though I've had less personal success with those.

WvW: Mirage is actually faster than chrono at traversing the map even without the 25% speed, because it's got another mobility tool almost as good as blink (and able to cover a lot more distance per second of cooldown than blink) with Mirage Thrust. In addition to that, the above PvP notes obviously apply for roaming builds. It doesn't bring as much to a zerg as a chrono, but that's fine.

PvE: Current estimates of dps with mirage put it at higher than past mesmer dps builds, and in line with everything except the obvious upcoming nerfs such as the 50k weaver.

You don't know what you're talking about, not even remotely. 4k DPS below with zero utility to soulbeast, renegade, firebrand, and scourge is not "in line". Time to refresh on your arithmetic.

So during the AMA today, they confirmed that Scourge was bugged and hitting too many times on F-skills, so they'll be coming back down to earth. Firebrand was mentioned as needing to be revisited to look at group scaling condi damage specifically. That leaves Weaver, Renegade and Soulbeast about 10-15% higher than everything else in the game. Outside of those specs, Mirage is pretty much in line with where the Pre-PoF specs were performing.

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Sorry.. but now you are just complaining for the sake of complaining..Mesmers are the #1 looked after classes for group content (Chronomancer) and you now also have a viable dps option, who's dps is over 34k.. You have an almost permanent evade build for PvP and Open World. And it is fun as hell to play. Seriously, what and why are you complaining...

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@Skuzz.6580 said:Sorry.. but now you are just complaining for the sake of complaining..Mesmers are the #1 looked after classes for group content (Chronomancer) and you now also have a viable dps option, who's dps is over 34k.. You have an almost permanent evade build for PvP and Open World. And it is fun as hell to play. Seriously, what and why are you complaining...

bugs + underwhelming traits.

im gonna repeat myself.

Staff ambushaxe 3axe 21,5 sec protection every 10 seconds is a master trait.riddle of sand + infinite horizon no synergy.axe ambush on clones does not trigger axe trait, usual clone attacks do trigger axe trait.Staff AmbushDune cloak tooltip is simply WRONGStaff Ambush...

...Staff Ambush?

Just because Mirage players can play arround those things, and still be good players, we still need those things changed.Right now every Mirage Player has to play with a handicap. U could say ; see if those things are changed Mirage is OP.

So my answer would be a overall small nerf to some things, but mechanics need to stay.

For example: adding a heal or a barrier to mirrage mantle trait- if it turns out beeing too strong , lower the heal, but keep the mechanic.If riddle of sand - IH synergizing is too strong, lower confusion stacks of Riddle to 1 and make it double if u shattered in the last 5 seconds.

There are plenty of ways to fix Mirage for the mirage Player, without geting hate from the Mirage's Opponents.

If u follow my other threads, u will notice that i have plenty of good results with Mirrage in WvW or PvP for example, simply because i play arround those things.I'd never touch axe , cause its unplayable.I'd raarely use staff Ambush overall, cause its unable to hit.etc pp.

You should not play arround ur own character...

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@Skuzz.6580 said:Sorry.. but now you are just complaining for the sake of complaining..Mesmers are the #1 looked after classes for group content (Chronomancer) and you now also have a viable dps option, who's dps is over 34k.. You have an almost permanent evade build for PvP and Open World. And it is fun as hell to play. Seriously, what and why are you complaining...

Obviously you have never played Mesmer.

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After AMA , the clear answer is nopeI'm certain , mirage wont get major fix or buff .as for anyone who is still delusional ,they clearly said they will buff weave sword dmg , out of all things lol

so mirage will be trash forever .wait for next mmo .

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Seriously i can't believe that.Why would you release things like current Dune Cloak tooltip?

They clearly tried reacting to our screams Pre PoF Launch, so they buffed Dune Cloak, but NEVER mentioned it and NEVER changed the Tooltip.Folks think it's 2 stacks of bleed for 6 seconds, while it's 3 for 4 seconds.

This is just unprofessional. Bugs are ok, but this is just "working while beeing asleep".

Now day after day i look at patch notes, waiting for the major Mirage BUG - fix, and it's not coming.Is the whole Mirage treated as "work while beeing asleep" right now ?

And yeah then ; gain 1,5 sec protection when mirage cloak ends.

Holy i cant stop quoting that trait, yet im still using it ...Why? Axe 2 and 3 are bugged so i cant use Axe. Distorted is only "good" with domination, because it's solo effect is unreliable in PvP/WvW. Im playing condi so i have no place for Domi (Either illu+Chaos, or Illu+Duel, some even use illu+Insp)

So right now im pretty much FORCED to play a trait which i HATE, cause it's the most reliable choice.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:Seriously i can't believe that.Why would you release things like current Dune Cloak tooltip?

They clearly tried reacting to our screams Pre PoF Launch, so they buffed Dune Cloak, but NEVER mentioned it and NEVER changed the Tooltip.Folks think it's 2 stacks of bleed for 6 seconds, while it's 3 for 4 seconds.

This is just unprofessional. Bugs are ok, but this is just "working while beeing asleep".Because no one cares about tooltips. Sure they should be accurate as otherwise it might be hard to know what the skill actually does, but if simply the numbers are slightly off, fixing it is on a priority level pretty much as low as it can be. This is not unprofessional, it's having priorities and no one is hurt by a slightly inaccurate tooltip.@FaboBabo.3581 said:.Why? Axe 2 and 3 are bugged so i cant use Axe. Distorted is only "good" with domination, because it's solo effect is unreliable in PvP/WvW. Im playing condi so i have no place for Domi (Either illu+Chaos, or Illu+Duel, some even use illu+Insp)

So right now im pretty much FORCED to play a trait which i HATE, cause it's the most reliable choice.I'm using axe and it works just fine. I have the feeling that sometimes Axe 2 is bugged and doesn't spawn a clone when it should, but in 99% of the cases it seems to work. Maybe something about being slightly out of sync, so the position of the mirage doesn't fit? No clue, that's not up to me but anet to figure out. I've also never seen Axe 3 being bugged, care to elaborate what the issue should be? Because in the entire thread all I see is you shouting "Axe 3, Axe 3", but not once explaining what the issue is. I also can't see any thread in the mesmer forum describing what's wrong, and I haven't experienced it myself.

From what I saw Mirage definitely needs a DPS boost, Staff 1 should be changed (I don't think it's bugged, but it should simply not behave like a perfectly straight projectile, as this causes the "blocked by ground" issues) and at least SOME utility would be fine. Otherwise there's no reason to intentionally take a lower DPS class into a raid when it doesn't have any other benefits.

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@Zenith.7301 said:

@atlashugged.7642 said:

@musu.9205 said:balanced for what game mode ?

All of them.

PvP: Mirage makes power shatter fun and good again with Self-Deception being an increase to clone generation speed that doesn't compete with traits like ineptitude or superiority complex, and a host of new positioning tools. I'm told that it also makes for good condi builds in PvP, though I've had less personal success with those.

WvW: Mirage is actually faster than chrono at traversing the map even without the 25% speed, because it's got another mobility tool almost as good as blink (and able to cover a lot more distance per second of cooldown than blink) with Mirage Thrust. In addition to that, the above PvP notes obviously apply for roaming builds. It doesn't bring as much to a zerg as a chrono, but that's fine.

PvE: Current estimates of dps with mirage put it at higher than past mesmer dps builds, and in line with everything except the obvious upcoming nerfs such as the 50k weaver.

You don't know what you're talking about, not even remotely. 4k DPS below with zero utility to soulbeast, renegade, firebrand, and scourge is not "in line". Time to refresh on your arithmetic.

No reason to respond to @atlashugged.7642. He doesn't actually play mesmer, which is quite evident of how he talks about the class.

That or he is a very good troll.

Let me also add to your complaint, Mirage brings:

  • 4-5k less dps than top builds (not counting 47k elementalists on large targets)
  • absolutely noting utility wise or with a dps loss
  • has dangerous random repositions which are always a good idea for raids or fractals /sarcasm

He is correct though, Mirage does put mesmer above old builds (which is not a great big feat considering Mesmer builds pre PoF were by far end of the pack, just like now). While all other classes got a nice big dps boost (which arenanet wants to look into fair enough) and/or massive amounts of utility, Mirage got a slight dps boost while giving up utility.

Let's hope the drawing board for the next expansion goes less along the line of theme, but more along the line of what different classes are lacking. Mesmer needs a less clone reliant solid dps build.

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