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This is condition logic: (ideas and suggestions)


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Power builds: you get hit, the damage comes all at once. You run away / turn on deflects / etc to negate incoming damage, or you kite around platforms to avoid damage.

Condi builds: you get hit, the damage comes at once, MULTIPLE TIMES. Yes, condition damage is that strong. You can't run away to negate the damage, you can't turn on reflects, the common boon protection does nothing, instead the rare boon resistance helps negate damage, unless a necro boonstrips you which then you're toast. Kiting does nothing, with conditions still on you. Healing is soon neutralized by the following condition damage. Instead, you must use the "plot device" mechanic: condition cleansing. It only exists to get rid of conditions! And yet, builds are bloated with them!!! Anyone else think this is a very boring mechanic, and also, this just makes it harder for ANet to balance. Why do you need so much of something called "condi cleanse" in this game...

I would like a game where damage comes directly, and if it's Damage Over Time, why does this damage hit so hard?

Now for ideas1) Condition damage is negated if you are 1000 range away or are out of Line of Sight from the condition damager. A translucent, hazy blue line is generated from the damage dealer to the target. A translucent, hazy red line is generated from the target to the damage dealer. In other words, the condition damager sees blue, the target sees red. If both exchange condition damage, this line becomes purple. You can make this line disappear whenever condition damage is halted, or LoS is broken/range distance is broken. This is only valid in Conquest (will be too messy in WvW). An option is included to disable the line.

2) The limit for damaging conditions is 3. The limit for remaining conditions is 4. Overall condition cleansing is reduced.

  1. Burn condition cannot stack, it does uniform damage. One stack would deal more damage than one stack today, about 3 stacks of burn today. Poison deals no more damage in Conquest only, and can no longer stack. Poison still reduces healing. Also, incoming damage to poisoned foes increases by 10%. This stacks with vulnerability.

  2. Confusion's active damage coefficient is reduced by 33%. Torment: more damage is done to immobile foes. Less damage is done to mobile foes. This rewards immobilize/stun and rewards kiting targets.

  3. Vulnerability: cap is increased to 30 in PvP only. This encourages obscure Vulnerability spamming builds that come from Tempest, Domination trait line, and others.


  1. After staying alive for 5 minutes without death in Conquest, healing effectiveness (ingoing/outgoing) is reduced to self by 66%

These ideas may seem terrible but that's only because of how Conquest will change after this. The meta will become vastly different. Builds will no longer require/have ludicrous amounts of condition cleansing. Builds with smaller condition application such as core condition Engineer will feel more rewarding. Hybrid amulets will see more use.......

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this idea is so fucking bad on so many fucking levels its mindshattering.if implemented this change would make sure that condi damage is utterly and atonomically unplayable on every single class in every single concivable way.we would see 4-5 endure pain warriors/berserkers with perma power damage immunities fighting it out like monkeys

also against power.if you have 16k hp.in 15s fight you heal for 10kin that 15s fight you take 30k power damage, you are dead, thats it.

against condi.you have 16k hp.in 15s fight you heal for 10k ( potentially 6,6k becouse some condi has poison )you take 10k dmg, and have 25k dmg condis on you. you are still alive but dying.you cleanse, you are still alive on low hp, reset and try again.

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