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The Paladin Effect: one of the main issues I have with the class design and balance its based on


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The Paladin Effect is just a name I call it based on my experience as a Pally in Vanilla WoW and early TBC. I see some of the same situation here with the Revenant class, but its made more impactful by the lack of choices Revenants have unlike other classes.

Revenants, like Paladins, were seen as the jack of all trades, master of none.

I mean, we have two Heals skills in combat compared to other classes right? 2 Elite skills in combat compared to other classes right?etc etc.

But with that in mind, I can see this being used to balance the class around.But looking at this compared to other classes in the game, I also see other classes can handle hybrid roles at a master level without much sacrifice. Look as Mesmers, Necro, Warriors, Rangers to name a few of the 8 other classes in the game.

For these hybrid burst bunker builds, do they have to make the same sacrifice that Revenant has to do the same thing?

This leads me to another point.

Swords/ Shiro/ Herald/ Renegade

These 4 aspects of the Revenant seem like pretty much a requirement to be efficient in anything besides soloing/rp or something like that.

We have a Healing Legend for example, but its useless without Herald or Shiro in PvP setting. Do other Healing specs for other classes make this sort of sacrifice though to be equal to Healing Revenant?

What about for defensive bunkering .

We have Dwarf legend, but no way is this as effective as some of the burst bunker builds out there that dont trade much damage yet get great sustain and defense.

And the Damage of the Revenant I feel rely way too much on Shiro/Herald. Hammer without Elite Specs or Shiro just doesnt seem good anymore in PvP. It keeps getting a damage nerf, yet no defensive buffs.

The Paladin effect is very clear with the Staff weapon. It doesnt know if it wants to be a fighting weapon or a support weapon. It very poor for both and only good for "2 skills and swap", tactics.

I just feel that having 2 weak heals havnt been a good justification for the way the class is balanced, especially if you not running Herald. I feel Herald more than most, is holding the freedom back of the Revenant class.

Going forward if we ever do get more elite specs and expansions and stuff like that, I feel like nothing will be good enough to replace Herald as a requirement.

If Legend system stay as is, I rather be balanced around having a single legend, with each being more efficient, rather than always having to carry one of the 4 above all the time.

If I Build around Dwarf, I want defense as good as other bunker builds on other classes, especially if I am sacrificing by not bringing Shiro or Herald for any sort of decent damage

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Yeah agree on this.Even devs was saying rev is kinda hard class to balance etc in their guildchat on yt.Main problem here is as core we have 4 very different legends. Heal,condi,tanky, and that useful one. If herald alone was core. Building new e specs would be mug esier. I like how ppl are trying with new especs ideas. It will be something mediocre at everything to benefit our 4 cores.

I have prety good jalis glint build, but without all modifiers and 25 might i do zero dmg. Im just sponge. Thats sad.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

What about for defensive bunkering .

We have Dwarf legend, but no way is this as effective as some of the burst bunker builds out there that dont trade much damage yet get great sustain and defense.

I don't think that Rev can bunker at all. Even if you go full nomad at WvW with the goal of being 0 dps you still will find other classes which have builds with better sustain, and some of them can even kill you while tanking another player or two.

In fact, I would love to see the next spec for the class to be a full tank (something that Jalis never was able to do), but there's 0 chance to get that due open world, fractals and raids are based in stacking dps, which is why Herald and core Revs are pariahs in the team vs environment circles: there's no damage.

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:Even devs was saying rev is kinda hard class to balance etc in their guildchat on yt.

They say the main reason that they have trouble balancing revenant is because it has a much bigger skill gap than the other professions. A super good revenant just dunks on everyone, while average players cry out for buffs and don't understand nerfs that come their way. The other profs all have much clearer directions, easier one-tricks, and bigger safety nets that let an average player who can do one thing relatively well succeed big time--this is not true for revs, who have to be playing a few steps ahead of everyone else around them due to the shared resources between there bursts and defenses.

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