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Theory Build: Chaos Army

Cheshire Rabbid.7430

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This build I made is for me as sought of a guide for me on what I want to make my profession to be but first I want to get other guy's thoughts on it. I will be using this for PVE stuff as a DPS. I'm trying to do with this one is to make as many of me. To not only keep my enemies from attacking me and to make big damages, starting when there attacking him to me using my shattering skills. I also like the idead of randomly getting different boon and putting random cond on my foes, becoming an agency of chaos. I'm having trouble with choosing a second weapon to use on my character that makes a lot of me. I also have two different gear on me and don't know if I should go with one or just have them both. Take a look at my build and tell me what you think.

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Your build would generally be considered tanky rather than dps. I can see that you're choosing armour stats to benefit from the chaotic transference trait, but you will not see many big numbers with such low damage-dealing stats. If you have the gear already and are looking for a build to make it work, tell us what we're basing the build around. For your second weapon set, if you're going conditions that would be sceptre/torch or sceptre/shield, otherwise it would be sword/sword as you already have range with staff and there is no melee condi weapon unless you have mirage unlocked.

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@"Wahlao.1069" said:Your gear has toughness, power, condi and boon duration....you should be deciding on tradeoffs rather than go with so many stats.Lord Hizen has a youtube channel where he has a great video on pve mirage build using double staff.I use that when I go DPS.

Runes of tormenting and you can be "glass cannon" and solo everything... melee combat of course (Axe pistol/torch).

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Well, I'm basing my build around the illusions. I would like the idead of able to build up a whole army of them. have my foe attack them instead of me while there lay down the damages on them, and their near-death (and I hopefully time it just right where I have the max of them I can have) set off a huge Shatter that does big damages to my foe. Meanwhile, I can be place dot or just do DPS on my foe from a distend to weaking it. That what I'm trying to make my build like. Here an updated one I went with some of you advise

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You're relying far too much on chaotic transference to guide your gear choices. You have 5% crit chance, 1.5k power and <1k condition dmg. Those stats are extremely low if you are expecting to do damage.

Chaotic transference (based on your updated build) gives you about 140 condi damage and 39 expertise (which is just over 2% condi duration). That's a very poor tradeoff. I would ditch chaotic transference altogether and choose chaotic dampening, and also dump master of fragmentation for either of the Illusions line GM traits. If you take malicious sorcery, you will have a permanent attack speed bonus and cd reduction regardless of weapon set (assuming also chaotic dampening) and if you take phantasmal force you will have a steady stream of might coming from your phantasms.

You have many options to avoid taking damage- phase retreat in staff, chaos storm's daze lets you make some distance, shield #4 has 2 channelled blocks and a ranged stun/missile block, sceptre #2 has a channelled block and you have your shatter daze. You really don't need vigilant and trailblazers gear at all. I'd swap your gear stats to vipers for some actual damage and let your clones and shatters keep the mobs occupied. Build as below:


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@"Wahlao.1069" said:Your gear has toughness, power, condi and boon duration....you should be deciding on tradeoffs rather than go with so many stats.Lord Hizen has a youtube channel where he has a great video on pve mirage build using double staff.I use that when I go DPS.

I second that - Hizen's build is pretty amazing yet fairly easy to play:

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