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Clock tower rewards - underwhelming?

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@"Paolino.8320" said:If the clock tower is too hard to deserve better rewards, shouldn't the same be said of raids? I'd like to see the stats on how many people complete the clock tower vs how many people complete a raid.

The difference is that a raid is largely team/meta and max gear dependent where the Clock Tower is solo and your gear is irrelevant. The Clock Tower can be memorized and after a lot of practice becomes pretty easy, especially on small characters like asura and smaller human/sylvari. With bigger races, like norn and charr, their size actually will obscure the puzzle. When I'm "in the zone" so to speak, I can complete it more often than I fail it. There's really only two "tricky" jumps in the Clock Tower. Skipping Stones is far more frustrating.

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The CT it's not really a great content, it's badly designed and they never fixed it in years, the wait timer it's a nonsense, there is no way to learn unless you want to stay hours on the same place waiting for another start, even the classic "jump on this pixel or you will fail" it's in. overall it's a content that most of the time people ignore during the festival, so i don't think they should give better rewards for it wasting time coding something for a dead content.

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