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Sky-scale - Acquirement


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I don't like collections overall BUT I did enjoy some parts of the collection. Maybe it's because for me Dragonfall is super beautiful map and it took me to places I'd otherwise miss.But yeah... can be boring and too long. I also don't love skyscale movements too much, but I'll still get it - at last part of my collection now.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Seems people havent learned to use the skyscale properly. It makes the vertical content of HoT a breeze to navigate. With double or quadruple dash, you can shoot up to locations or ledges you couldnt get over in time with the griffon. Seriously -learn to use the dash!-Tip: When wanting to fly down with a skyscale, dont. Its much slower than merely walking the skyscale over an edge and plummeting.

For me, the griffon and springer have been collecting dust now. The skyscale is by far much more flexible in movement ability. And your space bar tapping finger will love you for no longer having to manually flap to keep up the griffon. I just cant play the flappyburd griffon anymore, so bad at flying ahead and missing a desirable target to land at by inches.

That's why you have a glider. You launch yourself from your mount and glide to your target destination. It has nothing to do withe the mount. You just have to learn how to use launch and glide.

You can even launch yourself from your Griffon or Skyscale, glide, then remount. I do this to heal their health to full while staying airborne.

You do realize that you can double barrel roll (or quadruple barrel roll) on the skyscale, then still launch yourself and remount right? I don;t see how this is in any way an argument against the skyscale. On the contrary, the skyscale allows for an even complexer movement chain with far greater reach.

I was responding on the statement, "missing a desirable target to land at by inches"

@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:What I hate about the Skyscale is sticking to a wall instead of landing on the ledge on the cliffside that my Griffon never had a problem landing on. Each mount has pros and cons, no one mount is superior to others.

That's an issue of practice and experience. Suffice to say, it becomes almost a non issue once a person is epxerienced enough with the skyscale.

Nope. It's neither practice nor experience. There are ledges where the Skyscale lands and there are ledges where it sticks. It is very inconsistent.

@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:If you like the Skyscale to travel everywhere, that's fine, others simply do not find the grind is worth the mount. I personally agree with them due to the fact that I can fly across the map with my Griffon while my Skyscale rans out of breath after a few seconds of flapping its wings.

That's personal preferance but most players who have used the skyscale for a while all come to the same conclusion (at least from what can be read on the forums):the bunny and griffon become obsolete, the raptor and jackal nearly obsolete and the only mounts with niche uses are the skimmer (for on water mounting and potentially immediately mounting the skyscale) and beetle for races and long distance land traversal.

Bunny is not obsolete. You can high jump, launch, then mount your Skyscale/Griffon to give you a higher altitude start. Griffon is very good a dive bombing mobs and flying across the map. Raptor is very good at cleaving and pulling mobs. As for the Jackal, I agree, it has limited uses.

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