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Constant Lags, Disconnects, and Loading Screen Stalls Since 12/03/19 Update

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Same. I'm getting spammed with the "Game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time" error to the point of being unable to play, it's popping up multiple times per minute. I'm afraid to relog since I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get back in but at this point I can accomplish absolutely nothing with the message spam. Really hate that.

Also trading post is completely down. Can't buy gems, can't buy stuff from gem store.

Really hope this is fixed quickly because there's awesome sales on the gem store right now that I would love to take advantage of.

EDIT: And now the game has fully disconnected me and I'm no longer able to log in. Awesome day is awesome.

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Sigh, things were better during the day today, a bit of lagging but nothing terrible. No disconnects or loading screen freezes. Sadly that happier state of affairs didn't last very long. Tonight after the reset the lagging was so bad during the dailies in Dragon Stand that I kept dying because I couldn't fight back or heal. Standing there like a frozen punching bag is not my idea of a fun game. Off to watch a movie again.

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Twice this evening, I've tried doing the blizzard in Bjora. Both times, I was running around harvesting stuff while I waited and had the occasional light lag. As the storm approached, the spikes got worse. At the peak, I was having ping of 4k+ and would eventually d/c to char select. First time, things finally calmed down about 5min or so after the blizzard and I was able to slowly do enough to loot the NW corner of Bjora before it closed up. Currently in the middle of the second blizzard and can't even get into my character, never mind just stand there in the snow.

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I've disconnected 5 or 6 times during my daily fractal run today, also in some fractals (Thaumanova, for example) had insane lag and ping over 800, while in others it was completely fine. It's also fine in lobbies and Mistlock.I've been having these disconnects since around October now (there was another thread about this issue earlier), mostly in instances or during meta events in open world, sometimes they get better, like the last few days before the most recent patch, and then they get so much worse as to make the game totally unplayable. During those disconnects everything else works fine, so it's definitely not my internet. Pls, fix it already, it's becoming ridiculous.EU, btw.

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I'm getting disconnected after completing the Balthazar fight in the Path of Fire story campaign. It won't let me complete the steps even after I kill Balthazar and I've tried to do it three times and killed him all three times. it disconnects me right after the cutscene where he disintigrates or dismembers or whatever it is he does when he dies and the swirly vortex thing engulfs the place where you kill him...before it takes you to the next cutscene. I'm thinking I'll try 1 last time and just skip to the end but I kinda wanted to see it through to the end. This is frustrating though.

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I'm having tons of issues today. Have disconnected at least 7 times already today. My internet is steady. I've already done a complete reboot, rebooted the router and modem. But I keep getting the large "Game Client" problem paragraph. Are you doing something in the background again ANeT? This all started after yesterday's patch.

And since my original post 23 minutes ago - Disconnected AGAIN!!!

And since my update to this post I have disconnected(after taking an hour break) 4 more times. I've done the old full restart and reboot game twice now.

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I too am having issues getting kicked from the game. It seems completely random. I tried to put a bug report in game but it keeps kicking me before I can finish the report. I can't stay in a strike, dungeon, or WvW because it kicks me. It randomly kicks me in open world however if I am just exploring in open world I stay connected longer. The most recent patch did not fix the crashing issue for me. I tried repairing and reinstalling and I'm still having issues. It's not my internet connection because it would shut down voice comms. Since I can't put in a bug report in game I figured I would post here.

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