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Never seen anet put out a bugless patch


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@"thijsken.5031" said:

I had that happen to me too as well as also not being able to queue for PvP. As a software engineer I can say you'll have a hard time finding any software that is released completely free of bugs. Some releases are buggier than others, it's the nature of the beast. Specially with something as large scale and complex as an MMO.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Players as a whole are terrible testers

Their professional QA seems to let some dooseys by on occasion (like undoing the fix to revenant CoR so it would track vertically with the ground). The free testers however, noticed within minutes.

And how often do bugs slip by players?

If they slip by players they're referred to as features.

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