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Fall damage reduction for all JPs

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@TheGrimm.5624 said:If you are bad at JPs like me you

Fall reduction only saved players from a very narrow range of falls. The vast majority of the time they either would have survived the fall anyway or would have died regardless.

Citation needed.

Personally, I think they should just have changed fall damage to act as of people had the old fall damage reduction trait as a baseline.

Play all of the jumping puzzles and loot at what scenario would cause someone to need fall protection. It's also simple probability that fall protection only saved players from a
of falls.

So you have jumped the same way all other players have jumped? On all classes and builds? No this was a bad call. -100 here. If you didn't use it fine. But don't speak for people that did. And if you have numbers and proof to back up your claim share it.

Classes and builds don't affect your jumps. I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion.

The fall reduction added increased the survivability by a small amount. In the jumping puzzles where people tend to fall and die, this trait would not have helped them. Look through all of the jumping puzzles in the game and see how many of them have jumps where you could die if you fail them. How many of them have falls that fall within the range that the trait added? This just seems like Anet took something that was rarely used (I think they stated this) and now people are upset because something was taken away even though it may have been something they never used.

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