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New world boss


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So they announced the new world boss, or as i like to call them, red circle target boss.

You see, world bosses ate usually fought with ~150 people, whatever is the map limit.With that many people, you have to lower your model limit and quality.Sadly, every player on the map has a spawn priority over the rest of the game. Meaning you will not be seeing a boss unless its model is structure, and not a creature. If it's a creature, you'll only see it if you're targeting it, AND close nearby.

If that were the only problem.. But no..You have too turn model quality ALL THE WAY down, because otherwise everything will be a disco of glowing weapons, backpacks, and armours.And even then you can probably still can't see any mobs, telegraphs, or anything, because its still a ballroomblitz of auras, AoE, shiny projectiles, domes, and everything.

Please anet.. stop making open world events like world bosses and metas until you've fixed your sparkle clutter and load order priorities.

To reference: most of the bosses since LWS2 have been INVISIBLE when character model limit isn't set to highest. Because bosses and mobs are somehow always at the bottom of load order.

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I agree about the clotter but I DO not mind them doing worldbosses anyway. Sonen worldbosses are hard to see and also has mechanics that devides the players. Som more and some less.

I would really love to fight marionette again.

But anyway, I dont see any harm in having more content before they have a fix for the clutter, but sure maby they could put in some more work to get a fix for it.

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@"Ayakaru.6583" said:To reference: most of the bosses since LWS2 have been INVISIBLE when character model limit isn't set to highest. Because bosses and mobs are somehow always at the bottom of load order.

funny thing by the way: Todo I was late to the event-party in Bjora Marches and was running with my raptor in the direction where the "icebrood construct" boss usually should be, but I could not see it. Gladly there were several commander lamps, and so I dumped my damage on them and a few moments later the construct became visible.

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Visual noise is very much not something they consider an issue. They've been stacking the problem for a while in direct opposition to feedback. Bjora Marches meta is a classic example - the snow border Vs the protection bubble was not a clever design decision nor was it an organic way to deliver such a mechanic.

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