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Rating threshold titles a possibility?

Crab Fear.1624

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You know not everyone is going to be able to get on the leaderboard, and some are happy where they are at.

Maybe they could be inspired to do a little better somehow.

If you are an average player and you fall into gold, you may want to say "I'm gold 2", or "I'm gold 3".

Maybe some will say "well, there is not really a difference", but to that player there most definitely is.

Same goes for the guys in platinum.

You can see that it is generally accepted that there is a HUGE difference in ability between a plat 1 player and a plat 3 player.

When we cross into these rating thresholds and finish there at the end of a season, some of us are rewarded and some of us got to get back to the grind to get that little badge again.

If a silver one player can improve to gold 3 or plat 1, they might not be on the leaderboard, but honestly, that is quite the accomplishment.

Same goes for a player who goes from plat 1 into plat 3.

That player will go up on the leaderboard, but may not make it into higher titles.

What about players who cross into 1800, 1900, or even 2000s?


That's quite big.

They may be the top dog, maybe the two, or three dog.

But what about the 4 dog?

What if the 4 dog crosses into 2k?

How about some rating threshold titles?

Keep the leaderboard to see where you lie in the grand scheme of things but how about a little more motivation for the average player?

I am not saying get rid of LB titles, but I think if players, especially new ones had a reason to be a gold 3 versus a gold 1, they MIGHT (25 stacks) try harder.

Maybe even use that military rank titles for the rating thresholds that you offered when everyone voted on the current royalty ones.


for example:

2k rating General of PvP1.9k rating: Lieutenant General of PvP1.8k rating: Colonel of PvP1.7k rating: Major of PvP1.6k rating: Captain of PvP1.5k rating: First Lieutenant of PvP1.4k: Second Lieutenant of PvP

Now we go enlisted:1.3k rating: Sergeant of PvP1.2k rating: Corporal of PvP1.1k rating: Private of PvP1.0k rating: Recruit of PvP0.9k rating: Weekend Warrior of PvP

I guess this would be a side dish for those at the top, but maybe the lower level players might be inspired to "get promoted" by way of performance.

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@"Crab Fear.1624" said:You know not everyone is going to be able to get on the leaderboard, and some are happy where they are at.

Maybe they could be inspired to do a little better somehow.

If you are an average player and you fall into gold, you may want to say "I'm gold 2", or "I'm gold 3".

Maybe some will say "well, there is not really a difference", but to that player there most definitely is.

Same goes for the guys in platinum.

You can see that it is generally accepted that there is a HUGE difference in ability between a plat 1 player and a plat 3 player.

When we cross into these rating thresholds and finish there at the end of a season, some of us are rewarded and some of us got to get back to the grind to get that little badge again.

If a silver one player can improve to gold 3 or plat 1, they might not be on the leaderboard, but honestly, that is quite the accomplishment.

Same goes for a player who goes from plat 1 into plat 3.

That player will go up on the leaderboard, but may not make it into higher titles.

What about players who cross into 1800, 1900, or even 2000s?


That's quite big.

They may be the top dog, maybe the two, or three dog.

But what about the 4 dog?

What if the 4 dog crosses into 2k?

How about some rating threshold titles?

Keep the leaderboard to see where you lie in the grand scheme of things but how about a little more motivation for the average player?

I am not saying get rid of LB titles, but I think if players, especially new ones had a reason to be a gold 3 versus a gold 1, they MIGHT (25 stacks) try harder.

Maybe even use that military rank titles for the rating thresholds that you offered when everyone voted on the current royalty ones.


for example:

2k rating General of PvP1.9k rating: Lieutenant General of PvP1.8k rating: Colonel of PvP1.7k rating: Major of PvP1.6k rating: Captain of PvP1.5k rating: First Lieutenant of PvP1.4k: Second Lieutenant of PvP

Now we go enlisted:1.3k rating: Sergeant of PvP1.2k rating: Corporal of PvP1.1k rating: Private of PvP1.0k rating: Recruit of PvP0.9k rating: Weekend Warrior of PvP

I guess this would be a side dish for those at the top, but maybe the lower level players might be inspired to "get promoted" by way of performance.

Wintrading intensifies

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would definitely be a great addition to the game! everyones looking for cool & new titles so yeah.. gw1 had a super good system where u level up your ranks while doing certain activities in order to differentiate low level players from higher ones with different titles!

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