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@JayAction.9056 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

wow man. looks like I touched a nerve by being able to name a build with absurd damage and sustain

I can tell how good at the game you are by the fact you think only 5 people can play warrior well. kitten might dodge warrior sounds pretty hard, oh no wait it's actually faceroll

maybe take a chill pill and think about your point of view, and how it might be totally incorrect dude B)

I just solod from not even being on the leaderboard to top 50. I was being generous saying 5 people tbh. Playing a made up build I saw most of anyone worth playing against as it was not just a straight endless win streak.

Who are all these great warriors man. Most of them that play full damage are food but like I said if that one thing is OP why does it make sense for everything to get nerfed.

And I have no personal attachment to warrior dude. I don’t even play the class, too easy.

c'mon dude. you aren't onto it enough to even understand what my first post means

you've been operating with a potato from day one

if you weren't you'd understand that warrior was obviously one of many examples of overturned classes that exist right now. so I obviously don't think warrior is the 'one thing that's OP'. I mean c'mon think my dude. read things and then think about them.

I mean honestly, I even said 'two skill one shot meta' and you think I mean one class. good job dude. real impressed

I overstand everything you were trying to say.

I’m saying it’s complaining, and naysayers are not good at the game
points finger at you

You catch my drift now?

good try.

we both know it's just a facade, but nice try.

Mr only 5 people are good enough to play warrior. omegalul, I'll be sure to remember that one.

bull charge critting for 7k is high skill and basically no one can master this. takes an actual half human god made in a breeding camp to play warrior


hitting two 10k crits between 4k autos is so hard man. only 5 people can do this. only 5 WOW





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@choovanski.5462 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:people in favour of a two skill one shot meta with 15k+ crits pretending it's about skill

nah, you just dont want a game where you have to land more than two skill for a kill. it's too hard. thinking is too hard. just need a two button win

well good luck finding the rest of the keys when the patch hits, cause ya gonna need to use em'

How many classes do that and how many of you scrubs are actually staying alive playing builds like that? None of you.

These complains are over exaggerated.

pfft and you call me the scrub

you even know what state warrior is in? bruh

Yeah, how many people play warrior full damage and manage to play it well enough to be a threat?

5 people?

People get trashed by some of the best players in the game and come cry on the forums like everybody is performing at the level of whatever just trashed them.

And you mention warrior. So warrior damage being over the top means everything in the game needs to be nerfed? Makes perfect sense.

wow man. looks like I touched a nerve by being able to name a build with absurd damage and sustain

I can tell how good at the game you are by the fact you think only 5 people can play warrior well. kitten might dodge warrior sounds pretty hard, oh no wait it's actually faceroll

maybe take a chill pill and think about your point of view, and how it might be totally incorrect dude B)

I just solod from not even being on the leaderboard to top 50. I was being generous saying 5 people tbh. Playing a made up build I saw most of anyone worth playing against as it was not just a straight endless win streak.

Who are all these great warriors man. Most of them that play full damage are food but like I said if that one thing is OP why does it make sense for everything to get nerfed.

And I have no personal attachment to warrior dude. I don’t even play the class, too easy.

c'mon dude. you aren't onto it enough to even understand what my first post means

you've been operating with a potato from day one

if you weren't you'd understand that warrior was obviously one of many examples of overturned classes that exist right now. so I obviously don't think warrior is the 'one thing that's OP'. I mean c'mon think my dude. read things and then think about them.

I mean honestly, I even said 'two skill one shot meta' and you think I mean one class. good job dude. real impressed

I overstand everything you were trying to say.

I’m saying it’s complaining, and naysayers are not good at the game
points finger at you

You catch my drift now?

good try.

we both know it's just a facade, but nice try.

Mr only 5 people are good enough to play warrior. omegalul, I'll be sure to remember that one.

bull charge critting for 7k is high skill and basically no one can master this. takes an actual half human god made in a breeding camp to play warrior


hitting two 10k crits between 4k autos is so hard man. only 5 people can do this. only 5 WOW





That high school reading comprehension serves you well my friend.

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At least if you are going to waste development time, cater it to the people that actually excel at your game. Not the ones that barely understand it.

Most companies are not going to make that business decision. They're going to try to expand the appeal of their product. It's what made MMOs in general less fun for me after Everquest. Companies tried to get more people to play rather than try to make more compelling content for the players who appreciated it.

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