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Rez Speed Healing Too High For Current Damage Level

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Rez may be too powerful, but I would argue that it seems op because people have become lazy in securing downs. Is it really so terrible that you need 2-3 allies cleaving and ccing to guarantee a kill? Conquest is a team game, you shouldnt be able to go on a solo rampage and cleave through 1-2 rezzers. People need to learn to not chase kills they cant finish, and they need to learn how to coordinate attacks with teammates.

People should be rewarded for outplaying people in 1v2 or outnumbered scenarios (2v3, 3v4, etc.), but with the current scaling That becomes very difficult/impossible if the enemy goes for the Rez. Can also even be an issue in 2v2s

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Conquest now is basically all play bunkers (pref condi ones) that takes forever to kill and as soon as someone goes down on your team, you spam cc on that body, rez, and repeat. Best ones to do this are fb and revs thanks to having bountiful access to AoE CCs, condis, and sustain while having decent amount of stability. Hopefully patch to address this can come fast else everything will be the same as before -- bad & stale balance that takes forever to fix, just in different flavor of tank and rez instead of one shots.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:Lower damage level makes cleaving out bodies hard/near impossible even against 1 person rezzing. This gets exponentially more difficult against multiple rezzers. Stomping is still unreliable in a lot of situations especially now with less stability, etc. and doesn't work against multiple people rezzing. Not sure what the fix to this would be necessarily, besides lower healing on rez.

Would love other thoughts and experiences, especially since the changes are so new

Agreed. Downstate mechanics are already a questionable call to begin with in a game like this. This should be toned down and probably just removed from 2v2 entirely.

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