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Why can't u make balance changes NOW?

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was
more frequent balance updates.

fast balance updates means less time for the meta to settle and significantly less internal testing. (before someone jumps in with the "lol what internal testing" I will point out that we never see all the stuff that get scrapped after failing in internal testing)

For a lot of the balance patches that would actually help, not much internal testing is really required. Increasing the cooldown of FC and a couple of the Scourge's boon conversion/condi dumps might not even take them out of their places as top dogs, much less ruin them entirely, while allowing us to look at the effects and see what can be done to put them on par with other specs. By the same measure, minor changes can be made to underperforming specs in order to, over the course of several patches and a month or two, adjust them carefully to the level of the better specs.

With their current update 'schedule' (I'm hesitant to call it that because it seems pretty sporadic), a serious problem will go completely unaddressed for months before being entirely gutted, and I don't consider that to be good balance in any sense of the word. Frequent small changes (with the occasional major change when it's necessary) are better at keeping a game relatively balanced compared to major changes once every two months.

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was
more frequent balance updates.

fast balance updates means less time for the meta to settle and significantly less internal testing. (before someone jumps in with the "lol what internal testing" I will point out that we never see all the stuff that get scrapped after failing in internal testing)

Not letting the meta settle is a good thing though. It allows the better players to come out on top much more quickly, since these are the players that are going to be able to adapt to a different meta the most.

As to the other issue, its only an issue with slow balance patches. With quick updates, if something is broken (either too powerful or too weak), it will be fixed quickly. But right now, if something is over/underperforming we have to wait at least 3 months for a chance at it getting addressed, and if those changes didn't fix the problem, we have at least another 3 months to wait. Quick balance patches would make this problem a non issue, ebcause shit would be patched quickly, instead of maybe being addressed 6 months down the line.

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was
more frequent balance updates.

fast balance updates means less time for the meta to settle and significantly less internal testing. (before someone jumps in with the "lol what internal testing" I will point out that we never see all the stuff that get scrapped after failing in internal testing)

I vaguely recall a statement from devs that they don't like to do any balancing/patching mid-pvp season so as not to upset players who have taken the time to learn a build and plan on climbing the ladder for the season.

It's a fair point but I still think this argument is superceded by the fact that more frequent balance would be healthier for the game mode overall. Every season there are always a couple builds that are on top but currently, the magnitude of how "on top" SB and Scourge are (among others), is stifling. More frequent balancing could go a long ways in fixing issues like this.

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@EthanLightheart.9168 said:Your golden rule is, that u don't change balance while a tournament active. May I ask you kindly then why you then implemented a whole set of elite specs to the torunament during an ongoing season? So in fact changing the balance massively?Don't you think with that many complaints u could at least tweak some emergency major balance fails regarding scourge and spellbreaker and do the fine tuning after?

Well at least they are getting lots of feedback from these broken specs that I hope they will actually tune properly in a month or so. I think it was dumb for them to release these mid season, but what other choice did they have? Either delay the expansion and piss off the pvers are make the elites unavailable for Spvp and then pissing off the pvpers. No win situation, but ya very bad timing in general from ANet.

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@Crinn.7864 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:

@Arcaedus.7290 said:This thread is a pretty good argument for the balance team to do balance updates more frequently than once every other month. The cycle of single massive balance update -->new meta/broken builds discovered on day 2 --> 2 more months of fighting broken builds/stale meta--->repeat is not healthy for pvp balance. Balance updates need to come more frequently than this.

I mean, I haven't seen any rational argument from a player that was
more frequent balance updates.

fast balance updates means less time for the meta to settle and significantly less internal testing. (before someone jumps in with the "lol what internal testing" I will point out that we never see all the stuff that get scrapped after failing in internal testing)

Lol, Internal testing

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It's not like it takes ages for the meta to settle as it is, we got the current meta within a few days and hasn't significantly changed. If they made just small skill splits and number changes every 2 weeks or so we would at least get a sense of progress. The occasional huge change to shake things up is also fine but small tweaks aren't going to throw everything into chaos. Maybe only out it into unranked for a few days to make sure there's no glaring problems.

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if someone tells what anet is doing as a job with honesty, he will be instantly permanently banned.

While everybody and his mother is crying at area denial of scourge anet planned to reduce the size of the only point that still offers some room to quite a bit and survive 5 sec

I wonder sometimes if they are not trolling... and laughing on what they do to their player base...

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@Aomine.5012 said:Because they gotta let the expansion sell well first before the nerf .People will buy the expansion to bang-wagon into overpowered new PoF specialization.

HoT had the same thing happening at launch. Shocking right?

I agree heavily with this.The only reason to let things CLEARLY unballanced, the way they are, is to sell PoF.Come on, that "no patches during a season" talk makes no sense, obviously, 'cos they introduced these broken specs mid-season.

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Classes where Unbalanced before PoF people quit playing cause that and other reasons.Then PoF got released on top of unbalanced stuff and there was long list things to fix and add got just postponed or ignored. We got this Mess Now.How they going to balance this out is going to funny.

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it’s got to be a combination of ineptitude & lack of caring tbh

like, i can’t think of any other reason that they would operate how they do. & they’ve been doing this a long time. eventually there will be a patch, but i have no idea what the quality will be like. let’s just say i dont have high hopes :3

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