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Scrapper nerfed too hard


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Scrapper is plagued by numerous issues:

  • Hammer auto deals no damage. It's a melee auto with a slow wind up. Additionally, scrappers low mobility makes it difficult to get in range to land this in the first place. It should hit harder. For comparison, Mortar kit's auto attack hits roughly 50% harder than the first two swings and is just slightly weaker than the final swing. Mortar autos are also faster meaning it is a dps increase to swap to mortar and spam auto at your feet when you run out of cooldowns. Speaking of cooldowns.

  • Hammer cooldowns are too high. Cooldowns of this legnth make sense for other classes because, when in doubt, you can weapon swap. Engi does not have a weapon swap, so when you're out of buttons to press, you're stuck autoing until they come back. Alternatively, you can swap to a kit, but kits are not in a good place right now in PvP. Nades would be better if they had the travel time from grenadier baked in. Bombs need shorter fuses and more upfront damage to be useful.

  • Because scrapper damage is so low, their barrier generation is non-existant. When you consider that Scrapper has a tradeoff of -180 vitality to balance out the barrier, this is especially egregious.

  • Scrapper's tradeoffs make little sense. You don't have a weapon swap because you have kits. However, kits are weak and it's difficult to justify giving up a utility slot for them. Low vitality s a tradeoff for barrier, but damage is so low that they generate little barrier. Scrapper might be the only elite spec that is arguably weaker than core in both PvE and PvP. It's still good in WvW, but, as someone who does not enjoy the game mode, this is a moot point.

  • As a support it's outclassed by firebrand, heal tempest, and even druid. Scrapper actually had its heal transfer nerfed so what little it did bring (burst heals) got gutted.

Please consider reworking this spec. It is non-functional in its current state.

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You say that, but have you considered running scrapper with mortar elite, medic kit for the heal, and nades or bombs?

Because I have

And it's terrible

That said Sunshine has a point. But scrapper's 'tradeoff' definitely needs some attention because it's basically a debuff with no upside. Some attention to the AA would be nice too.

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