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Retaliation needs to be nerfed

Hot Boy.7138

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Retaliation, in its current form, is far too strong for the current state of the game. The frequency of it's application should be drastically reduced and/or it should have it's scaling drastically reduced. It's the epitome of passive gameplay. And the fact that it can easily be shared. One flurry of attacks on a single, or double target, and half my health is missing. That is the epitome of passive gameplay. I run a boon strip build but it cannot keep up with how quick the application of retaliation is. It needs to be reconsidered.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:Retaliation, in its current form, is far too strong for the current state of the game. The frequency of it's application should be drastically reduced and/or it should have it's scaling drastically reduced. It's the epitome of passive gameplay. And the fact that it can easily be shared. One flurry of attacks on a single, or double target, and half my health is missing. That is the epitome of passive gameplay. I run a boon strip build but it cannot keep up with how quick the application of retaliation is. It needs to be reconsidered.

A simple “procs once per interval (1sec)” will suffice. As long as it doesn’t punish multihit skills like Blurred Frenzy, 100 blades etc. hell they can even buff the damage back to pre nerf levels. Iirc it used to do close to 1k per proc on my vanilla core guard. Back then, Guard was the only class that could reliably get retal.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:It should just be a certain % of damage, therefore making it equivalent across the board regardless of how many hits are received. There’s no reason a 6k single hit should receive less retaliation damage than 6 1k hits

I think it is supposed to be like that to counter multi hit attacks

that may or may not be true, but is applied unfairly across the board since some classes use many hits vs few hits to deal the majority of their damage, so it unfairly punishes multi hit builds that are doing less or the same damage overall as builds that do one or two big hits of damage

Edit: Though a % of damage done wouldn't work on condi damage (unless they coded it to also do that), so not sure what Anet should do in this situation

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