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Just want to thank Anet


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I know you guys get negative comments often, I myself have done a few, but I just wanted to thank you, Anet, for putting so much work into the recent balance patch. As an invested PVP player, I felt the need to spread some good vibes for the fun I have been having with the recent changes. It would be cool if people could post anything positive they wanted to say as well. Things are tough for everyone right now, so lets try to make it a little easier. Love and Respect.

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The patch philosophy itself is good. That they do something for PvP is also a good signal. Now it is all about establish a good new balance on lower power creep lvl. Atm a lot of classes are too tanky and too forgiving to play. Bad players should die fast (at least in 5 secs, after 2-3 mistakes or too slow reaction), just good players should not die fast to powercreeped and braindead spammable dmg or low counter oneshots. Means the current state is far away from being good and even though i appreciate the numerous balance patches in much shorter distance but the last one was a big dissapointment with more or less only dealing with Rangers and not with Necros, Eles, FB, Condirev etc. And how they dealt with Ranger was even questionable too.Means yes, overall it gets better, we at least don't feel like they want to close PvP servers soon but balance is still far away from being in an acceptable state.But for now lets all stay safe and healthy everyone.

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The addition of 2v2 and the balance update are good things. I can get behind the new balance philosophy. Of course it will never be perfect right off the bat. My current beef is really with two things:

  1. The league and matchmaking system
  2. Other types of powercreep (CC, Resurrection, conditions)
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Let me be clear in saying I in no way feel the balance is perfect, but I believe the intentions are there and are heading in the right directions. I respect Anet for this, even if I have issues with how tweek certain things. It is easy and weak to spread hate, much harder to spread compassion. Thanks to those who commented <3

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Thank them for what? They ruined sPvP. Not only that, the patch destroyed the fast pace combat, and reduced build diversity. By Anet admission, the patch was incomplete. If I was a higher-up I would have never allowed this shit show to happen.

On a scale of 1-10 I would give them 1. They do not even deserve it. If they left everything as it was and did not do anything it would have been infinitely better.

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