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Any Power Rev Build For Wvw?


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Hi guys. As we all know that after the patch power builds suffered a lot. As rev is my favourite profession I have been trying to find a power build that works well in roaming. Sadly I failed miserably. On top of that I havent seen any power revs ( or the ones I saw died too fast too bad) while roaming. Do you have any ideas/builds or experiences for this?

Ps: I know , I know power rev is bad now but still there might be a chance to make it work.

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Classic Shiro Herald still works pretty well because Glint still carries the build pretty hard.The only thing yu have to watch out for now is getting caught while in Shiro, because if all goes well, yu will NEVER wanna use Riposting Shadows, rather spending Energy on Phase Traversal mainly to gap close for bursts.

I play Core Power Revenant with this build instead because I love Ancient Echo to death, and because playing Shiro/Herald with 2 very unreliable heals irks me.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZldQIMHKi1QSsHCi9RgsASgD1S7yE-zVZYBBZuFEmY0xFcCacA-w

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I would say power Rev isn't as bad as people say it is. It takes some getting used to and the skill floor is definitely higher, but it can still do well at what it has always done well at. I also run core (more traditional Invo/Deva/Ret because Invo is still great) because I like to get hard carried by Inspiring Reinforcement and because taunting people into offhand sword burst never gets old. In my opinion, Charged Mists and Ancient Echo make up for the losses that Shiro suffered this most recent patch, making it feel like a fluent legend again.

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The reason it feels bad is because you lose legend swap stunbreak on invocation line and people can be running condi tanky builds (including trailblazer/cele necro) which means the damage reductions are even more felt. It seems that the best way to push out damage is with Incensed Response +Notoriety on Glint.

I wouldn't recommend it for roaming though, as CC is a problem (one stunbreak) and so is cleansing (legend swap, staff 4 if you even run staff, jalis heal, mallyx resistance).

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I really thank you all for your kind answers. I dont want to sound ungrateful but I have tried several builds. Although the core version feels smoother it still feels not enough for roaming. In wvw I am always outnumbered so it is 2v1 at best. Most of my builds can handle that and with rev I could before the patch. I even used glint/ventari in roaming and got some success too :)

I like to experiment with builds and played every profession with different builds. But sadly rev is my favourite with all its bugs and problems. That is why after trying many things and not being able to handle outnumbered situations (and several 1v1 situations) I wanted to ask for help.

I explained myself because you all put effort and time to answer me. Thanks :)

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@alain.1659 said:In wvw I am always outnumbered so it is 2v1 at best. Most of my builds can handle that and with rev I could before the patch. I even used glint/ventari in roaming and got some success too :)

No way to avoid this.At all.

Outnumbered fights are always a natural occurrence in WvW and there is no way to escape this.Power builds being nerfed didn't help either because in the past, skill was all it took for a outnumbered individual to methodically burst down the weaker players attacking them to weed out the numbers, giving them breathing room for a proper 1v1 fight with the remaining player.

These days it's impossible to do that now : I had to contest a camp for 6 minutes against two extremely mediocre Condi Bunker players which I can drop to 40% health, but they just cover heal each other until my entire zerg arrived and flushed them out. (this was on my Revenant too, and this one of those situations where Revenant having two heals back to back really helped out)

The best bet is making sure that yur build can RUNThis is the option WvW made open to us : the ability to choose to not fight.

Unlike PvP which occurs around match set objectives and a locked arena, WvW allows yu various avenues of escape.Use Shiro to PT to an ambient critter.Use terrain to juke.Use Staff 5 around corners to both CC while covering ground in the opposite direction.Use Gliding.And finally when yu managed to put enough distance between yu and the people chasing : Waypoint.

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