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[Major Spoiler] PoF Endboss Fight


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Hey folks @ANet and all you others out there

First a praise at what you've accomplished ANet, you've really did something there out in the desert. Yes, Meta-Events aren't yet in – like jungle night or tarir, where multiple groups need to work together – but the artwork, foes etc. (love the surfer boys ^^), stunning, and it hurts me writing a rant now.

So. Here's the what the heck SPOILER:

The end of the story should feel like a REAL hard fight. I mean c'mon, even fallen, it's THE God of War.Warbeast looks stunning and even the mechanics are somewhat great to manage and fun to play, except when you kick the bucket, you should: kick the bucket !Like with Mordremoth, start over again, new. You die = you fail => restart the level.Maybe not the whole 'catching the Warbeast thingy' – although it's the endboss-boss fight, so ... – but not starting at the edge of the arena, and THE God of War has his 20% health left and you can re-spawn your biggest skills again.

It felt like a casual game made for my mom on an iPhone or so. Like lil kids could manage to achieve – you just have to die, wait, and start over and over and over and over again, until he's dead. Even writing this I felt a yawn crawling up my jaw...

This is high end content, this is the God of War, this is the end of story... make it feel like a boss fight, not some coin flipping arcade game.It's supposed to be hard, even unmanageable and really – throw the fucking controller into your telly – hard! XD

The whole PoF-Content felt a bit soft, to be honest, maybe you wanted to implement something for new players to not alienate them in the first place. But for veterans, who fought themselves through the whole story and even the Raid-Folks (which I'm not, yet), scale the foes and bosses like you do, when a huge group is attacking them. Maybe a – höhö – "God Mode" / "Hell Mode" or so.C'mon, your amazingly creative ANet, please do it! :)

xoxo, Kronos Dunstklinge

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The problem is, what exactly is hard? Fights that are easy for me may be incredibly hard for others. This isn't an objective thing and the dozens of threads about various story instances are proof of the widely diverging opinions on "hard". I think that they aren't too wrong with how they've tuned the fight in general, even though I didn't like the warbeast part at all. The beast is just boring and the adds feel unnecessary, just a cover-up of having failed to make the boss itself interesting. Balthazar himself was much better.

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I partly disagree CptAurellian.

True. 'hard' is extremely up to everyones (dis)liking.But the endboss, should be a god-of-war-endboss and really feel like it!

It's THE endboss, not some mob out there in the field. It's level 80 high-end-content, and shouldn't feel like a cakewalk.'Ah, God of War done... where's the next lil fly I can smash?!' B)

(seriously I can't even write the unsoftened "dang" thingy?)

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In the last fight I was thinking "I could get better at defeating this thing if only I had a reason to." That's after dying about 2 or 3 times.I know it's a casual MMO, but that felt too casual. Where's the achievement? I remember in some HOT missions if you died you had to restart, but I could be remembering incorrectly.

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@MrRay.3027 said:... but that felt too casual. Where's the achievement? I remember in some HOT missions if you died you had to restart, but I could be remembering incorrectly.

And at least it's this. You shouldn't die a couple of times and go over and over and over again, until the endboss is defeated.Not even Super Mario was that casual with Bowser! =) =) =)

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The final instance was one of the biggest let downs for me. It looked epic and it wasn't so much that it wasn't fun to play through, but it rendered the entire build up as moot, as we abandoned the army we spent so long building, to charge through 2 opposing armies single handledly with Rytlocks sword (which apprently couldn't do this amazing feat at any time prior to this very moment where we suddenly decided it could).

The final fight was OK, it just didn;t have any decent mechanics behind it to make it an epic fight. Compare that to some of the boss fights in LS2 and LS3 and it fell a bit flat, supported only by the spectacular scenes going on around it.

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My only gripe with the final fight was that we didn't have time to just look around, admire the Kralk model, try to find Aurene on the war beast (throughout the entire fight, I never happened to see her).

As for the difficulty, I thought it had a fairly nice difficulty to it. Sure, we could have respawned farther back when you die. But if you wanted a fight to show how powerful Balth was, then pick the one where we are forced to die. Canonically, Balth was powerful enough to kill us, even though 2 elder dragons tried and failed.

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@Matick.4132 said:I partly disagree CptAurellian.

True. 'hard' is extremely up to everyones (dis)liking.But the endboss, should be a god-of-war-endboss and really feel like it!

It's THE endboss, not some mob out there in the field. It's level 80 high-end-content, and shouldn't feel like a cakewalk.'Ah, God of War done... where's the next lil fly I can smash?!' B)Personally, I wouldn't mind a harder fight. I think I died once to the warbeast when one of those annoying veteran adds surprised me, but the fight certainly wasn't hard (for me). If they made it harder, however, please in a more interesting way. The warbeast is just plain boring and almost without any interesting mechanics and the adds feel, as I already mentioned, just like fillers.

However, you should keep in mind the kind of game you have here. GW2 has been pretty casual from its very beginnings. Fortunately, there is also content for those how want more of a challenge, but the game's very core is still casual. "Hard" (which is very relative) bosses in the story have always created a substantial backlash and, even if I don't agree with the assessment of them being too hard, I think that is both comprehensible and fair. Other stuff (e.g. raids or high fractals) is not and should not be for absolutely everyone, but the story is. Therefore, I see little reason to make it too frustrating for those who are less good at the game, even if it's too easy for me. Let them have their fun with the content that's designed for them.

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