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Forced Engagement - Slow?


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It really matters not what is added to Force Engagement, it will forever be a pretty screwy skill with that projectile speed.Most players who run Jalis already run Retribution and when they run Retribution they run Dwarven Battle Training, which makes all yur CC skills apply Weakness anyway.

They should make Force Engagement a 300 AoE Taunt with Stunbreak.

Jalis identity along with Retribution also contradict each other.

Jalis has alot of tools which focuses on standing ground and fighting, forcing opponents to fight and high durability.Retribution has Minors and Traits that focus on Dodging, Anti Ranged, and durability.

While I'm okay with Traitlines not being tied to Legends, alot of things about Retribution and Jalis are all over the place.

They should streamline and focus Retribution into just Durability and Retaliation, and benefitting the player if they have Retaliation or if an enemy hits them while they have Retaliation.

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I think the overall design of Retribution and Jalis is pretty weird.You have a traitline designed for Retaliation, and the skill that makes use of it (taunts) Forced Engagement actually works against the idea of Retaliation because you slow down your target. Retaliation isn't a go-to line but that just doesn't make sense to me.

Slow on its own is a great Condi to have, but with Jalis, I think Weakness on FE could work. Just for the purpose of clarity and removing random condis on random skills.

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Slow+Taunt is ideal for both pve and pvp it lets you cover other conditions in pvp and in pve it rekts the break bar. Weakness on paper sounds good but taking longer for them to hit you due to slow is flat out better than being hit at a normal rate but slightly reduced in damage. My only qualms with the skill is its pretty slow and boring. I wish i could consume the chains to pull them to me or got some bonus to hammers to chained enemies.

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Having full on barrier, weakness with multiple damage reduction bonuses that actually stacks. Slow adds to the fact people not only can't hurt you for much but can't hurt you quickly for much either.

Before pre-patch I would stack up to 10 seconds of Slow because of expertise and this skill made it quite easy to do.

My recommendation is that you should only use this skill at long range for people that directly run at you or are stationary, not the latter. At about 900 it rarely misses also while point blank it's nearly impossible to avoid because of how clunky it looks and sounds. That 2 second taunt is quite plenty to land over a full one shot on medium armored and below players.

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