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Buff Leadership Rune!


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The runes that give condition or boon duration, such as leadership, were overnerfed a bit in the competitive balance patch.

Stats on runes are tiered like this (scholar rune as an example):

25 power35 ferocity50 power65 ferocity100 power125 ferocity + bonusWhere the last +125 stat is sometimes replaced by a specific bonus such as on movement speed on lynx.But some runes have +boonduration% or +conditionduration% instead of stats, such as lyssa:25 precision2% condition duration50 precision3% boon duration100 precision5% condition duration + bonusSo we have primary stat 35+65+125=225 and secondary stat 25+50+100=175. Or alternatively, we have primary stat +10% condition-/boonduration. But 1% boon- or conditionduration equals 15 expertise or concentration, so we only get 10*15=150 instead of 225 as our primary stat on these condition-/boonduration runes. These runes should instead be standardized, for example lyssa should be like this:25 precision35 expertise50 precision65 concentration100 precision125 expertise + bonusAfter this we would get 225/15=15% condition-/boonduration. What about the runes which give +duration to a specific boon/condition, such as strength? Well currently, these give twice the duration of the "general", meaning 20%. After this proposed change, the primary stat on these would be 15%*2=30%. Strength (and similar runes) would look like this:25 power5% might duration50 power10% might duration100 power15% might duration + bonus

Balance implications:The following runes appear over at godsofpvp.net: fighter, soldier, divinity, resistance, traveler, lynx, sunless. I would add infiltration and eagle for things like power mes, and adventure is a meta choice for condi mirage. Note the pattern, the runes are either:

  1. statheavy (with +125 of a good stat), like fighter, soldier, adventure, scholar.
  2. -incoming condition duration%, such as resistance and sunless, these weren't nerfed in the patch and remain at 25% instead of 10%.
  3. all stat runes, like divinity or revenant, simply because they provide a lot of stats and because the +10% hp is helpful for some squishies.
  4. +25 movement speed%, because they give movement speed to specs without swiftness.

You will notice that the +condition/boonduration runes generally aren't used (exceptional case for traveler because movement speed is incredibly important). Thus, this change makes sense both in terms of standardization, and also in terms of balance.

TL;DRRunes that improve condition duration or boon duration were nerfed from 25% to 10% in the big patch. These should be upped to 15% (in the form of 225 expertise/concentration), which would make more sense both in terms of balance, and in terms of how expertise/concentration works.

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I think boon + condi duration are a big part of power creep. imo a bad move to introduce them in the first place, but whatever. i'm personally not sad to see them get nerfed, but the current bonuses are pretty useless. they could merge whatever bonuses a rune has into the 2nd tier thingy and add a new functionality into the 4th one. flat bonuses are boring altho decent choices.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:I think boon + condi duration are a big part of power creep. imo a bad move to introduce them in the first place, but whatever. i'm personally not sad to see them get nerfed, but the current bonuses are pretty useless. they could merge whatever bonuses a rune has into the 2nd tier thingy and add a new functionality into the 4th one. flat bonuses are boring altho decent choices.

Yes they were powercrept when they were +25/50%. Funnily enough I criticized them (esp. leadership, radiance, earth) for that back then and now I am doing it again but in the opposite direction.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:I think boon + condi duration are a big part of power creep. imo a bad move to introduce them in the first place, but whatever. i'm personally not sad to see them get nerfed, but the current bonuses are pretty useless. they could merge whatever bonuses a rune has into the 2nd tier thingy and add a new functionality into the 4th one. flat bonuses are boring altho decent choices.

Except that almost every boon and condition in the game has been cut several times. Even Boon Duration and Condition Duration have been cut several times as well, back near the start of the game it was easy to get 100% Boon Duration for example..

I don't know why people say its power creep when you need to dedicate an entire build to it, that's balance.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:I think boon + condi duration are a big part of power creep. imo a bad move to introduce them in the first place, but whatever. i'm personally not sad to see them get nerfed, but the current bonuses are pretty useless. they could merge whatever bonuses a rune has into the 2nd tier thingy and add a new functionality into the 4th one. flat bonuses are boring altho decent choices.

Except that almost every boon and condition in the game has been cut several times. Even Boon Duration and Condition Duration have been cut several times as well, back near the start of the game it was easy to get 100% Boon Duration for example..

I don't know why people say its power creep when you need to dedicate an entire build to it, that's balance.

maybe doesn't apply to boon duration so much, but adding on 30% condi duration is easy and adds a ton of power to builds. that said the removal of the amulets and the rune nerf seems excessive.

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