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Why does this happen to me???

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So I am a wvw and pvp player (I do dabble with ls as I like the story). So anyway I managed to sell some mats and convert gems to have enough gold to craft the legendary ring and amulet. Now I see in another discussion that the orb sizes have been shrunk, I actually preferred them to be big as I wanted to use them on my charr were wolf themed character. The thing is I already crafted everything but why does anet have to nerf them?? It's been the same shit all this year, I do something and then it turns out wrong or completely obselete, and now when I do craft something I like, guess what? It's gonna get nerfed and I can't do crap about it (if the orb was going to get nerfed I would have stuck with the no effect versions), well done to me for wasting mats, gold, money, time etc. Anyway it's my rant, and I know I am fuming about something that isn't life changing, but it's just been a crappy year and anet does this.

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