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Has anyone ever gotten the highest skill rating of 2100?

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It's possible, but way harder to do now than before because of the shrinking playerbase.

You have to rely on the soft reset mmr of a season, only playing (and winning) the required games to keep your point gain for each match maximized and of course place high in the previous season for a higher starting point.

10 seasons ago it was very common to see people above 2100 rating. Last season very few got past 1800.

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@SPESHAL.9106 said:The real question is has anybody every achieved it without duo queing.


When DuoQ was restricted above 1600 rating there was at least one season where there were 0 players in legend at all.

It would take an actual God of PvP to win 100% of their games in SoloQ without cheating. I would from that day forth never be a doubter again, but forever be a believer, and i'd buy all their merch and consider momentarily about wearing it in public.

But DuoQ is just a crutch. Anyone in the top 100 can queue with another player better or around their skill level and just dominate during the off-hours which is really starting to become all-hours at this point. This makes me a doubter.

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