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Looking for advices on how to get decent gear for alts


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Hey everyone,

I have a weird issue with the game being that since the release of the game in 2012 I'm playing 90% of the time with my main. But with all the new elite specs we have with each expansion I really start to more and more play with my alts (which are all max level since it's not really hard to do with all the level up bonuses in game).

My big problem is that all my alts have pretty bad gear overall making them really a chore to play, and I really have a bad time even going in pvp with them as I'm so used to my main (mesmer). What would be your advices to get a full exotic gear (counting jewelry and backpack) in a decent amount of time ? I'm open to any game format (aside from raids, I can't have the time to do raids sadly), I found out that I got a decent amount of money from PvP I bought my griphon only by doing pvp in about a week or so so I was considering that way but it is a lot slower after reaching the last chest for the season. I'm also not a huge fan of super stupid farm like the fractal 40 farm.

I actually also have that issue with my main to get him alt gears to play other builds, he has an exotic berserk gear in case I want to go nuts and a support ascended gear (which is pretty useless as support mesmer is really not that good in comparison to other classes, so yay to that huge waste of time).

Help! I want to play my other 6 characters and properly enjoy the game without spending hundred hour per character to get gear (while I play a bad character because of lack of gear)

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  1. SPvP > all your characters are equipped, so no problems at all.
  2. WvW > Exotic items are fine ( you can check by yourself here http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ and compare a full ascended equipment with a exotic one ), but if you want you can also use ascended ( and consumables too ). But consider it as an extra.
  3. PvE > Exotic items are also fine, unless you wanna do high lvl fractals or raids ( if you don't equipping your charas with ascended would only be an extra as for WvW ).

I'd say first decide 1 or 2 builds for every single chara, then buy pieces through TP ( most of em are around 50s/1g ).

Then decide the one who whith you want to do raid/fractals , or if they share armor class ( light/medium/heavy ) and the build ( zerk/condi ) you can simply swap equipment between em, and equip it ( offsets through laurels, fractals and other currencies, backpack through siren's landing for an instance, and armor somehow, mostly through fractals ).

At first, if you decide for fractals, you can simply incrase agony resistance with higher infusion on offsets, while using exotic armor and weapons.Then while playing you will have your chance to make uppgrades.

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@Sombrero.9204 said:We are not playing the same game gear pieces are not below 1g at all lol. And for LS3 maps farm it takes quite a while I mean I did it for my main's amulet (I think it was the amulet), I'm not feeling like doing it 12+ times to gear all my toons.

Was talking about armor and weapons.Offset through ls, currencies, laurels, and so on.

Ps: if you need a condi set you wont necessarily need the top stat combination to start with. Since you ask how to equip you alts with nk effort at all, you have Somehow to trade for it.

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If Exotic is fine, that means you won't be doing high level fractals, and you don't want to do raids, so no one but you should care what you wear.

When playing, I always harvest crafting mats, then sell them. I find that I can get enough to gear a character in full exotic armor and weapons by using the TP within a day or two by doing so. For trinkets, I use laurels for Asc. amulets, rings and accessories. The TP can also be used to buy exotic trinkets. For back pieces, I pick the one that works best for my chosen build from a temple vendor in Orr for 42K Karma (Cavalier, magi, Soldier or Rabid). If I don't want those prefixes, then I buy a rare spineguard on the TP.

One caveat about gearing via the TP at the moment is that a lot of people are doing the same thing as you are contemplating, so prices are up, particularly on Sigils and Runes. That would mean a higher price, and thus a somewhat longer gathering/selling mats.

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I often play bizarre builds, for instance my ele is full support/heal, my engi double pistol condi and my mesmer full condi too. So I'm used to lower prices but still when you add up everything the bill gets a bit salty, and I repeat many gear on TP are above 2-3 gold per piece. And not I'm not keen to run healing power as primary stat on all my toons just because it's cheaper. I never had that much karma and I spent a lot on some stuff (I genuinely can't remember) between HoT and now (I think during LS3). I'll check laurel vendors as I have a few and double check ara karma stuff that sounds like good ideas. I still feel it should be much easier to get exotic loot nowadays, in 2012 it made more sense making it a bit harder but now urgh. Yes it's not crazy hard either but GW has always been about reaching max level quickly enough and not the stats being the first reason of if you suck or not but rather your build and experience with the game. Most of my alts are really super bad just because of their gear. My engin hits like a truck (but a bit too glass cannon, I think I need to change that), my ele is too supporty and virtually invincible but never kills anything and the 3 other are genuinely super terribly geared (rip crap characters). Hey ho I'll try your advices thank you guys, if you have more I'm all ears!

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What's your preferred game mode and are you willing to repeat activities? Based on first and latest posts I am not as certain. WvW can offer some gear options from the vendors. At the same time some of the meta events can offer exotic gear that you can choose stats on but are tied behind zone currencies and RNG from drops. That's one of the pluses to crafting if you have the materials or can acquire them. Also are you in a guild and if so in one with anyone that crafts. Besides some HoT sets a lot of sets don't require rarer materials for crafting aspects and someone might be able to trade /craft sets that might be of interest.

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