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Berserk shouldn't require hit to proc berserker power


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berserk is a melee range skillbut what about rifle and longbow, you literally can't benefit from any of these buffing traits if u decided to burst from range.berserk should be like longbow burst, procs on activation.specially after changing primal burst to count as only 1 adrenaline bar instead of 3.

berserk is a class mechanics, shouldn't be so limited being more beneficial towards melee weapons.

too be honest what's the point of making these traits on hit anyway.

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Well, initially they were based on how many bars of Adrenaline you HAD and not spent. I miss those days, only ever had to push 1-5 ever. They wanted to turn it into a more active gameplay, which is probably the correct thing to do as you were penalized then for even using your bursts, but on use versus on hit has gradually become an Achilles Heel of the warrior.

Now, making this to on use rather than on hit would mean:Adrenal Health will proc no matter whatCleansing Ire will clear 3 condis even if you do not hitBerserker's Power will give +21% damage if you do not hitSoldier's Comfort will proc even if you do not hit.

Granted I agree with you in that these should all be on use rather than on hit, but I'm sure that if this change occurred that the Forum Knights would QQ and then Anet would nerf these traits further than they have already.

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It has always bothered me why all those traits are not designed around adrenaline spending (consuming), instead of hitting with the burst skill. "For better counterplay" is silly since we are not in pre-HoT anymore. So there is easy solution to this. Condi spammers will have to put more effort into their braindead gameplay.Also, I suggest adding new trait in Defense that gives adrenaline when disabled or when breaking out of stun (e.g. 10 adrenaline per cc).

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@"cryorion.9532" said:It has always bothered me why all those traits are not designed around adrenaline spending (consuming), instead of hitting with the burst skill. "For better counterplay" is silly since we are not in pre-HoT anymore. So there is easy solution to this. Condi spammers will have to put more effort into their braindead gameplay.Also, I suggest adding new trait in Defense that gives adrenaline when disabled or when breaking out of stun (e.g. 10 adrenaline per cc).

Perhaps when they rework Defy Pain that will happen. When breaking a stun gain 10 adrenaline and 3s or Retaliation on a 15s CD? Not an auto stunbreak, it would be on active use, so I can see a lower CD being justified, and would add synergy with Spiked Armor.

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the on hit limitation did nothing for active game play, it actually limits game play and it limits your choice of weapon when taking this supposed global trait.like what if i wanted to proc berserker's power when i'm not close to enemy so i can have a big next surprise hit? why shouldn't i be able to do that.Like why am i gated from berserker power if i decided to sacrifice one utility for 30 adrenaline so i can berserk burst from range with rifle.

there are so much missed opportunity with these unused weapons, just because this limitation.on hit probably made sense back then pre expansion, but it doesnt make sense now.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:Probably because rifle already has enough burst and doesn't need more? Who knows.

you are the type of person who would say the same thing before they doubling skill up time and give one more skill to refresh all skills on hit."who knows rifle wasn't touched for years, it's probably good enough" may as well not type at all..

on hit probably made sense back then pre expansion, but it doesnt make sense now.


It was first introduced to cleansing ire when there are way less condition spam and hambow being too tanky against conditions in hope of shaving (but it just limits the trait to longbow even more)then it was later standardized across the board with the specialization revamp for the sake of standardization.

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