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Nerf condi damage aka NERF BURNIG DAMAGE


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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@"cptaylor.2670" said:But without condi damage the evade spammers and bunkers wouldn't get free wins.

We can't have that.

Those evade spammers already have to out play u and hit u 10x for every one hit of urs so there's already a trade off due to the imbalances this game already suffers from without adding burning tics to those tanks they hit with consecutive tics each equaling a evade specs burst.Nothing like back stabbing a guard as it laughs and gives u a burn that matches ur burst or surpasses it each tic, u clear it and just get it reapplied while ur tickling the guard with ur 300-500 dagger auto lol.

Stop auto attacking and use your class apripriate skills :PDo a 5k Backstab (with assasin signet+shadow shyphoning+ Leaching poison) + then use 2 Shadowshots for 4500 ..then burn his 3500 remaining health (13.000 max hp)

Its like i see Enginners cry about the 250 Pistol Auto attack for 8 years :p

You really are just so blinded by your anti-thief bias, you dont even notice how bad what youre describing is. Or how wrong. The burn guard doesnt have 13000 max hp. They have over 20000 hp. They have auto-aegis to block your attack, protection if their aegis is triggered, and several instant-cast heals. And thats to say nothing of their active blocks, or their active healing skill. Youll do not even a fraction of the damage youre describing. And you also forgot that by the time you get to hit 2 shadowshots, you got burst burned to death.

Swipe can bypass aegisIstand cast heals , such as dodge>heal have been nerfedNo Guard use the aegis>protection

If Swipe bypasses aegis, that just means your next attack gets blocked, like, say, your backstab. Not a good idea. Not that that is surprising given how little you know about thief. You also only have the 1 backstab. Meditations are still instant cast ,and Monks Focus still makes them heal for quite a decent chunk. And theyre all instant cast. Also, hate to break it to ya, but burn guards do use the Valor traitline.

Any character coming in the meele range character HAVE THE DANGER TO BE NUKED BY AOES .Thief have tools with the Daredevil + Shadow arts to remove Burns , or choose another spec to have 45% damage redctuion :P

No kitten, thats the point. Thief is not good when they can just get nuked by AoEs. And sure, thief can remove burn, but not as often as the guard can apply burn, and not fast enough to get rid of the first tick. Weve already gone over why your hypotehtical 45% damage reduction build is unplayable trash, but since you clearly dont know (again): That doesnt apply to condi damage. Only power.

First of all , your mistake is that you wanna get some ''scores'' to sleep well .I cannot still understand if your parents raised you with ''sieze your democratic rights and dont care how rude you sound ''Or just myself , you grow up in different neimberhood , away from old friends and you lash out knowing you wont get punished

You're rambling about random nonsense again. Also you shouldnt be surprised if people sound "rude" after you drain all their patience while ignoring that you have been proven wrong over and over. Dont want people to be rude? Accept when you are wrong and learn.

Aegis is removes from the next hitIf that hit has unbrocable or not , it will disappear .Its like the Basilisc poisonNext hit ,regadles it is dissapears

Stop talking about classes and skills you dont know or understand. When you hit an enemy with Aegis using an unblockable skill, the Aegis simply doesnt get consumed. It stays there. So Swipe ignores Aegis, and then your next attack gets hit by aegis. Now what you
be referring to is Bountiful Theft, since that one does rip Aegis at a high priority, but that also sometimes fails nowadays.

Smite Condition+ Judge's Intervention + Monk's Focus = 2800 healIf you use Merciful Intervention , its 40 sec cdShadow Shot = 2300 on the heavy npcIf he wants more healing , he must get a Power Anulet and not a Condition

Yeah, you wont get to heal that often. But thats quite alright, you kill the thief long before he can get the chance to kill you. You have far more health, better armour, and do far more damage after all. Plus, the thieves shadowshots are pretty limited.

Ifyou let the Guardian to hit you 10 times > you dispel > then he hits you for another 10 hits without using a single dodge ....i am sorry about you :P

If he hits the thief for 10 burn stacks, the thief is close to dead and anything that hits him kills him. He cant dispel in time. Obviously this isnt a fight the thief should take, but its also a fight where the thief can die just as collateral. The risk you take when you go for melee bursts with poor burst.

God gave you 3 dodges ...and a trait that removes Conditions on dodge + from the SA while steallth.

Ever wondered why almost noone using Escapists Fortitude anymore, even against heavy condi comps? Well, try it out, youll learn why.

You have some minor lacking in the knowleghe departmentJust ask me some questions , before you go round and round conversation with other (just like in Upkeep Rev trait 15% movement speed that stack with Swiftneess) and then you say it was a bug .

Aegis > 1st attack>disspaperas

He spents 2 utilites skills + 1 grandamster trait , that you simply counter it with casting a 2300 Shadow Shot

The guardian has a Condtion/Toughness Amuelts ... so the 10 attackswont do manjor attack . Activating the 1st Passive F1 burn does the damage .You can do more damag with less atacks

Guardians is not heavy Condition spec ...he is not Necro ..And you are whining about Guardian now :P

Trust me , dont be foolish .Take a loss and take a break :PYou will sleep better at night :P

@"cptaylor.2670" said:But without condi damage the evade spammers and bunkers wouldn't get free wins.

We can't have that.

Those evade spammers already have to out play u and hit u 10x for every one hit of urs so there's already a trade off due to the imbalances this game already suffers from without adding burning tics to those tanks they hit with consecutive tics each equaling a evade specs burst.Nothing like back stabbing a guard as it laughs and gives u a burn that matches ur burst or surpasses it each tic, u clear it and just get it reapplied while ur tickling the guard with ur 300-500 dagger auto lol.

Stop auto attacking and use your class apripriate skills :PDo a 5k Backstab (with assasin signet+shadow shyphoning+ Leaching poison) + then use 2 Shadowshots for 4500 ..then burn his 3500 remaining health (13.000 max hp)

Its like i see Enginners cry about the 250 Pistol Auto attack for 8 years :p

You really are just so blinded by your anti-thief bias, you dont even notice how bad what youre describing is. Or how wrong. The burn guard doesnt have 13000 max hp. They have over 20000 hp. They have auto-aegis to block your attack, protection if their aegis is triggered, and several instant-cast heals. And thats to say nothing of their active blocks, or their active healing skill. Youll do not even a fraction of the damage youre describing. And you also forgot that by the time you get to hit 2 shadowshots, you got burst burned to death.

Swipe can bypass aegisIstand cast heals , such as dodge>heal have been nerfedNo Guard use the aegis>protection

If Swipe bypasses aegis, that just means your next attack gets blocked, like, say, your backstab. Not a good idea. Not that that is surprising given how little you know about thief. You also only have the 1 backstab. Meditations are still instant cast ,and Monks Focus still makes them heal for quite a decent chunk. And theyre all instant cast. Also, hate to break it to ya, but burn guards do use the Valor traitline.

Any character coming in the meele range character HAVE THE DANGER TO BE NUKED BY AOES .Thief have tools with the Daredevil + Shadow arts to remove Burns , or choose another spec to have 45% damage redctuion :P

No kitten, thats the point. Thief is not good when they can just get nuked by AoEs. And sure, thief can remove burn, but not as often as the guard can apply burn, and not fast enough to get rid of the first tick. Weve already gone over why your hypotehtical 45% damage reduction build is unplayable trash, but since you clearly dont know (again): That doesnt apply to condi damage. Only power.

First of all , your mistake is that you wanna get some ''scores'' to sleep well .I cannot still understand if your parents raised you with ''sieze your democratic rights and dont care how rude you sound ''Or just myself , you grow up in different neimberhood , away from old friends and you lash out knowing you wont get punished

You're rambling about random nonsense again. Also you shouldnt be surprised if people sound "rude" after you drain all their patience while ignoring that you have been proven wrong over and over. Dont want people to be rude? Accept when you are wrong and learn.

Aegis is removes from the next hitIf that hit has unbrocable or not , it will disappear .Its like the Basilisc poisonNext hit ,regadles it is dissapears

Stop talking about classes and skills you dont know or understand. When you hit an enemy with Aegis using an unblockable skill, the Aegis simply doesnt get consumed. It stays there. So Swipe ignores Aegis, and then your next attack gets hit by aegis. Now what you
be referring to is Bountiful Theft, since that one does rip Aegis at a high priority, but that also sometimes fails nowadays.

Smite Condition+ Judge's Intervention + Monk's Focus = 2800 healIf you use Merciful Intervention , its 40 sec cdShadow Shot = 2300 on the heavy npcIf he wants more healing , he must get a Power Anulet and not a Condition

Yeah, you wont get to heal that often. But thats quite alright, you kill the thief long before he can get the chance to kill you. You have far more health, better armour, and do far more damage after all. Plus, the thieves shadowshots are pretty limited.

Ifyou let the Guardian to hit you 10 times > you dispel > then he hits you for another 10 hits without using a single dodge ....i am sorry about you :P

If he hits the thief for 10 burn stacks, the thief is close to dead and anything that hits him kills him. He cant dispel in time. Obviously this isnt a fight the thief should take, but its also a fight where the thief can die just as collateral. The risk you take when you go for melee bursts with poor burst.

God gave you 3 dodges ...and a trait that removes Conditions on dodge + from the SA while steallth.

Ever wondered why almost noone using Escapists Fortitude anymore, even against heavy condi comps? Well, try it out, youll learn why.

You have some minor lacking in the knowleghe departmentJust ask me some questions , before you go round and round conversation with other (just like in Upkeep Rev trait 15% movement speed that stack with Swiftneess) and then you say it was a bug .

I dont, you do. But thats business as usual, isnt it? And as I said, the patch notes specifically pointed out that Rising Momentum is intended to stack with swiftness, and it did do that. If it no longer does, it is a bug. End of story.

Aegis > 1st attack>disspaperas

Unblockable attacks do not remove Aegis. I have already explained that. So most of the time, the result of that would be that your backstab gets eaten by an aegis. Unless it gets ripped by Bountiful Theft, but you know.

He spents 2 utilites skills + 1 grandamster trait , that you simply counter it with casting a 2300 Shadow Shot

Its not like he picked that grandmaster trait for that specific scenario. Its just good in general. Sides, he negated most of your damage, and thief is very limited on damage.

The guardian has a Condtion/Toughness Amuelts ... so the 10 attackswont do manjor attack . Activating the 1st Passive F1 burn does the damage .You can do more damag with less atacks

They play Carrion, not Rabid. You really need to stop talking about things that you dont know about. And their burn does an absurd amount of damage. They do far more damage than a thief does with far less investment.

Guardians is not heavy Condition spec ...he is not Necro ..And you are whining about Guardian now :P

Evidently, you dont know burn guardian. Then again, at this point I wonder if there is anything you
know outside of Ranger.

Trust me , dont be foolish .Take a loss and take a break :PYou will sleep better at night :P

Trying to be condescending doesnt even work when you actually know what youre talking about. It works even less if youve made clear you have not the faintest clue what youre talking about.

Rising Momentum isnt intented to stack with Swiftness .Its a trait just like Warrior' 25% movement speed while they hold meele weapons ... so they don need to depent on swiftness :P

."Rising Momentum: This trait has replaced Hardening Persistence as an adept tier trait and grants the revenant a 5% increased movement speed for each point of upkeep they are using. The movement speed granted by this trait stacks with all other movement speed increases."

Go in the PvP area > use your Ranger > cast 6 sec unbrocable and then Rapid Fire (Longbow 2)> hit for 6-7 times in a lifespan of 2 sec > then come to me and tell me the results , if after the full Rapid Fire duration , that the Aegis persist

It does. Well, the permanent one from the Virtue, the others might just run out of duration. As I said, dont talk about things you do not know about.

Again 1 simply attack (Shadow Shot) , countered 2 ultilties+ 1 grandmaster ... so he wasted option and he didnt took the inteded MORE HEAL you proclaimed :pensive:

Its funny that you think the meditations have no other effects outside of procing that trait. And by funny I mean sad. Its also funny that you think that he "wasted that heal" when it negated most of the thieves damage, with the thief quickly running out.

If he Took Carrior he doesnt have Toughness , so you will do more damage with all spells . even 7k with backstab+ leaching+sphonic+ 3k from shadow shot

What did I tell you about not talking about things you dont know? The damage you listed was accurate for Carrion. With Toughness, it would do even less. You will not get anywhere close to 7k with a backstab on a Rabid Guardian.

You said that the dodge trait that removed dots , is useless on Burn Guadian .. ia m atelling you again he is not Necro or Mesmer

Oh its not useless on guardian, its just generally not worth it. Against a burn guardian, ignoring for a second that one tick will hit you, he can just stow weapons after doing the instant burst and suddenly that trait does absolutely nothing.

I am not consendening , i really love o argue with ppl.I am just trying to seen as a good guy and give you an option , so the Mod dont ban me :P

And all youre showing is that you talk about things you clearly dont know, and really shouldnt.

The effect stacks with other minnor effect (5% movement speed on WvWvW or 15% on PvE boosters) , not with actual buff like SwiftneessEffects that provide a bonus to movement speed (e.g. swiftness) do not stack; only the highest increase in movement speed will be applied.

"Rising Momentum: This trait has replaced Hardening Persistence as an adept tier trait and grants the revenant a 5% increased movement speed for each point of upkeep they are using. The movement speed granted by this trait stacks with
other movement speed increases.". All includes swiftness. As I said, that is how it worked.

Virtue and from the weapons are the sameOn next hit , if is unblocable or not , it still deperseGo in the mist and showme the results with the Ranger :P

Not sure why you hope that repeating the same wrong thing will make it true. It will not. Aegis is removed once an attack is blocked. Unblockable attacks are not blocked. The Aegis remains.

1 shots negates his HUGE HEALING you where proclai,mingIf you get hit 10 times and you proc the Burn and you didnt dodge + use the remove dots on evades ...i cannot comment you on your skill vlv

I never said it was huge healing. I said it was healing. I also said that you were wrong about their HP, and a few other things. You also seem to be unaware that Guardians burst is instant and undodgable. Then again, you are wrong about just about every single thing you say.

If he has Carrior you will do 8kIf he has Rabit , then you will do 5k AND HIS 10 ATTACKS THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUTA , WILL NOT DO DAMAGE :p

You know, if youre going to lie at least keep your kitten story straight. You just said it was 7k, now its 8k? For anyone who isnt sure just how wrong this guy (as always) is: The highest you can get with an active assassins signet (which is not really used much anymore), which includes active Scholar and so on, is about 5800. That is including both of the leeching traits. If he has Rabid? About 4000. Youre also still wrong about burn damage, but thats not surprising.

I am trying to showcase to the otherr ppl in the community ,how a person that make posts over posts ...can still dont know his class or how things work :P

The only thing youre "showcasing" is that you keep talking about things you dont know or understand in the slightest. Shockingly, since you dont know how unblockable and Aegis interact, apparently that includes your own class.

1) Since it was release it would EVER work with switness .When the Runes of ''something '' was eleased with 66% movement speed , the comminity was easy to spot the advantage and it was removed :P

Im assuming you got the word wrong, but yes, it worked with all movement speed increases including Swiftness. That was the point. If it doesnt work right now, its bugged.

2) Install OCB , (videoprogram) and show me the 6 sec unbrocable Ranger Rapid Fire ...not destroying the aegis ..i wait :P

Why would I waste effort on trying to show you evidence youre going to ignore anyway? Go do it yourself, you may learn something yet.

3) Yeah sorry i dont buy the theory instant and undodgable .Because dodging all the attack , doesnt apply the Burn from the 1st VirtueRemember Guardian must push 6-7 bottuns ... and when you cleanse their burn , they have 8-10 cd in most attacks + their weapon switch is on cd

... you really dont have a clue, do you? What am I saying, of course you dont. Something as simple as Zealots Flame + Intervention + Virtue, which is all instant and all hits at once is too difficult for you to get. Then again you also think that Guardian needs to press "6-7 buttons" (3, or 2, actually). Just another thing to throw onto the "pile of things you got completely wrong".

4) There are ppl that managed 8700 in the pvp scenarioIn WvW , its more like 9k -13K with or without the Assasin Signet :P

Using an unplayable build that pushed damage to the max. And even then, only before Assassins Signet got nerfed. On a light class. So no, they havent shown that at all. Also I see a cherry-picked video with a bad build on squishy non-heavy armour targets. Oh my god, youre a Burnfall alt. That explains so much.

5) The only thing youre "showcasing" is that you keep talking about things you dont know or understand in the slightest

Parroting things like a child. Your idea of a "smart comeback" I take it? That too explains a lot.

1) It didnt ever work with Swiftness .That was the point.

It did. Wrong as usual.
you have some people talking about it.

2)Why would I waste effort on trying to show you evidence youre going to ignore anyway? Go do it yourself, you may learn something yet.

Good grief, you really are a child.

3)Zealots Flame + Intervention + Virtue , did 10k burn ? kitten son , your maths are rad

Where did you get 10k burn from? Usually when you make up a lie I can at least guess what you gleaned it from, but this time Im legitimately stumped.

4) Fixed a bug that caused this signet to grant its old bonus damage increase in addition to the bonus power.March 17, 2020Video 04/04/2020

You need to improve your reading comprehension. The first part was talking about sPvP, not the video. The video was using a bad build that pushes damage to the max. But hey, not surprising, we know youre not big on accuracy.

5)Parroting things like a child. Your idea of a "smart comeback" I take it? That too explains a lot.

You just legitimately are a child, arent you? That, and/or a burnfall alt. Either way, what you say is so thoroughly and inevitably wrong, that there is no point but to just remind you, and everyone else, that you are always wrong. And talk about classes you dont know. Classes who you hate so much, youre willing to lie about them.

1) Read the thread tooIts not like 15% + 33% swiftness = 48% speed, where Revs can catch easily thiefs

Actually, it is exactly that. Well, either that or they stack multiplicatively. I didnt look that carefully when I tested.

2) And show me some video

Nah. Its more effective if you learn that you were wrong through your own hands.

3) So if 3 attacks doesnt give you 10k burns (as you whined) , then the Guardian need MORE ATTACKS. So its not instant and undodgable as you said

Noone talked about 10k burn here, did they? 10k burn is also doable in an undogable version, but that requires a bit more, and I cant be bothered to look up what that combo looks like exactly. Sides, even if its just 6k-8k instant burn, thats still guaranteed damage you take, and then you have to hope that they dont ever tag you with burn again, or you die.

4) So gaurdians that not choose to more than needed defenisve traits , and opt to get an offensive ones for extra Burn is a bad build ?

There are only 2 traitlines that interact with burning. One is an offensive traitline. The other is mostly defensive. The third traitline Burn guards run is also defensive. So one offensive, 2 defensive. Thats a good build. The build I was talking about was 3 offensive traitlines, full of modifiers that get deactivated easily. It was a bad build.

The goal of the Thief is to go in and do max damage and run . He is not a Brusser to stay with shadow Arts with 1 fear + 2k damage (because you dont like to restealth)

You cant go full glass cannon though. Else you go in and die before you can run. You need a tiny bit of survivability too. Plus, utility. And I dont know why youre so hung up on it, but its not I dont like to restealth, its that every good thief knows not to go for in-combat stealth because its garbage. The only one that you might go for is healing restoration, mostly because its passive and you dont get a choice in the matter.

But repeatedly showing you to be wrong, only for you to ignore it and continue saying wrong things undeterred is tiresome. Time to treat you the same as Burnfall, and laugh at your insanity.

You know what, one final debunking of your lies.

1) Its called.. ''hard cap'' . We talk about it when we bicker a while too.

You dont hit the hardcap with 45% in-combat. Wrong, as always.

2) Show me a video with 6secunbrocable Rapid Fire , not destroyiing Guardian aegis.

Nah, do your research yourself

3) 6-8kburn , how many stack it is ? How many attacks he did ?

Ive already said that. I will not repeat myself.

4) Daredevil with 20% reduction is not exaclty an offensive one . He used Trickery for the Lead Attacks and he used SA with the leach+syphon

Why do you love lying so much anyway? No the build in question was Bound thief using DA and CS. No Trickery, no SA. How tiresome.

5) If you dont spec for full offence , then you are classified as Brusser ..not an assasin

Wrong, as always. Not much to add here.

6) But repeatedly showing you to be wrong, only for you to ignore it and continue saying wrong things undeterred is tiresome. Time to treat you the same as Burnfall, and laugh at your insanity.

How I wish you would leave me alone instead of coming with your nonsense every time anyone says anything about thief. I think this is just about everything that needs to be said. Learn to accept being wrong and how to improve, or stay wrong forever. I dont care.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"cptaylor.2670" said:But without condi damage the evade spammers and bunkers wouldn't get free wins.

We can't have that.

Those evade spammers already have to out play u and hit u 10x for every one hit of urs so there's already a trade off due to the imbalances this game already suffers from without adding burning tics to those tanks they hit with consecutive tics each equaling a evade specs burst.Nothing like back stabbing a guard as it laughs and gives u a burn that matches ur burst or surpasses it each tic, u clear it and just get it reapplied while ur tickling the guard with ur 300-500 dagger auto lol.

Stop auto attacking and use your class apripriate skills :PDo a 5k Backstab (with assasin signet+shadow shyphoning+ Leaching poison) + then use 2 Shadowshots for 4500 ..then burn his 3500 remaining health (13.000 max hp)

Its like i see Enginners cry about the 250 Pistol Auto attack for 8 years :p

You really are just so blinded by your anti-thief bias, you dont even notice how bad what youre describing is. Or how wrong. The burn guard doesnt have 13000 max hp. They have over 20000 hp. They have auto-aegis to block your attack, protection if their aegis is triggered, and several instant-cast heals. And thats to say nothing of their active blocks, or their active healing skill. Youll do not even a fraction of the damage youre describing. And you also forgot that by the time you get to hit 2 shadowshots, you got burst burned to death.

Swipe can bypass aegisIstand cast heals , such as dodge>heal have been nerfedNo Guard use the aegis>protection

If Swipe bypasses aegis, that just means your next attack gets blocked, like, say, your backstab. Not a good idea. Not that that is surprising given how little you know about thief. You also only have the 1 backstab. Meditations are still instant cast ,and Monks Focus still makes them heal for quite a decent chunk. And theyre all instant cast. Also, hate to break it to ya, but burn guards do use the Valor traitline.

Any character coming in the meele range character HAVE THE DANGER TO BE NUKED BY AOES .Thief have tools with the Daredevil + Shadow arts to remove Burns , or choose another spec to have 45% damage redctuion :P

No kitten, thats the point. Thief is not good when they can just get nuked by AoEs. And sure, thief can remove burn, but not as often as the guard can apply burn, and not fast enough to get rid of the first tick. Weve already gone over why your hypotehtical 45% damage reduction build is unplayable trash, but since you clearly dont know (again): That doesnt apply to condi damage. Only power.

First of all , your mistake is that you wanna get some ''scores'' to sleep well .I cannot still understand if your parents raised you with ''sieze your democratic rights and dont care how rude you sound ''Or just myself , you grow up in different neimberhood , away from old friends and you lash out knowing you wont get punished

You're rambling about random nonsense again. Also you shouldnt be surprised if people sound "rude" after you drain all their patience while ignoring that you have been proven wrong over and over. Dont want people to be rude? Accept when you are wrong and learn.

Aegis is removes from the next hitIf that hit has unbrocable or not , it will disappear .Its like the Basilisc poisonNext hit ,regadles it is dissapears

Stop talking about classes and skills you dont know or understand. When you hit an enemy with Aegis using an unblockable skill, the Aegis simply doesnt get consumed. It stays there. So Swipe ignores Aegis, and then your next attack gets hit by aegis. Now what you
be referring to is Bountiful Theft, since that one does rip Aegis at a high priority, but that also sometimes fails nowadays.

Smite Condition+ Judge's Intervention + Monk's Focus = 2800 healIf you use Merciful Intervention , its 40 sec cdShadow Shot = 2300 on the heavy npcIf he wants more healing , he must get a Power Anulet and not a Condition

Yeah, you wont get to heal that often. But thats quite alright, you kill the thief long before he can get the chance to kill you. You have far more health, better armour, and do far more damage after all. Plus, the thieves shadowshots are pretty limited.

Ifyou let the Guardian to hit you 10 times > you dispel > then he hits you for another 10 hits without using a single dodge ....i am sorry about you :P

If he hits the thief for 10 burn stacks, the thief is close to dead and anything that hits him kills him. He cant dispel in time. Obviously this isnt a fight the thief should take, but its also a fight where the thief can die just as collateral. The risk you take when you go for melee bursts with poor burst.

God gave you 3 dodges ...and a trait that removes Conditions on dodge + from the SA while steallth.

Ever wondered why almost noone using Escapists Fortitude anymore, even against heavy condi comps? Well, try it out, youll learn why.

You have some minor lacking in the knowleghe departmentJust ask me some questions , before you go round and round conversation with other (just like in Upkeep Rev trait 15% movement speed that stack with Swiftneess) and then you say it was a bug .

Aegis > 1st attack>disspaperas

He spents 2 utilites skills + 1 grandamster trait , that you simply counter it with casting a 2300 Shadow Shot

The guardian has a Condtion/Toughness Amuelts ... so the 10 attackswont do manjor attack . Activating the 1st Passive F1 burn does the damage .You can do more damag with less atacks

Guardians is not heavy Condition spec ...he is not Necro ..And you are whining about Guardian now :P

Trust me , dont be foolish .Take a loss and take a break :PYou will sleep better at night :P

@"cptaylor.2670" said:But without condi damage the evade spammers and bunkers wouldn't get free wins.

We can't have that.

Those evade spammers already have to out play u and hit u 10x for every one hit of urs so there's already a trade off due to the imbalances this game already suffers from without adding burning tics to those tanks they hit with consecutive tics each equaling a evade specs burst.Nothing like back stabbing a guard as it laughs and gives u a burn that matches ur burst or surpasses it each tic, u clear it and just get it reapplied while ur tickling the guard with ur 300-500 dagger auto lol.

Stop auto attacking and use your class apripriate skills :PDo a 5k Backstab (with assasin signet+shadow shyphoning+ Leaching poison) + then use 2 Shadowshots for 4500 ..then burn his 3500 remaining health (13.000 max hp)

Its like i see Enginners cry about the 250 Pistol Auto attack for 8 years :p

You really are just so blinded by your anti-thief bias, you dont even notice how bad what youre describing is. Or how wrong. The burn guard doesnt have 13000 max hp. They have over 20000 hp. They have auto-aegis to block your attack, protection if their aegis is triggered, and several instant-cast heals. And thats to say nothing of their active blocks, or their active healing skill. Youll do not even a fraction of the damage youre describing. And you also forgot that by the time you get to hit 2 shadowshots, you got burst burned to death.

Swipe can bypass aegisIstand cast heals , such as dodge>heal have been nerfedNo Guard use the aegis>protection

If Swipe bypasses aegis, that just means your next attack gets blocked, like, say, your backstab. Not a good idea. Not that that is surprising given how little you know about thief. You also only have the 1 backstab. Meditations are still instant cast ,and Monks Focus still makes them heal for quite a decent chunk. And theyre all instant cast. Also, hate to break it to ya, but burn guards do use the Valor traitline.

Any character coming in the meele range character HAVE THE DANGER TO BE NUKED BY AOES .Thief have tools with the Daredevil + Shadow arts to remove Burns , or choose another spec to have 45% damage redctuion :P

No kitten, thats the point. Thief is not good when they can just get nuked by AoEs. And sure, thief can remove burn, but not as often as the guard can apply burn, and not fast enough to get rid of the first tick. Weve already gone over why your hypotehtical 45% damage reduction build is unplayable trash, but since you clearly dont know (again): That doesnt apply to condi damage. Only power.

First of all , your mistake is that you wanna get some ''scores'' to sleep well .I cannot still understand if your parents raised you with ''sieze your democratic rights and dont care how rude you sound ''Or just myself , you grow up in different neimberhood , away from old friends and you lash out knowing you wont get punished

You're rambling about random nonsense again. Also you shouldnt be surprised if people sound "rude" after you drain all their patience while ignoring that you have been proven wrong over and over. Dont want people to be rude? Accept when you are wrong and learn.

Aegis is removes from the next hitIf that hit has unbrocable or not , it will disappear .Its like the Basilisc poisonNext hit ,regadles it is dissapears

Stop talking about classes and skills you dont know or understand. When you hit an enemy with Aegis using an unblockable skill, the Aegis simply doesnt get consumed. It stays there. So Swipe ignores Aegis, and then your next attack gets hit by aegis. Now what you
be referring to is Bountiful Theft, since that one does rip Aegis at a high priority, but that also sometimes fails nowadays.

Smite Condition+ Judge's Intervention + Monk's Focus = 2800 healIf you use Merciful Intervention , its 40 sec cdShadow Shot = 2300 on the heavy npcIf he wants more healing , he must get a Power Anulet and not a Condition

Yeah, you wont get to heal that often. But thats quite alright, you kill the thief long before he can get the chance to kill you. You have far more health, better armour, and do far more damage after all. Plus, the thieves shadowshots are pretty limited.

Ifyou let the Guardian to hit you 10 times > you dispel > then he hits you for another 10 hits without using a single dodge ....i am sorry about you :P

If he hits the thief for 10 burn stacks, the thief is close to dead and anything that hits him kills him. He cant dispel in time. Obviously this isnt a fight the thief should take, but its also a fight where the thief can die just as collateral. The risk you take when you go for melee bursts with poor burst.

God gave you 3 dodges ...and a trait that removes Conditions on dodge + from the SA while steallth.

Ever wondered why almost noone using Escapists Fortitude anymore, even against heavy condi comps? Well, try it out, youll learn why.

You have some minor lacking in the knowleghe departmentJust ask me some questions , before you go round and round conversation with other (just like in Upkeep Rev trait 15% movement speed that stack with Swiftneess) and then you say it was a bug .

I dont, you do. But thats business as usual, isnt it? And as I said, the patch notes specifically pointed out that Rising Momentum is intended to stack with swiftness, and it did do that. If it no longer does, it is a bug. End of story.

Aegis > 1st attack>disspaperas

Unblockable attacks do not remove Aegis. I have already explained that. So most of the time, the result of that would be that your backstab gets eaten by an aegis. Unless it gets ripped by Bountiful Theft, but you know.

He spents 2 utilites skills + 1 grandamster trait , that you simply counter it with casting a 2300 Shadow Shot

Its not like he picked that grandmaster trait for that specific scenario. Its just good in general. Sides, he negated most of your damage, and thief is very limited on damage.

The guardian has a Condtion/Toughness Amuelts ... so the 10 attackswont do manjor attack . Activating the 1st Passive F1 burn does the damage .You can do more damag with less atacks

They play Carrion, not Rabid. You really need to stop talking about things that you dont know about. And their burn does an absurd amount of damage. They do far more damage than a thief does with far less investment.

Guardians is not heavy Condition spec ...he is not Necro ..And you are whining about Guardian now :P

Evidently, you dont know burn guardian. Then again, at this point I wonder if there is anything you
know outside of Ranger.

Trust me , dont be foolish .Take a loss and take a break :PYou will sleep better at night :P

Trying to be condescending doesnt even work when you actually know what youre talking about. It works even less if youve made clear you have not the faintest clue what youre talking about.

Rising Momentum isnt intented to stack with Swiftness .Its a trait just like Warrior' 25% movement speed while they hold meele weapons ... so they don need to depent on swiftness :P

."Rising Momentum: This trait has replaced Hardening Persistence as an adept tier trait and grants the revenant a 5% increased movement speed for each point of upkeep they are using. The movement speed granted by this trait stacks with all other movement speed increases."

Go in the PvP area > use your Ranger > cast 6 sec unbrocable and then Rapid Fire (Longbow 2)> hit for 6-7 times in a lifespan of 2 sec > then come to me and tell me the results , if after the full Rapid Fire duration , that the Aegis persist

It does. Well, the permanent one from the Virtue, the others might just run out of duration. As I said, dont talk about things you do not know about.

Again 1 simply attack (Shadow Shot) , countered 2 ultilties+ 1 grandmaster ... so he wasted option and he didnt took the inteded MORE HEAL you proclaimed :pensive:

Its funny that you think the meditations have no other effects outside of procing that trait. And by funny I mean sad. Its also funny that you think that he "wasted that heal" when it negated most of the thieves damage, with the thief quickly running out.

If he Took Carrior he doesnt have Toughness , so you will do more damage with all spells . even 7k with backstab+ leaching+sphonic+ 3k from shadow shot

What did I tell you about not talking about things you dont know? The damage you listed was accurate for Carrion. With Toughness, it would do even less. You will not get anywhere close to 7k with a backstab on a Rabid Guardian.

You said that the dodge trait that removed dots , is useless on Burn Guadian .. ia m atelling you again he is not Necro or Mesmer

Oh its not useless on guardian, its just generally not worth it. Against a burn guardian, ignoring for a second that one tick will hit you, he can just stow weapons after doing the instant burst and suddenly that trait does absolutely nothing.

I am not consendening , i really love o argue with ppl.I am just trying to seen as a good guy and give you an option , so the Mod dont ban me :P

And all youre showing is that you talk about things you clearly dont know, and really shouldnt.

The effect stacks with other minnor effect (5% movement speed on WvWvW or 15% on PvE boosters) , not with actual buff like SwiftneessEffects that provide a bonus to movement speed (e.g. swiftness) do not stack; only the highest increase in movement speed will be applied.

"Rising Momentum: This trait has replaced Hardening Persistence as an adept tier trait and grants the revenant a 5% increased movement speed for each point of upkeep they are using. The movement speed granted by this trait stacks with
other movement speed increases.". All includes swiftness. As I said, that is how it worked.

Virtue and from the weapons are the sameOn next hit , if is unblocable or not , it still deperseGo in the mist and showme the results with the Ranger :P

Not sure why you hope that repeating the same wrong thing will make it true. It will not. Aegis is removed once an attack is blocked. Unblockable attacks are not blocked. The Aegis remains.

1 shots negates his HUGE HEALING you where proclai,mingIf you get hit 10 times and you proc the Burn and you didnt dodge + use the remove dots on evades ...i cannot comment you on your skill vlv

I never said it was huge healing. I said it was healing. I also said that you were wrong about their HP, and a few other things. You also seem to be unaware that Guardians burst is instant and undodgable. Then again, you are wrong about just about every single thing you say.

If he has Carrior you will do 8kIf he has Rabit , then you will do 5k AND HIS 10 ATTACKS THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUTA , WILL NOT DO DAMAGE :p

You know, if youre going to lie at least keep your kitten story straight. You just said it was 7k, now its 8k? For anyone who isnt sure just how wrong this guy (as always) is: The highest you can get with an active assassins signet (which is not really used much anymore), which includes active Scholar and so on, is about 5800. That is including both of the leeching traits. If he has Rabid? About 4000. Youre also still wrong about burn damage, but thats not surprising.

I am trying to showcase to the otherr ppl in the community ,how a person that make posts over posts ...can still dont know his class or how things work :P

The only thing youre "showcasing" is that you keep talking about things you dont know or understand in the slightest. Shockingly, since you dont know how unblockable and Aegis interact, apparently that includes your own class.

1) Since it was release it would EVER work with switness .When the Runes of ''something '' was eleased with 66% movement speed , the comminity was easy to spot the advantage and it was removed :P

Im assuming you got the word wrong, but yes, it worked with all movement speed increases including Swiftness. That was the point. If it doesnt work right now, its bugged.

2) Install OCB , (videoprogram) and show me the 6 sec unbrocable Ranger Rapid Fire ...not destroying the aegis ..i wait :P

Why would I waste effort on trying to show you evidence youre going to ignore anyway? Go do it yourself, you may learn something yet.

3) Yeah sorry i dont buy the theory instant and undodgable .Because dodging all the attack , doesnt apply the Burn from the 1st VirtueRemember Guardian must push 6-7 bottuns ... and when you cleanse their burn , they have 8-10 cd in most attacks + their weapon switch is on cd

... you really dont have a clue, do you? What am I saying, of course you dont. Something as simple as Zealots Flame + Intervention + Virtue, which is all instant and all hits at once is too difficult for you to get. Then again you also think that Guardian needs to press "6-7 buttons" (3, or 2, actually). Just another thing to throw onto the "pile of things you got completely wrong".

4) There are ppl that managed 8700 in the pvp scenarioIn WvW , its more like 9k -13K with or without the Assasin Signet :P

Using an unplayable build that pushed damage to the max. And even then, only before Assassins Signet got nerfed. On a light class. So no, they havent shown that at all. Also I see a cherry-picked video with a bad build on squishy non-heavy armour targets. Oh my god, youre a Burnfall alt. That explains so much.

5) The only thing youre "showcasing" is that you keep talking about things you dont know or understand in the slightest

Parroting things like a child. Your idea of a "smart comeback" I take it? That too explains a lot.

1) It didnt ever work with Swiftness .That was the point.

It did. Wrong as usual.
you have some people talking about it.

2)Why would I waste effort on trying to show you evidence youre going to ignore anyway? Go do it yourself, you may learn something yet.

Good grief, you really are a child.

3)Zealots Flame + Intervention + Virtue , did 10k burn ? kitten son , your maths are rad

Where did you get 10k burn from? Usually when you make up a lie I can at least guess what you gleaned it from, but this time Im legitimately stumped.

4) Fixed a bug that caused this signet to grant its old bonus damage increase in addition to the bonus power.March 17, 2020Video 04/04/2020

You need to improve your reading comprehension. The first part was talking about sPvP, not the video. The video was using a bad build that pushes damage to the max. But hey, not surprising, we know youre not big on accuracy.

5)Parroting things like a child. Your idea of a "smart comeback" I take it? That too explains a lot.

You just legitimately are a child, arent you? That, and/or a burnfall alt. Either way, what you say is so thoroughly and inevitably wrong, that there is no point but to just remind you, and everyone else, that you are always wrong. And talk about classes you dont know. Classes who you hate so much, youre willing to lie about them.

1) Read the thread tooIts not like 15% + 33% swiftness = 48% speed, where Revs can catch easily thiefs

Actually, it is exactly that. Well, either that or they stack multiplicatively. I didnt look that carefully when I tested.

2) And show me some video

Nah. Its more effective if you learn that you were wrong through your own hands.

3) So if 3 attacks doesnt give you 10k burns (as you whined) , then the Guardian need MORE ATTACKS. So its not instant and undodgable as you said

Noone talked about 10k burn here, did they? 10k burn is also doable in an undogable version, but that requires a bit more, and I cant be bothered to look up what that combo looks like exactly. Sides, even if its just 6k-8k instant burn, thats still guaranteed damage you take, and then you have to hope that they dont ever tag you with burn again, or you die.

4) So gaurdians that not choose to more than needed defenisve traits , and opt to get an offensive ones for extra Burn is a bad build ?

There are only 2 traitlines that interact with burning. One is an offensive traitline. The other is mostly defensive. The third traitline Burn guards run is also defensive. So one offensive, 2 defensive. Thats a good build. The build I was talking about was 3 offensive traitlines, full of modifiers that get deactivated easily. It was a bad build.

The goal of the Thief is to go in and do max damage and run . He is not a Brusser to stay with shadow Arts with 1 fear + 2k damage (because you dont like to restealth)

You cant go full glass cannon though. Else you go in and die before you can run. You need a tiny bit of survivability too. Plus, utility. And I dont know why youre so hung up on it, but its not I dont like to restealth, its that every good thief knows not to go for in-combat stealth because its garbage. The only one that you might go for is healing restoration, mostly because its passive and you dont get a choice in the matter.

But repeatedly showing you to be wrong, only for you to ignore it and continue saying wrong things undeterred is tiresome. Time to treat you the same as Burnfall, and laugh at your insanity.

You know what, one final debunking of your lies.

1) Its called.. ''hard cap'' . We talk about it when we bicker a while too.

You dont hit the hardcap with 45% in-combat. Wrong, as always.

2) Show me a video with 6secunbrocable Rapid Fire , not destroyiing Guardian aegis.

Nah, do your research yourself

3) 6-8kburn , how many stack it is ? How many attacks he did ?

Ive already said that. I will not repeat myself.

4) Daredevil with 20% reduction is not exaclty an offensive one . He used Trickery for the Lead Attacks and he used SA with the leach+syphon

Why do you love lying so much anyway? No the build in question was Bound thief using DA and CS. No Trickery, no SA. How tiresome.

5) If you dont spec for full offence , then you are classified as Brusser ..not an assasin

Wrong, as always. Not much to add here.

6) But repeatedly showing you to be wrong, only for you to ignore it and continue saying wrong things undeterred is tiresome. Time to treat you the same as Burnfall, and laugh at your insanity.

How I wish you would leave me alone instead of coming with your nonsense every time anyone says anything about thief. I think this is just about everything that needs to be said. Learn to accept being wrong and how to improve, or stay wrong forever. I dont care.

1) Its not a lie , you the one came here 3 weeks ago and said that Rev can use the traits + swiftness to catch the Thief easily .I told you there is a hard hard in and out of combat :PMaybe your talkative behavior, didnt stopped typing and do some reseach :P

2)Show me a video with 6secunbrocable Rapid Fire , not destroyiing Guardian aegisMaybe i get debunked ! (not by you ofc, i have scored so many goals that they should called me Italy)

3) You didnt say howmany attacks . You said you dont remember the combo .Lets assume it was more than 3 , which is more than thief :P

4) He used an different spec , and he did almost the same damage .You argued with him that he shouldnt 'add'' the damage of the leaching+shypon .And then he argued with you about leaching doing 3 or 4 attacksNot the streamer-video guy , the other theorycrafting one before that

5) How I wish you would leave me alone instead of coming with your nonsense every time anyone says anything about thief. I think this is just about everything that needs to be said. Learn to accept being wrong and how to improve, or stay wrong forever. I dont care.

............. wowow there.... i gave you an option to back away . You simply wantto score a goal and have the last word .....I am simply coppying you . Some trick i learned11 years to ''guess'' what/where my Raid team8 is thinking and what he will do and heal him

brb , going sleep

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