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3v3 Arena?


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I'm one of those old school MMO players that managed to get their hands on multiple gladiator titles in WoW Arena. Mind you Most of mine were in 2v2 but I always felt like 3v3 was the way to go in WoW. GW2 in my book has all the requirements checked and I think having a 3v3 arena mode would be way more rewarding than the current conquest mode.That being said, ANET please consider a 3v3 mode and if it proves successful consider adding it as a game mode. \

Edit: I feel like if ANET implement a decent 3v3 mode We might even get back into e-sports.

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Add a 3v3 mode that's a deathmatch and remove the downed system and you've got a competitive mode.

This has, unfortunately, been said thousands of times here. Anet is the biggest detriment to their own game in the end. They refuse to admit that the downed state and rally mechanic failed in all aspects of competitive PvP.

Instead of running their business like actual professionals and removing their mistake for the good of the game, they have, for years, refused to admit it. Thus, we have the dead state of PvP.

We all keep hoping that one day they will learn....they even gave us hope by having weekends without downed state....but they still, apparently, enjoy coming in second to Blizzard.

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@Luclinraider.2317 said:Add a 3v3 mode that's a deathmatch and remove the downed system and you've got a competitive mode.

Actually, what you would get is a massively unbalanced gamemode with some classes being useless, and others unbeatable. One that has significantly less diverse builds, and more rigid teamcomps. Doesnt sound competitive to me.

This has, unfortunately, been said thousands of times here. Anet is the biggest detriment to their own game in the end. They refuse to admit that the downed state and rally mechanic failed in all aspects of competitive PvP.

PvP has issues, but Rally is not one of them.

Instead of running their business like actual professionals and removing their mistake for the good of the game, they have, for years, refused to admit it. Thus, we have the dead state of PvP.

Same thing as above, Rally is not the culprit.

We all keep hoping that one day they will learn....they even gave us hope by having weekends without downed state....but they still, apparently, enjoy coming in second to Blizzard.

That was in WvW, which is very different from sPvP.

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