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Idea: Quick mount swap


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I think it would be nice to be able to swapp mount without having to go back to the dismounted state, and to remove this annoying one second cooldown and dismounted phase when we just want to change from one mount to another.

Each mount has one engage skill, this leaves 4 free slots. Great, there are 5 mounts! I suggest to use the 4 free slots to quickly swapp to any of the 4 others mounts. This should be on the same system as utility skills so each player can customize where they want to bind each mount.In order to keep the game unbroken, this quick swapp should only be usable while on the ground and out of combat.

This system could also bring an option in the menus, so when we go into water too deep for the others mounts, it automatically swaps to Skimmer? And what about an option to make us able to mount our Griffon while falling when pressing the mount key, no matter which mount is currently equiped in our mount slot?

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@Randulf.7614 said:Didn't they say in the AMA they tried it, but it caused animation problems?

If they really need to make us stay in dismounted mode to avoid it, this doesn't remove the idea of making shortcuts in the actionbar and making the remount automatic, so we don't have to make 47 clics to swap mount.

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

@Ayakaru.6583 said:I think the reason for dismount plus cooldown is so you can't blindly dismount while surrounded by enemies.

Which is why I suggest you can't do it in combat :)

What i meant was;You're on a raptor. You approach a cliff and want to scale it with the rabbit. But the cliffside is protected by harpies. Now, you can dismount, avoid combat, and remount. that's a part of strategy. When and where do you dismount. Instant remounting would trivialize that aspect of strategy.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:What i meant was;You're on a raptor. You approach a cliff and want to scale it with the rabbit. But the cliffside is protected by harpies. Now, you can dismount, avoid combat, and remount. that's a part of strategy. When and where do you dismount. Instant remounting would trivialize that aspect of strategy.

I don't think this is a fun mechanic, annoying at best. What's the logic? You're out of combat so you can mount, but hey you took 2 damage so you need to clear 3 packs of mobs to jump over that rock?

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@ROMANG.1903 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Didn't they say in the AMA they tried it, but it caused animation problems?

If they really need to make us stay in dismounted mode to avoid it, this doesn't remove the idea of making shortcuts in the actionbar and making the remount automatic, so we don't have to make 47 clics to swap mount.

I don't use 47 clicks to dismount or remount. Or even one. I use a hotkey to dismount, and another remount on a mount of my choice. Check your keybind options to set specific keybinds to each mount.

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