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People need to get over hating cc


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@Kencu.5846 said:CutesySylveon.8290 I don't think that ganking someone 3v1 in WvW is a relevant example here. My main is a mesmer. I don't want my opponent to have a fun time playing against me. I want them to hate me because I beat them. And if they beat me I want them to feel satisfied that they outsmarted my cancer build.

And when you are against a cancer build, you're happy ?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@CutesySylveon.8290 said:Nobody likes playing a game where you have to sit helplessly because you get chain CC'd with no hope of escape. They nerfed stun breaks and stab, now they need to remove like 50% of the hard and soft CC and reduce the duration of a lot of them.

I posted in another forum about how I CC spammed some poor soul with warrior in WvW.Hammer F1, hammer 5, hammer 4, dagger F1, dagger 3. He stun broke and I just kept CCing him and immobilized so he couldn't even dodge. Didn't matter that I did no damage, my two friends melted him and didn't even need their own CC. That sound like a fun time?

is that an issue with CC or an issue with fighting 1v3? or mb issue with not dodging the CC itself.

Him dying was a 3v1 issue because my CC does no damage, which would have been an easy win for me if it still did damage because he couldn't move. After his stun breaks were used, he had to endure ridiculously long CCs because he made a single mistake, and dodging wasn't an option because he was immobilized. I shouldn't be able to remove people's ability to play or act because I'm chaining 2s 3s 4s 3s CC skills, it's just ridiculous and unfair for the person on the receiving end.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@CutesySylveon.8290 said:Nobody likes playing a game where you have to sit helplessly because you get chain CC'd with no hope of escape. They nerfed stun breaks and stab, now they need to remove like 50% of the hard and soft CC and reduce the duration of a lot of them.

I posted in another forum about how I CC spammed some poor soul with warrior in WvW.Hammer F1, hammer 5, hammer 4, dagger F1, dagger 3. He stun broke and I just kept CCing him and immobilized so he couldn't even dodge. Didn't matter that I did no damage, my two friends melted him and didn't even need their own CC. That sound like a fun time?

is that an issue with CC or an issue with fighting 1v3? or mb issue with not dodging the CC itself.

Him dying was a 3v1 issue because my CC does no damage, which would have been an easy win for me if it still did damage because he couldn't move. After his stun breaks were used, he had to endure ridiculously long CCs because he made a single mistake, and dodging wasn't an option because he was immobilized. I shouldn't be able to remove people's ability to play or act because I'm chaining 2s 3s 4s 3s CC skills, it's just ridiculous and unfair for the person on the receiving end.

Your CC doing damage would have made no difference if you were solo in the past because warrior hammer CC is literally the most telegraphed and dodgeable CC in the game. This isn't a case of CC being broken, but a case of the other player being clearly clueless as he would have died pre-patch anyways on one of the easiest to counterplay weapons in the game. Earthshaker and Backbreaker have such giant tells that not dodging/blinding/blocking them is entirely on the player. You have 1 immobilize (outside of CC with spellbreaker) unless you sacrifice utility slots and that's only on tactics Leg Specialist, which activates on hammer 3 for a big 1 second. So unless your allies contributed to immobs that's really not the reason why he got chain CC'd as he could have easily broken stun after the immob and dodged to avoid any subsequent CC.

This is purely a case of instantly trying to stunbreak and not watching what's coming ahead then dying to the damage output of 2 players combined. Which SHOULD happen anyways.

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Theres too much of everything. Too much Aoe,Condi's,Boon spamm, CC's, Sustain and def too much Reflects. Although they lowered the damage and removed dmg on cc skills they did it the lazy way and should have adjusted it differently for every spec and weapons. Like how Hamm on warri got completely destroyed by this change,why even run hamm when you dont do damage on 3 skills including your Burst. The game changed too much,i really couldnt take all of this serious anymore after Hot got released,and realize i could run a 4.5k armor tank with 32k hp burning ppl for 8k ticks a sec. It only got worse and only will get worse.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:Nobody likes playing a game where you have to sit helplessly because you get chain CC'd with no hope of escape. They nerfed stun breaks and stab, now they need to remove like 50% of the hard and soft CC and reduce the duration of a lot of them.

I posted in another forum about how I CC spammed some poor soul with warrior in WvW.Hammer F1, hammer 5, hammer 4, dagger F1, dagger 3. He stun broke and I just kept CCing him and immobilized so he couldn't even dodge. Didn't matter that I did no damage, my two friends melted him and didn't even need their own CC. That sound like a fun time?

What you are saying is that you chain CCed someone and you just slapped him with a wet towel. If there weren't another 2 people bashing at him, he would probably get up and destroy you.

Rekt.5360 got it right. Ganging has nothing to do with CC.

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@"Sailorz.5426" said:Im just saying if you ruin warrior like how u ruined holo with explosive entrace effectively making it a better strategy to spam your abilities rather than bait cooldowns and land cc...

Well I guess it won't matter what ill do, at least the pve'rs will be happy. Just sucks to see this mmo go down the same path as wow and devs catering to people being sad that they cant rotate defensives well and just make them do their ability rotations to get kills.

Only thing is if this game goes completely down that route itll be 1000x worse because at least in wow you have to know a rotation.

And to be fair i think toning down dmg from cc's is fine. But making a once cc oriented class into a land button or die trying simulator is just icky.

Theres already plenty of classes that dont rely on cc to be effective and im not saying that it doesnt take skill to play those but they designed to have other obstacles than landing cc.

I dont know maybe im just emo

I don't think people mind active CC skills such as Bull's Charge. What people are complaining about is mostly all of the passive CC that arenanet has thrown into the game. Things like Flashbang, Shocking Aura Share, pulsing Renegade CC pits. Random CC that automatically happens to a player when he tries to strike another player is garbage, and so are CC pits. It's too much. When I say "too much" I literally mean that it is too much to handle for certain classes who have little to no access to stab. On a class/build with no stab, I can be wise to avoid active skill use CCs, and still have a chance of outplaying that person. But against a class that has a very high uptime of randomly CCing me when I land strikes at all, not much I can do there. The guy is stopping my bursts, stopping my important actions, all without needing to actually think about what he's doing. It's bogus nasty design.

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