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Missed opportunity for turrets

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Am I the only one who thinks that this new episode would have been the perfect opportunity for Anet to rework the engineer turret skills?So many engineer charrs on the new map using them, yet they just remind me that my own turrets will most likely never see any play and stay meme skills for the rest of this game's life.

I just wish they would do something about them...

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Turrets are kind of in a strange position.

They don't start their cooldown until they die. They should probably be like mines, where they always have their cooldown ticking.

They also cover a lot of utility that other abilities already give the engineer, except the healing turret. If they are really concerned about turret bots, they could just limit their number of shots until they explode to turn them into power based damage over time spells that can't be purged by everybody's mother and their dogs.

Another thing is that the AoE turrets do things that certain pulsing AoEs already do, except they die. Maybe make the turrets punish melee targets that kill them with some kind of explosion? Pulsing AoEs can't die, so shouldn't the turrets do something that those AoE spells can't do?

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@Quench.7091 said:Turrets are kind of in a strange position.

They don't start their cooldown until they die. They should probably be like mines, where they always have their cooldown ticking.

They also cover a lot of utility that other abilities already give the engineer, except the healing turret. If they are really concerned about turret bots, they could just limit their number of shots until they explode to turn them into power based damage over time spells that can't be purged by everybody's mother and their dogs.

Another thing is that the AoE turrets do things that certain pulsing AoEs already do, except they die. Maybe make the turrets punish melee targets that kill them with some kind of explosion? Pulsing AoEs can't die, so shouldn't the turrets do something that those AoE spells can't do?Thats gyros. You're describing HoT release gyros.

Well before Anet nerfed them due to purity of purpose, so I completely fail to see in what reality Anet would buff the turrets.

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