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Next expac: big or small?

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@"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:Two PoF sized maps would cover most of Shing Jea. So we will almost certainly get two or three map in Kaineng.Depends on the narrative. For all we know, if the narrative involves the deep sea dragon we may visit half of Shing Jea to establish a base of operations and have 3+ maps based in the Unending Ocean to the north, never once touching mainland Cantha and the second half of Shing Jea being used as our introductory zone into Season 6. Or maybe we start on the mostly-sunken isles of The Battle Isles and we're forcing our way south, ending the expansion at Shing Jea.

Or we may go from Shing Jea into the Echovald Forest and Jade Sea - or the inverse - skirting around Kaineng City and saving that for Season 6.

I expect it'll be the longest, as they'll have more development time for it, assuming S5 really does get 8 full episodes with more VotP intermission releases.9 is you count the prologue, with maybe two or three more mini updates like VotP.I wasn't counting the prologue, hence "full episodes". Though one can argue easily the Prologue is just as big of an episode, it's technically "Episode 0" all the same. Number of VotP updates depends on if they're doing it every third (with Prologue counting as the "first independent release") or if they are doing it every fourth (thus Episode 5 will be a one-episode map like the prologue). Either way, it's ultimately going to be July 2021 at the earliest, and though it's hard to gauge how early they began development, if we just go by announcements of a followup expansion, IIRC we'll be getting a couple months more development than PoF even at the shortest.

So I'm expecting Cantha to be either as large as, or larger than, PoF.

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it depends on what you consider is "big". For me "big" means alot of content, like raid wing, new wvw map, new pvp map, few dungeons, open world with good and fun metas, new especs or atleast new weapon for each class.

If you've meant map size, then sorry, i miss understood you.

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@LisaJ.4582 said:Is there an estimated release date for it? It was announced in march and the previous two times it only took a month to be released after the announcement. Now it's already been 3

HoT was revealed ~9 months before it launched. PoF was confirmed ~2 years before it launched and revealed a month before launching.

The next expansion was only confirmed, so unless it's smaller or episodic, expect it to be ~2 years away, which is how long HoT/PoF took to develop. As for why it's taking so long (it's been nearly 3 years since PoF), after PoF they decided to work on new games instead.

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