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"Lesser Lava Font" removed. Is this intended?


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@Euclid.2517 said:

@"Mini Crinny.6190" said:I mean, Lesser lava font did more damage than Lava font, since anet can't buff lava font, just delete lesser lava font :trollface:

That is true =) So hilarious that a "lesser" does more damage than the normal version

Because lava font was nerfed in the past.

This was a stealth nerf to PvE elementalists running the trait, I suspect it was to hit condi weaver and push people to run Pyromancer's Puissance when solo.

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@Infusion.7149 said:

@"Mini Crinny.6190" said:I mean, Lesser lava font did more damage than Lava font, since anet can't buff lava font, just delete lesser lava font :trollface:

That is true =) So hilarious that a "lesser" does more damage than the normal version

Because lava font was nerfed in the past.

This was a stealth nerf to PvE elementalists running the trait, I suspect it was to hit condi weaver and push people to run Pyromancer's Puissance when solo.

Except when solo you nether need the "extra burst" nor support, which was the purpose of the trait from their explanation.

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I haven't noticed too many problems in open world as Ele.

Some open world builds I play are:

Water Weaver - Runs standard raid gear. I run glyph of Storms, twist of fate, and primordial stance. Damage is more than high enough to kill things, tons of sustain to keep me alive. I mainly use this in maps like Istan where mobs spam out condis like there's no tomorrow.

Fire Weaver - My WvW build. Celestial gear with a few viper trinkets mixed in. Same utilities as water weaver. Practcally immortal and does very good burst damage.

FA tempest - Gear is a wierd mixture of magi, zerker, and diviner. I use soul cookie and pepperment oil to get my boon duration to about ~85%. You inhale mobs with your AoEs while walking around with perma regen, prot, fury, and might. I love this build in meta events.

Core Staff Ele - Zerker gear + Celestial trinkets. You run around with an army of elementals and let them tank the brunt of the damage while you sit at range with your staff. I mostly use this when completing core tyria maps or soloing certain Heart of thorns hero points (Screw you Chak queen and your stupid goop skill that insta downs you in melee range).

You may have some difficulties if you're trying to solo open world in raid gear with 3 offensive traitlines. Ele does not need to invest that heavily into damage in order to kill things in a reasonable time. If you're struggling, you can try mixing some celestial trinkets into whatever set of gear you're using, and you should have a much easier time.

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