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Five Guild slots isn't enough anymore


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@Neutra.6857 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time.And yet most of what we do is social arguments. What type of tax laws should we have, should we allow same sex marriage, etc. These are all social arguments. TO claim that social arguments is moot is simply a stupid thing to say.Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact.Actually factually wrong, logic can and does exist without facts. Case in point: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant. Therefore Nellie is pink is absolutely a logical argument to make. The problem is the premise is wrong. The premise can be about something social and so something social can be part of a logical argument.As mentioned, it is your personal decision to do certain things but that doesn't change the fact it is underutilized.Like I said define your terms, because using my own definition of underutilized none of my guilds are underutilized since I am using them to the full extent that I can, and the guilds themselves are set up so that people actually enjoy their time playing this game. You claim to be making a logical argument, I fail to see one.

Your personal decision is not equivalent to strong justification. A strong justification in social perspective is similar to great majority vote and which this case, if looking at social wise, half the people oppose the suggestion. By oppose, they do not approve of having more, is not the same as abstaining their vote. You do not have a great majority, you do not have a strong justification.A large part of the community does not use tonics, me included, and yet they kept asking for a tonic cabinet of some sort, and guess what, so did I because while I could not use it, others could. In the case of SSM in the beginning a large group of people did not approve of government recognition, and yet because they got it (at the start from the courts). There is this thing called protecting the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. Your argument that for a strong social justification needing to be majority rule is thus not connected in any way to reality. I did not say they where abstaining, I said that they are not harmed by more guild slots being provided a point you have repeatedly failed to refute.

Like I have said, the suggestion has no strong justification from either logic or social perspective.You keep making that claim, you have failed to back up that claim except to dismiss it when people give you a social reason and a pragmatic reason. You keep claiming your argument is logical, despite failing in every way to provide one.

Since you want to use logic in its raw principal, I shall entertain you. I shall revisit your old replies.

@Neutra.6857 said:Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.

You claim it is a QOL, what makes you think it is a QOL. Just because there are people who wants it? There's no sound reasoning in that, it is good as saying just because a lot of people want to buy this stone, it must be a special stone.Because it would make my life and others life easier, kinda like how having a tonic cabinet is QOL because it makes people's life easier, kinda obvious.

Because it benefit you therefore it is a QOL but it doesn't nesscarry means it is a QOL to others and that doesn't necessary means it isn't a negative to others since people do and can join multiple guilds therefore crossing path with those that are unconformable or worse, with their mentality and behaviors

You claim it doesn't take much resources, on what basis? Where is the evidence? Just because you say so? Do you work in IT industry? Do you realise there are testing that need to be done while new irrelevant system bugs will appear due to it thus translated to many many manpower hours for such change? Don't tell me you believe is as easy as changing the number from 5 to 10 and everything will work beautifully?I do not work in IT, I work in engineering specifically in controls (another area of computer programming). I realize testing needs to be done, the same thing for anything done on computers. You know that novelties tab, that required testing, and work, and yet it was done because it made people's lives easier. SO no, I don't think it is as simple as changing a number fro 5-10. Now show that the cost in work hours is actually all that high.

I can't, you can't either. Most importantly, I did not say the cost will be high or low. I don't make baseless claims like you. However, there is one truth, you are asking them to divert resources.

You claim it will not negatively impact people. Again, on what basis? Just because you claim it so? Didn't posts before your's already mentioned how they disliked how guilds are in gw2? Where is your logic in this claim? Others' words don't count? Their posts are just some gibberish you can ignore?Because you have yet to provide a basis where it harms people. Tell me exactly how are you hurt if I have more guilds? They may not like how many guilds they have access to... you know what, they only have to use 1 of those slots. They don't have to actually use all the slots available. Meanwhile I and others (as mentioned in this very thread) could use additional slots because you know, it makes our life easier.

Uh huh. So, you can demand them not to use the slots (and live with the people who are) but you can refuse to leave your inactive and bank guilds? Also, as mentioned above, people do and can join multiple guilds therefore crossing path and causing them unconformable or even worse.

@Neutra.6857 said:Funny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalid

You claim most people would agree. Where is this most people? Who is this most people? This is just your beliefs.The people in this very thread who say you should be loyal to one guild.My belief is that people should move on and if you got some important people you really want to keep in touch with, you don't do that ingames or wait for them to return to games, you get a actual social contact to keep in touch with.And your personal feelings are irrelevant to how I wish to keep in contact with people.

And they are "most", really?

@Neutra.6857 said:Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

Effects? Positive effects? None against it? Wait, so 2nd post after the main post that says prefer 1 guilds with improve friendlists means "none aginst it". Is that your logic?Well first an improved friendslist is not mutually exclusive with having additional guilds. Second like I said if they want to have one guild then they get to have 1 guild. They don't need to join additional guilds if they do not want to. Meanwhile with additional guild slots I get to play the game the way I want to, with being in more guilds.

You are very good at this, skipping over the part of "none against it". Get back to the point yo? People are against it, period. Don't go and play down their opinions.

I am not gonna go through every single one, you know very well you are just using fallacies in your arguments. When I say people are against it, it is base on actual fact on this thread. Then, you claim it doesn't harm others, oh really, then why people so against it? Just because they are old fashion? Lol? Seriously, stop belittling others, not everyone will get toyed around with fallacies.Given that you have yet to define your terms you don't get to make any sort of claim on being logical. When I say a lot of people are for it, it is also based on fact, as given in this very thread.

Why are people so against it?No idea, since like I said they are unaffected by my being in more than 1 guild. Maybe because they are attached to traditional MMOs that only allow 1 guild. Maybe because they want to control how others play the game. There are a ton of possible reasons why, but that does not mean they are negatively affected, it just means they are sticking their nose in other people's business.

Uhuh, you do realize you have been belittling me from the start and that you have not even done the basics of making a logical argument by defining your terms. You aren't toying around with me, you are failing in every way to make an argument.

Oh please, you have been using fallacies in many of your so called arguments. You have yet to prove any of your claims thus far.

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No reason here to call names or insult others. There are a lot of things people ask for that I don't want, personally, but honestly as long as it doesn't affect my gameplay you know what, go for it.

In this particular case I can see zero reason except for 'it might take away some programming for something I want instead' for them NOT to allow more guilds.

As to this being a social argument well of course it is. Guilds are social. And for those who can find a single guild that fills their each and every need awesome for them! I know Skyshroud, for example, plays a lot of wvw so obviously his guild fulfills that for him. Or her. Whichever. Since he argues for one guild they must also engage in raids, fractals, role play, world metas, story completion, achievement hunting, newbie helping, real world meetups, playing other games besides gw together, farming, and metas. Wow. This must be a GREAT guild. I would like an invitation please.

To use another game as an example swtor allows one guild. PER CHARACTER. So there I am in something like 13 guilds. With 56 characters total. So would this game count as a one guild game or no?

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@Kaththea.5079 said:No reason here to call names or insult others. There are a lot of things people ask for that I don't want, personally, but honestly as long as it doesn't affect my gameplay you know what, go for it.

In this particular case I can see zero reason except for 'it might take away some programming for something I want instead' for them NOT to allow more guilds.

As to this being a social argument well of course it is. Guilds are social. And for those who can find a single guild that fills their each and every need awesome for them! I know Skyshroud, for example, plays a lot of wvw so obviously his guild fulfills that for him. Or her. Whichever. Since he argues for one guild they must also engage in raids, fractals, role play, world metas, story completion, achievement hunting, newbie helping, real world meetups, playing other games besides gw together, farming, and metas. Wow. This must be a GREAT guild. I would like an invitation please.

To use another game as an example swtor allows one guild. PER CHARACTER. So there I am in something like 13 guilds. With 56 characters total. So would this game count as a one guild game or no?

You can't simultaneously access multiple guilds, that was how the old represent works as well. There is a clear social difference. Therefore, people would desginate something called main. In this multi guild system of cross chat, how does people know you treating them as main? How you know they are not lying to stay within the rank? How are guilds suppose to fill up players of who they want if people can and will lie about what they are? How would you know they not just using it as another LFG?There are a lot more questions than answers in multiple guilds. By expanding the slots, you are simply inviting more of such people to go around doing this to more guilds then they already are doing. This definitely affect the gameplay of people who wish to play with others of like minds. It is complete fallacy that doesn't affect others. The very fact people do oppose such suggestion already means it affect them negatively, playing down their opinions is just plain arrogance.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@"Kaththea.5079" said:No reason here to call names or insult others. There are a lot of things people ask for that I don't want, personally, but honestly as long as it doesn't affect my gameplay you know what, go for it.

In this particular case I can see zero reason except for 'it might take away some programming for something I want instead' for them NOT to allow more guilds.

As to this being a social argument well of course it is. Guilds are social. And for those who can find a single guild that fills their each and every need awesome for them! I know Skyshroud, for example, plays a lot of wvw so obviously his guild fulfills that for him. Or her. Whichever. Since he argues for one guild they must also engage in raids, fractals, role play, world metas, story completion, achievement hunting, newbie helping, real world meetups, playing other games besides gw together, farming, and metas. Wow. This must be a GREAT guild. I would like an invitation please.

To use another game as an example swtor allows one guild. PER CHARACTER. So there I am in something like 13 guilds. With 56 characters total. So would this game count as a one guild game or no?

You can't simultaneously access multiple guilds, that was how the old represent works as well. There is a clear social difference. Therefore, people would desginate something called main.Why does it matter if you are treating them as main?In this multi guild system of cross chat, how does people know you treating them as main?Why does it matter if you are treating them as mainHow you know they are not lying to stay within the rank?What does this even mean?How are guilds suppose to fill up players of who they want if people can and will lie about what they are?What does this even mean?How would you know they not just using it as another LFG?The way you act in guildThere are a lot more questions than answers in multiple guilds.So far the questions you ask seem sillyBy expanding the slots, you are simply inviting more of such people to go around doing this to more guilds then they already are doing.Doing what? Lying, what is the point?This definitely affect the gameplay of people who wish to play with others of like minds.So make a guild and make a requirement of being or staying in that guild be that they only have one guild. We are able to see when people in the guild are representing that guild. SO nope you are not prevented from playing with people of a like mind.

It is complete fallacy that doesn't affect others.Ah, I see the problem, you do not know what a fallacy is. No that is not a fallacy. It could be something that is factually incorrect (hint it isn't) but it is not a fallacy.The very fact people do oppose such suggestion already means it affect them negatively, playing down their opinions is just plain arrogance.I point once again to SSM. Just because other people are doing things you do not like and playing the game in ways you do not like does not mean you are being negatively affected. Like I said you can right now make a guild where the requirement is that you are only part of that guild and kick people who fail to follow that requirement. So...how are you negatively affected again?

Because it benefit you therefore it is a QOL but it doesn't nesscarry means it is a QOL to others and that doesn't necessary means it isn't a negative to others since people do and can join multiple guilds therefore crossing path with those that are unconformable or worse, with their mentality and behaviorsGuess what, that novelty thing was not a quality of life for me, and it was for others. In fact to me it is an annoyance because it adds something to my UI bar that I do not want there. That does not change the fact that it was a QOL thing for other people. As to people joining multiple guilds and crossing paths with the worst...guess what that can happen even if you join 1 guild. Your point is not a point at all.I can't, you can't either. Most importantly, I did not say the cost will be high or low. I don't make baseless claims like you. However, there is one truth, you are asking them to divert resources.So did people asking for the novelty items, and those asking for WvW changes, and those asking for PvP changes and so on and so forth. Guess what, I think the resources being "diverted" is something that would be useful to me and other people (as shown in this very thread) and would be worth it. Now of course Anet could say it is simply is not possible with the code they have, and if that is the case then fine I will give up, but until they say so, there is no issue with asking and your excuse is something that could be used for anything and everything a person does not like.Uh huh. So, you can demand them not to use the slots (and live with the people who are) but you can refuse to leave your inactive and bank guilds? Also, as mentioned above, people do and can join multiple guilds therefore crossing path and causing them unconformable or even worse.I am not demanding anything of those people, they are making a personal decision if they want to be part of multiple guilds or one. As pounted out above, that can happen even if you join one guild, so that excuse is rather silly.And they are "most", really?Like I said none of your business.

You are very good at this, skipping over the part of "none against it". Get back to the point yo? People are against it, period. Don't go and play down their opinions.I am not saying people are not against it, I am saying that their reasons against it are rather silly. The none against it thing I said, I should have said no good argument against it, but then I thought that would be very obvious.Oh please, you have been using fallacies in many of your so called arguments. You have yet to prove any of your claims thus far.Above you mixed up fallacy with what you believe is a factual error (again it is not). You also have not pointed out an actual fallacy only saying you will not go through all of them and then claiming over and over again that I am using them.

Sure I have, I have shown that I could use more guilds (you not liking how I use my guilds does not change that I feel I could use more guild slots and would use more guilds). I have shown that those who do not want more guilds do not need to use more guilds, they can make a personal decision not to. In this post I have shown that guild leaders can control who remains in their guild and can kick people who do not follow the rules of the guild, thus meaning they can play with people who play with like minds (and this would be true even if only one guild slot where available) . That is, I have shown that it is currently possible for people to play the way they like, but it is not possible for me to play the way I like. I have shown that adding additional guilds will not affect players who do not want additional guilds because they will still be able to play with only one guild, and they will still be able to kick people from the guild who do not follow the guild rules.

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Shame. No answer to my question of whether the guild does indeed do all those activities. Presumably because it does not. Well in any case.

I am REALLY not sure how people being in more than one guild affects the gameplay and ability of another guild to 'Recruit likeminded people'. Scratching my head here. Grouping with like-minded people are a main reason I WANT more than five guilds. So that I CAN be with like-minded people.

My wvw guild would NOT get along well with my pve raid guild. And vice versa. The raid guild would scoff at the farming guild. Some people in both might sometimes come along on the meta and fractals but some might not. And because I didn't touch on PvP that is another game mode too. Maybe even two. Ranked and unranked.

I do not, incidentally, lie to any of my five guilds. Why should I? I rep the wvw guild when in wvw. Etc to the others. They don't CARE if I do fractals in the morning when they aren't wvw'ing and raid on off days and designate Sunday to play D&D.

Repping no longer gives anything to a guild like influence.

More guild slots please!

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@Neutra.6857 said:

@Kaththea.5079 said:No reason here to call names or insult others. There are a lot of things people ask for that I don't want, personally, but honestly as long as it doesn't affect my gameplay you know what, go for it.

In this particular case I can see zero reason except for 'it might take away some programming for something I want instead' for them NOT to allow more guilds.

As to this being a social argument well of course it is. Guilds are social. And for those who can find a single guild that fills their each and every need awesome for them! I know Skyshroud, for example, plays a lot of wvw so obviously his guild fulfills that for him. Or her. Whichever. Since he argues for one guild they must also engage in raids, fractals, role play, world metas, story completion, achievement hunting, newbie helping, real world meetups, playing other games besides gw together, farming, and metas. Wow. This must be a GREAT guild. I would like an invitation please.

To use another game as an example swtor allows one guild. PER CHARACTER. So there I am in something like 13 guilds. With 56 characters total. So would this game count as a one guild game or no?

You can't simultaneously access multiple guilds, that was how the old represent works as well. There is a clear social difference. Therefore, people would desginate something called main.Why does it matter if you are treating them as main?In this multi guild system of cross chat, how does people know you treating them as main?Why does it matter if you are treating them as mainHow you know they are not lying to stay within the rank?What does this even mean?How are guilds suppose to fill up players of who they want if people can and will lie about what they are?What does this even mean?How would you know they not just using it as another LFG?The way you act in guildThere are a lot more questions than answers in multiple guilds.So far the questions you ask seem sillyBy expanding the slots, you are simply inviting more of such people to go around doing this to more guilds then they already are doing.Doing what? Lying, what is the point?This definitely affect the gameplay of people who wish to play with others of like minds.So make a guild and make a requirement of being or staying in that guild be that they only have one guild. We are able to see when people in the guild are representing that guild. SO nope you are not prevented from playing with people of a like mind.

It is complete fallacy that doesn't affect others.Ah, I see the problem, you do not know what a fallacy is. No that is not a fallacy. It could be something that is factually incorrect (hint it isn't) but it is not a fallacy.The very fact people do oppose such suggestion already means it affect them negatively, playing down their opinions is just plain arrogance.I point once again to SSM. Just because other people are doing things you do not like and playing the game in ways you do not like does not mean you are being negatively affected. Like I said you can right now make a guild where the requirement is that you are only part of that guild and kick people who fail to follow that requirement. So...how are you negatively affected again?

Because it benefit you therefore it is a QOL but it doesn't nesscarry means it is a QOL to others and that doesn't necessary means it isn't a negative to others since people do and can join multiple guilds therefore crossing path with those that are unconformable or worse, with their mentality and behaviorsGuess what, that novelty thing was not a quality of life for me, and it was for others. In fact to me it is an annoyance because it adds something to my UI bar that I do not want there. That does not change the fact that it was a QOL thing for other people. As to people joining multiple guilds and crossing paths with the worst...guess what that can happen even if you join 1 guild. Your point is not a point at all.I can't, you can't either. Most importantly, I did not say the cost will be high or low. I don't make baseless claims like you. However, there is one truth, you are asking them to divert resources.So did people asking for the novelty items, and those asking for WvW changes, and those asking for PvP changes and so on and so forth. Guess what, I think the resources being "diverted" is something that would be useful to me and other people (as shown in this very thread) and would be worth it. Now of course Anet could say it is simply is not possible with the code they have, and if that is the case then fine I will give up, but until they say so, there is no issue with asking and your excuse is something that could be used for anything and everything a person does not like.Uh huh. So, you can demand them not to use the slots (and live with the people who are) but you can refuse to leave your inactive and bank guilds? Also, as mentioned above, people do and can join multiple guilds therefore crossing path and causing them unconformable or even worse.I am not demanding anything of those people, they are making a personal decision if they want to be part of multiple guilds or one. As pounted out above, that can happen even if you join one guild, so that excuse is rather silly.And they are "most", really?Like I said none of your business.

You are very good at this, skipping over the part of "none against it". Get back to the point yo? People are against it, period. Don't go and play down their opinions.I am not saying people are not against it, I am saying that their reasons against it are rather silly. The none against it thing I said, I should have said no good argument against it, but then I thought that would be very obvious.Oh please, you have been using fallacies in many of your so called arguments. You have yet to prove any of your claims thus far.Above you mixed up fallacy with what you believe is a factual error (again it is not). You also have not pointed out an actual fallacy only saying you will not go through all of them and then claiming over and over again that I am using them.

Sure I have, I have shown that I could use more guilds (you not liking how I use my guilds does not change that I feel I could use more guild slots and would use more guilds). I have shown that those who do not want more guilds do not need to use more guilds, they can make a personal decision not to. In this post I have shown that guild leaders can control who remains in their guild and can kick people who do not follow the rules of the guild, thus meaning they can play with people who play with like minds (and this would be true even if only one guild slot where available) . That is, I have shown that it is currently possible for people to play the way they like, but it is not possible for me to play the way I like. I have shown that adding additional guilds will not affect players who do not want additional guilds because they will still be able to play with only one guild, and they will still be able to kick people from the guild who do not follow the guild rules.

Breaking up sentences like that too is a fallacy. Furtheremore, that isn't even a reply to you, hijacking posts while ignore much of your own reply.

You said "none of your business" instead of proving the "most" claim, lol. In the end, you don't have any basis to back things up.You ignore statements that you can't make a proper argument back and then ask more questions instead of answers in hope to prove your points. That itself is too a fallacyThen for statements that you don't ignore, you come up with a unrelated argument point, thus a fallacy again.You call things silly again without any basis on it which again down played other people's opinion, a sign of plain arrogance, likewise again a fallacyYou are making more and more fallacies as you go on, you don't care about other's perspective, you think others' perspective are gibberish.All in all, you are not here to see others' perspective, you are here to demand only one thing, "I want more than 5 slots at all cost, I don't care what you think". Using whatever means to reach that goal. Therefore, as mentioned previously, I find this waste of time but too bad, you are just so desperate about it and wanting every single resistance to your goal to disappear.

@Kaththea.5079 said:Shame. No answer to my question of whether the guild does indeed do all those activities. Presumably because it does not. Well in any case.

There aren't but surely there are guilds that do WvW, Raid, Fotm, Dungeons. As for things they don't, surely they reasonable enough to let you join those other guilds. Then again, for things they don't do, often can be done without even having to join those guilds since open squad is common for those stuffs.

@Kaththea.5079 said:My wvw guild would NOT get along well with my pve raid guild. And vice versa. The raid guild would scoff at the farming guild. Some people in both might sometimes come along on the meta and fractals but some might not. And because I didn't touch on PvP that is another game mode too. Maybe even two. Ranked and unranked.

Sure, they might not have any rep conflicts but it doesn't means one person cannot join 5 raid guilds and if more slots are available, doesn't mean he won't go and join 10 raid guilds and not be equally contributing to all these 10 raid guilds. That's why there are guilds that enforce game mode repping to avoid conflicts in their own focused game mode but even by doing so, doesn't necessary increase the contribution of the players afterall players can and will go invisible mode to avoid getting kicked off the guild for not abiding to the requirements they agreed upon joining.

@Kaththea.5079 said:I do not, incidentally, lie to any of my five guilds. Why should I? I rep the wvw guild when in wvw. Etc to the others. They don't CARE if I do fractals in the morning when they aren't wvw'ing and raid on off days and designate Sunday to play D&D.

You don't eh, well, good for you then but doesn't necessary means other don't. This isn't just about you, the world is a big place. You don't live alone in this world.

@Kaththea.5079 said:Repping no longer gives anything to a guild like influence.

That is never a reasonable argument, is a silly argument come up by people who are desperately trying to make those guilds that has any forms of rep look bad, look outdated. It has zero relationship to why guilds ask for rep.

Btw, you too behaving like @Neutra.6857 , ignoring other part of the replies, I guess it is inconvenience for you?

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I keep seeing the 'Games used to only let you be in one guild' argument and I will repeat my rebuttal to that statement. ONE GUILD PER CHARACTER. If you had a Raid character, that would be in one guild, a PVE character would be in a group of other PVE people and you'd log in on that one when doing PVE.

GW2 has gone to the next step of encouraging cooperation, and (aside from pvp/pve split) designed to avoid the Holy Trinity so that any character can fulfill any role in any type of gameplay be it world bosses or map completion. With that design choice, you no longer have to have specific characters to use in specific types of gameplay. So you no longer need a specific guild to attach to that one type of character.

So, the whole 'One Guild' argument is not only incorrect from prior games viewpoint, but it doesn't take into account the completely different design of GW2. It is (for the most part) not a WoW clone and doesn't have the same restrictions as a WoW clone would have.

Finally, I repeat, if you don't feel the need to have more guild slots then don't get more guild slots if they ever become available. If you feel it would 'dilute' the attention of your current guild members, then work to make your guild worth concentrating on (in whatever way that works for you).

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  • 11 months later...

I can see players where 5 guilds is more than enough, yet I can also see many different reasons why one would want more. I especially like the one per character point.

For me for example, as a roleplayer with mainly Charr characters: I'm a part of two social guilds, one general RP guild, and two warband specific RP guilds. I'd love to have the ability to join another warband RP guild without leaving any of the other (three legions and all...).

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Another game I play had the same problem. They started out with 15 groups (although it could have been lower initially) and they kept adding functionality to them. Last I looked they had to give people 40+ (even though just group chat would have worked for most groups).

I would love to see us go beyond 5. Even not relying on guilds as much I am constantly feeling stretched. What do I drop? The one with people I know outside the game? My personal guild? The one I use to mentor? The guilds I have friends in who I can always ask for a party to do whatever?

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@Boysenberry.1869 said:As others have brought up, this seems like more of a Friend's List shortcoming than a need for more guild slots. The Friend's List should allow Nicknames and Notes to be added for each friend. It should allow the creation of any number of categories and allow you to place friends in as many categories as you need.

The friends list is pretty lame as is. The name it gives is the name of the currently logged on character .... which may or may not be the same as the one you friended them on. I would love it to have fuller listings, anything is better than what we have.

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I would back burner this issue and have focus on increasing the usefulness of guilds and the amount of guild oriented content FIRST. GW2 still hasn't found what the proper niche of guilds should be and what they should mean to players and groups. After Anet does a deep dive into Guilds and Guild Content, then how many guild slots a player needs may become clear.Yet, generally I would not object to guild slots being another gemstore thing, but I would prefer a gemstore guild renaming consumable first.

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