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Game is too easy with ascended/legendary gear

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@ParaNoidAndroid.1406 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

What maps are you talking about? HoT metas happen all the time. Not Dragon Stand, perhaps, because other metas have sprouted up everywhere. HoT is still difficult for many people, and the reason sometimes maps are empty is because you are either in one where there is an Hero Points train going, or something similar. As for the Core maps are concerned, I think we have scaled beyond them? But ironically, they are always super populated, because of new players. Starter zones are always there. Are those very easy? Yeah. But not because you have Ascended Gear, but because your skill level has increased so much.

So, name specific maps.

DS still gets run all the time, I can't name a meta that isn't ran regularly.. even if they aren't as profitable as others. If I need to I just tag up and make a group myself, not hard to find players to get the ball rolling.

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@Rukia.4802 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

What maps are you talking about? HoT metas happen all the time. Not Dragon Stand, perhaps, because other metas have sprouted up everywhere. HoT is still difficult for many people, and the reason sometimes maps are empty is because you are either in one where there is an Hero Points train going, or something similar. As for the Core maps are concerned, I think we have scaled beyond them? But ironically, they are always super populated, because of new players. Starter zones are always there. Are those very easy? Yeah. But not because you have Ascended Gear, but because your skill level has increased so much.

So, name specific maps.

DS still gets run all the time, I can't name a meta that isn't ran regularly.. even if they aren't as profitable as others. If I need to I just tag up and make a group myself, not hard to find players to get the ball rolling.

Well 1 meta that hardly gets run is Serpents' Ire

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@Healix.5819 said:

@"Astralporing.1957" said:Actually, almost noone asked Anet to introduce a new gear tier. They made Ascended because it was easier than making new actual content, not because people wanted it. In fact, out of all the game changes, this was the one that was met with the most opposition (which is why they stopped at ascended, and decided to neither make new higher gear tiers, nor increase level cap, even though initially they did intend to do both).

There were probably more people for it than against it, it's just that by the time it happened, they had already left. Before people were complaining about ascended, they were complaining about exotics being too easy to acquire, as people were fully geared during head start and quitting within the first week. That's why they rushed out fractals/ascended, but it was too little too late. ArenaNet gave up soon after that, and the plans to make ascended more powerful through infusions was only finished in China.Actually, no. Most players didn't even get close to level 80 within the first week. At the moment Anet introduced first ascended, not only full exotics were still not a norm, it was quite common to see people in a mix of rares and greens and very ocasional exotics still - not because they were newbies that didn't know better, but because it was the best they could get. Also, very few people complained about gear or asked about gear tiers, and those that did were met with almost uniform reaction of the active part of community, telling them that no hamster wheels is the
part of this game. Those threads were about as common, and as popular, as open world PvP ones.

The complains were about the content. Players were asking about new maps and dungeons. Not about new gear. Also, even those players asking about new stuff were in a minority, most players at this point were nowhere close to consuming the available content yet.

The negative response to Anet introducing ascended was the greatest this game ever had - nothing later on came even close to it.

Also, seriously, the people that have quit this game within first 3 months wouldn't have stayed anyway, no matter what Anet did. That was the typical content locust, and/or people for whom the game as a whole never "clicked" right.

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