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Just wondering about some features of this game

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@yoni.7015 said:I wouldn’t say that WvW is a toxic environment. I play it almost every day.For a legendary weapon you have to play all modes of the game, WvW is one of them.Nicely put.

I didn't like WvW until making my first (and many subsequent) legendary. It helped(forced) me to be at least familiar with another game mode.I now do the easy WvW dailies for the reward pots and to push along my Gift of Battle reward track. I have 4+ stacks of potions now.It is RARELY toxic. (I don't listen to /team)

Legendaries are bragging rights. How can you brag about being a warrior without battling (at least a little)?They offer prestige and no combat advantage. So not having one doesn't restrict game-play ability.

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There are some days that really suck in taking up time waiting for them to happen or having to go into WvW. But you have lots of options.

And yes you can get Gift of Battle and enough Mystic clovers in a year without going into WvW (reward track potions from Big Spender) and mystic forge (loyalty chests legendary materials).

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@Linken.6345 said:

@lokh.2695 said:It's easy, if you want the thing you need to do the thing to get the thing.

But what if I can't be BOTHERED to do the thing?

Then you wont get the thing from that thing.

Exactly. If you can't be bothered to do the thing to get the thing, then you won't get the thing and you will just have to live with it.

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