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Adjust mount icon's arrow height

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I use the mount skill icon (and only that) to switch between mounts. But its dropdown-select arrow is so tiny compared to the normal ones, so I often miss when I want to click it and accidentally mount again instead by clicking the icon itself (check out this screenshot to see what I mean).

If nothing else, could you at least adjust its select-option height to mimic the other skill icons' arrow size, please? It would make it easier to click and open the menu. Thank you.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Haleydawn.3764 said:Or just right click anywhere on the icon like you can do with your utilities/healing/elite skills?

And now explain to me how clicking the icon will let me select another mount instead of mounting. In all honesty, are you guys trying to pull my leg? Those responses can't be serious.

By RIGHT clicking it, not LEFT clicking it. You can’t seriously not tell the difference between left and right. RIGHT clicking anywhere on the entire square that displays the mount opens the menu.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Haleydawn.3764 said:By RIGHT clicking it, not LEFT clicking it.

Oh gosh, now I am feeling bad. Sorry. I did not see that was possible with the mount skill icon since the mounts list does not look like the other selectable skill icons.

(hangs head in shame)

Thank you so much.

I've been playing GW2 for five years and never knew this was an option til now. I don't think we're alone.

But thanks for pointing this out, Haleydawn!

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