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How much +Healing Power for Signet of malice?


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Honestly I don't think any is worth using. HP only scales well for people who have a full healer role, it's not good enough to use for solo healing skills.

On most classes I think defensive gear holds more value than people believe it does, but on Thief you really are best served by ignoring defensive stats, going full offense, and relying on SoM + Invigorating Precision or Channeled Vigor for healing. If you're going for a condi heavy build with limited precision, Channeled Vigor is likely better than SoM + IP, but the latter is really good on a high crit build.

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I built an SOM deathblossom thief and had healing power so that the SOM got 193 per hit. This also used assassins reward . It takes a while to kill things and it was no where near as effective once DB INI went up but just for some perspective.

Each deathblossom against a single target was a 1425 heal. Against max targets (5) it a 3700 heal per DB.

I would not consider it in a power build at all IP is so much better here as it does not rely on the heal and a power build takes a bigger out to condition damage out with low power/crit then does a condition build with a low Condition damage stat. (for condition it about getting the stack count high)

Other then that I do not think an investment in heal worth it.

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