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Ele has no real profession mechanic meaning


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@Obtena.7952 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. Especs cost money. So your ok with classes being stronger due to costing money.

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@Jski.6180 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed. You can choose LOTS of things and be successful with them, especs or not, expansions or not.

Core ele was fine till they added in "REQUIREMENT" class that most ppl would call massive power creep and P2W.

And that's the dishonesty ... it's STILL fine because it's a meaningful choice people can play and be successful with.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

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@Jski.6180 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why performance differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem. You are NOT going to get me to admit things I don't believe.

I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed. That INCLUDES if they are weaker and it ALSO includes if they are STRONGER ... because it doesn't matter for being successful in the game. The game is designed to allow both situations.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

Yes and there are big problem with your points of view and your unwilling to deal with them. There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content. That is why ppl are such the way with you on these forms. The player base who have the core game are just as importance as ppl with expansion. To make a split between these player base is just wrong and harmful to the over all game.

We all play this game and we all should be on equal footing core vs espec.

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@Jski.6180 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content.

You keep trying to paint picture that the core options aren't valid in the game because they are weaker than especs ... but that's not true because you can be JUST as successful with non-expansion options as you can with expansion options. That's the dishonesty of your approach. Something having weaker performance than something else is not enough of a reason to buff it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:So you're whole goal here is to prevent power creep (because I'm not going to argue core isn't viable enough) by giving ele a unique mechanic? That's suspect considering I JUST quoted you as saying core ele can't be buffed without affecting it's especs ...

See how you are contradicting yourself there? You want to PREVENT power creep with this unique mechanic ... to BUFF core ele. I'm just going to let that simmer.

Dude, are you ok?

I'm fine. I just don't think it's reasonable to claim you want a change class mechanic just for ele to prevent power creep and to buff it. That doesn't make sense.

I get your argument is that profession mechanics are a nice powerful add on to classes that bring something extra to the table on top of the rest of the class. Swapping attunements does that. They
did that. The complaint here is contingent on the existence of ele especs, not the lack of 'bringing something extra' to the class.

No, its not on top of. It's a whole replacement of weapon skills. All it does is dilute 2 sets of weapon skills into 4, but because of balance it doesn't really add anything. It's a wash without much benefit that causes a hurdle of problems where half the skills are useless because you can't allocate enough attribute points to make use of the "jack of all trades, has tools for everything" shtick it has going for it. Technically yes, it is something different with ele, but it is not very beneficial. So If we want to get into balance reasons as to why the attunement mechanic is a hinderance, which is a totally different conversation, we can. Say I'm building a power/crit build, well because no matter what the attunements force me into taking healing, damage, and utility, My power/crit abilities tend to get taxed because of the theoretical availability of so many other skills. My damage skills have to be tuned down because of the availability of healing, whether that healing is strong or not. My power skills are taxed and balanced around the fact that I'm forced to have condi skills on my weapon, whether or not those condi skills are providing a benefit. They usually aren't effective though unless I build stats for them, but this is not a condi build. The problem with stats is you really get to only focus on one or two main things and that's about it. Celestial builds used to be good back in 2012, but because of the large balance issues with ele, it has been balanced out of viability. Attunements are a cool concept, but they don't fit in the balance of this game due to stat focusing. So really what they did was take ele weapon skills, multiply them by 4, and cut their usefulness by 4. It ends up just being a bunch of spammy cannon fodder with no largely impactful abilities.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content.

You keep trying to paint picture that the core options aren't valid in the game because they are weaker than especs ... but that's
not true
because you can be JUST as successful with non-expansion options as you can with expansion options. That's the dishonesty of your approach. Something having weaker performance than something else is not enough of a reason to buff it.

You said it was ok a few post back do i need to post it over and over?

@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:Why is it ok for core classes to be weaker then there elite spec.?

because there is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

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@Jski.6180 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content.

You keep trying to paint picture that the core options aren't valid in the game because they are weaker than especs ... but that's
not true
because you can be JUST as successful with non-expansion options as you can with expansion options. That's the dishonesty of your approach. Something having weaker performance than something else is not enough of a reason to buff it.

You said it was ok a few post back do i need to post it over and over?

You seem to have a massive comprehension problem. Nothing I have said in what you quoted from me contradicts what I am saying here.

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@ScottBroChill.3254 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:So you're whole goal here is to prevent power creep (because I'm not going to argue core isn't viable enough) by giving ele a unique mechanic? That's suspect considering I JUST quoted you as saying core ele can't be buffed without affecting it's especs ...

See how you are contradicting yourself there? You want to PREVENT power creep with this unique mechanic ... to BUFF core ele. I'm just going to let that simmer.

Dude, are you ok?

I'm fine. I just don't think it's reasonable to claim you want a change class mechanic just for ele to prevent power creep and to buff it. That doesn't make sense.

I get your argument is that profession mechanics are a nice powerful add on to classes that bring something extra to the table on top of the rest of the class. Swapping attunements does that. They
did that. The complaint here is contingent on the existence of ele especs, not the lack of 'bringing something extra' to the class.

No, its not on top of. It's a whole replacement of weapon skills. All it does is dilute 2 sets of weapon skills into 4, but because of balance it doesn't really add anything.

Having 8 equivalent weapons most certainly IS a significant addition above 2 and it's still most certainly true that core vs. especs are variationally significant making them meaningful choices to players.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content.

You keep trying to paint picture that the core options aren't valid in the game because they are weaker than especs ... but that's
not true
because you can be JUST as successful with non-expansion options as you can with expansion options. That's the dishonesty of your approach. Something having weaker performance than something else is not enough of a reason to buff it.

You said it was ok a few post back do i need to post it over and over?

You seem to have a massive comprehension problem. Nothing I have said in what you quoted from me contradicts what I am saying here.

You said it was ok for core to be weaker then espec. I am sry that not going away. There is a set of logic that comes with that point of view and you cant apologized it away.

You may really need to rethink about posting here most of the ele base wants core ele to be on par with the elite spec. Your only added to the insult by saying its ok because of these "NO REQUIREMENT."

Core ele was fine till they added in "REQUIREMENT" class that most ppl would call massive power creep and P2W.

@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:Why is it ok for core classes to be weaker then there elite spec.?

because there is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

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@Jski.6180 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content.

You keep trying to paint picture that the core options aren't valid in the game because they are weaker than especs ... but that's
not true
because you can be JUST as successful with non-expansion options as you can with expansion options. That's the dishonesty of your approach. Something having weaker performance than something else is not enough of a reason to buff it.

You said it was ok a few post back do i need to post it over and over?

You seem to have a massive comprehension problem. Nothing I have said in what you quoted from me contradicts what I am saying here.

You said it was ok for core to be weaker then espec. I am sry that not going away. There is a set of logic that comes with that point of view and you cant apologized it away.

Yeah I did, and that doesn't change what I'm saying and I'm NOT apologetic for it because it's true and it's how this game is designed and works.

Core ele was fine till they added in "REQUIREMENT" class that most ppl would call massive power creep and P2W.

And that's the dishonesty of this thread ... it's still fine because performance differences don't eliminate those choices as meaningful so people can choose them and be successful.

You want to make this about P2W and power creep. Those things don't impact people's ability to choose how they want to play and be successful.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Your saying a requirement is needed to be a stronger class then ones with our requirements.

No, I never said that either. I am saying that performance differences between core and especs don't matter because of how the game is designed.

Then your ok with core classes being weaker then especs.

No, I'm ok with performance differences between core and especs because of how the game is designed.

No your just saying performance now you said your ok with core classes being weaker then especs. We are back to that convenient of you forgetting what you said before.

Listen, you're being pretty dishonest with me here ... I've made it VERY clear why differences between core and especs, weaker OR stronger are not a problem.

There are truth for adding in content behind pay walls that are stronger then what ppl have already payed for because the core game is just as valid as all of the added payed content.

You keep trying to paint picture that the core options aren't valid in the game because they are weaker than especs ... but that's
not true
because you can be JUST as successful with non-expansion options as you can with expansion options. That's the dishonesty of your approach. Something having weaker performance than something else is not enough of a reason to buff it.

You said it was ok a few post back do i need to post it over and over?

You seem to have a massive comprehension problem. Nothing I have said in what you quoted from me contradicts what I am saying here.

You said it was ok for core to be weaker then espec. I am sry that not going away. There is a set of logic that comes with that point of view and you cant apologized it away.

Yeah I did, and that doesn't change what I'm saying and I'm NOT apologetic for it because it's true and it's how this game is designed and works.

Core ele was fine till they added in "REQUIREMENT" class that most ppl would call massive power creep and P2W.

And that's the dishonesty of this thread ... it's still fine because performance differences don't eliminate those choices as meaningful so people can choose them and be successful.

The dishonesty is your name calling ppl down there point of view.

@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:Why is it ok for core classes to be weaker then there elite spec.?

because there is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

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@Jski.6180 continually quotes Obtena saying:

because there is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Yes, this is true ... thanks for continually posting it. Maybe at some point you start to understand it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 continually posts:

because there is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Yes, this is true ... thanks for continually posting it.

That is know as power creep and p2w.

@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:Why is it ok for core classes to be weaker then there elite spec.?

because there is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

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@Jski.6180 said:That is know as power creep and p2w.

If that's true, it certainly doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying to you. I get you have some massive hang up about power creep and P2W ... but it doesn't mean ele isn't a meaningful choice for players.

There is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is know as power creep and p2w.

If that's true, it certainly doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying to you.

There is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Ok so your cool with it. That all i am trying to get at. Just be willing to take on that yoke in your post and stop dancing arone it.

Its not good for the game it makes a real split between the haves and have nots and makes ppl exclude others from playing content. This is a game for fun and by adding in such requirements takes a lot of that fun away from the player base. Ele has it worst then the other classes as its already atument lock for its trait line effects (other core classes do not need to be in a wepon for a full effect of an trait line like ele atuments).

Its just bad planing on anet end and realty all there fault for forcing bad content on there player base because they simply cant work on any thing old and can only work on new things. That realty the balance and what ele has no true mechanic because anet never fixes old content or even finishes old content. Its and always burning bridges before they comply cross them.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is know as power creep and p2w.

If that's true, it certainly doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying to you.

There is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Ok so your cool with it. That all i am trying to get at. Just be willing to take on that yoke in your post and stop dancing arone it.

Its not good for the game it makes a real split between the haves and have nots and makes ppl exclude others from playing content.

That's not true ... the only people that are excluded are the people that make choices that lead to teaming with people that tell them how to play.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is know as power creep and p2w.

If that's true, it certainly doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying to you.

There is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Ok so your cool with it. That all i am trying to get at. Just be willing to take on that yoke in your post and stop dancing arone it.

Its not good for the game it makes a real split between the haves and have nots and makes ppl exclude others from playing content.

not true
... the only people that are excluded are the people that make bad choices about who they team with.

Stop taking my words out of context and only quoting part of my thoughts and ideals. They are complete points of views. By doing what you have been doing and it seems always do your making ppl seem to say things they are not and its just wrong.

Bad chooses is to not buy an expansion?

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is know as power creep and p2w.

If that's true, it certainly doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying to you.

There is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Ok so your cool with it. That all i am trying to get at. Just be willing to take on that yoke in your post and stop dancing arone it.

Its not good for the game it makes a real split between the haves and have nots and makes ppl exclude others from playing content.

not true
... the only people that are excluded are the people that make bad choices about who they team with.

Stop taking my words out of context and only quoting part of my thoughts and ideals. They are complete points of views. By doing what you have been doing and it seems always do your making ppl seem to say things they are not and its just wrong.

No words are out of context here ... you are implying people are excluded from playing content because they aren't using optimal or high performance builds. That's not true. That simply depends on who you team with.

I'm not quoting your whole post because it's based on the false premise that people are excluded because of class choices ... That's not true. They are excluded because they team with people that tell them they can't play it.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is know as power creep and p2w.

If that's true, it certainly doesn't change the truth of what I'm saying to you.

There is NO REQUIREMENT for all these classes and especs to be the same level of performance for people to have meaningful choices and play how they want to be succussful. It's not a problem if things are not equivalent in performance. The game is designed that way to allow it.

Ok so your cool with it. That all i am trying to get at. Just be willing to take on that yoke in your post and stop dancing arone it.

Its not good for the game it makes a real split between the haves and have nots and makes ppl exclude others from playing content.

not true
... the only people that are excluded are the people that make bad choices about who they team with.

Stop taking my words out of context and only quoting part of my thoughts and ideals. They are complete points of views. By doing what you have been doing and it seems always do your making ppl seem to say things they are not and its just wrong.

No words are out of context here ... you are implying people are excluded from playing content because they aren't using optimal or high performance builds. That's
not true
. That simply depends on who you team with.

I'm not quoting your whole post because it's based on the false premise that people are excluded because of class choices ... That's
not true
. They are excluded because they team with people that
them they can't play it.

So your cool with forgetting part of ppl post are you even reading it all?

@kharmin.7683 said:

@Jski.6180 said:Its not good for the game it makes a real split between the haves and have nots and makes ppl exclude others from playing content.This is entirely subjective and your opinion. There is nothing that is preventing core elementalists from playing and completing content.

Number are not subjective.

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