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Ele has no real profession mechanic meaning


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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:It is i am not sure how you not getting this its as bad as saying "just win" to some one losing.

Well, firstly, that comparison is nonsense ... you don't CHOOSE to lose ... just like all the other not true and irrelevant statements you have made in this thread.

Its logic

Really? So the guy that uses untrue and irrelevant statements to justify his position is trying to school ME on logic? OK. That's funny.

I am not sure how you do not see your doing the same thing when you suggest to some one play another class.

Because exercising choice to enjoy the game IS a valid and reasonable approach, despite your objections to that method.

Right that the point of making it its a joke at the person expenses who are not able to do what they want to do.

not true
... you can do what you want based on the criteria you have used to make choices. If your criteria are too restrictive, you need to reconsider them. Anet can't make the game cater to individual ideas for how the game works.

See, the big problem here is that lots of people don't have a problem choosing ele and teaming and being successful. So the rhetoric you are making here about ele needing change because 'balance' is just one big
not true
story you've invented to justify ele buffs. You're just not being honest in how player choice affects people playing how they want. You're also not being honest if you think that a buff to the class mechanic will make the class more desirable for people to team with. Anet can't make the game so that EVERYTHING you want conforms to your criteria and how you want to play OR who people want to team with. This is EXACTLY the reason we have all these options to choose from in the first place.

My view is to stick with something not to find something else.

Right ... so if your primary criteria for choosing a class is 'to stick with it' ... then that's more important to you than anything else. That's not a problem Anet needs to fix for you. We've already covered this so clearly you're just ignoring me. That's OK, because saying things that aren't true or irrelevant doesn't change how choice affects player game satisfaction and neither does ignoring the truth of that statement.

so you must work with others and by doing so you MUST provide value to them. This cut your ability to play as you want.

not true
. If you team with people that tell you to bring a certain category or level of value ... that's a CHOICE you made; you have GIVEN UP playing how you want to get into that team.

Funny, you don't have a problem making all these bad choices that negatively affect how you play ... but when someone suggests making good choices for yourself, you have massive issues with that. This is the dishonesty I'm talking about. You argue that you don't want to experience negative things ... then turn around and make choices where you expose yourself to them.

So wait its ok to come to an class form and tell some one to play another class because of a suggestion?

Your not dealing with the point of what anet had to do to core ele to bring balance to tempest and weaver its not like core ele was giving ppl too much earth auras but they still nerfed the duration of it core ele was not doing too much dmg vs npc but they nerf staff hard.

If core ele never get its own mechanic then it will always get nerf not because of what core ele is doing but because of what its elite spec are doing that very least you must admit.

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I'm lazy to read that much.

So core elemental class mechanic is to have 4 weapons insted of 2 within the same weapon set, also by changing attunements you activate those sigils "on weapon swap" effect (with the internal 9 sec cd of the sigil). Also elementalist weapon effects are half or less the effect of other classes (not sure about this) and you usualy don't use the 4 attunements (heck if there would be 6 I would use 8, I swap a lot my attunements, all my 4 elements)

And some ppl like it and some ppl don't. Those who don't, are asking for a balance to core elementalist because X reason they don't play elit spec of elementalist.

Am I lossing something?

I think it would be good Idea to make "elemental attunement" from arcana, base part of the class... or maybe (if it's true that weapon effect from elemental are half or less the effect of other clases) balance up weapon numbers so fire do more condi, water more heal, air more crit and earth more tank, that way you use your 4 attunements and not only 2.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Jski.6180 said:It is i am not sure how you not getting this its as bad as saying "just win" to some one losing.

Well, firstly, that comparison is nonsense ... you don't CHOOSE to lose ... just like all the other not true and irrelevant statements you have made in this thread.

Its logic

Really? So the guy that uses untrue and irrelevant statements to justify his position is trying to school ME on logic? OK. That's funny.

I am not sure how you do not see your doing the same thing when you suggest to some one play another class.

Because exercising choice to enjoy the game IS a valid and reasonable approach, despite your objections to that method.

Right that the point of making it its a joke at the person expenses who are not able to do what they want to do.

not true
... you can do what you want based on the criteria you have used to make choices. If your criteria are too restrictive, you need to reconsider them. Anet can't make the game cater to individual ideas for how the game works.

See, the big problem here is that lots of people don't have a problem choosing ele and teaming and being successful. So the rhetoric you are making here about ele needing change because 'balance' is just one big
not true
story you've invented to justify ele buffs. You're just not being honest in how player choice affects people playing how they want. You're also not being honest if you think that a buff to the class mechanic will make the class more desirable for people to team with. Anet can't make the game so that EVERYTHING you want conforms to your criteria and how you want to play OR who people want to team with. This is EXACTLY the reason we have all these options to choose from in the first place.

My view is to stick with something not to find something else.

Right ... so if your primary criteria for choosing a class is 'to stick with it' ... then that's more important to you than anything else. That's not a problem Anet needs to fix for you. We've already covered this so clearly you're just ignoring me. That's OK, because saying things that aren't true or irrelevant doesn't change how choice affects player game satisfaction and neither does ignoring the truth of that statement.

so you must work with others and by doing so you MUST provide value to them. This cut your ability to play as you want.

not true
. If you team with people that tell you to bring a certain category or level of value ... that's a CHOICE you made; you have GIVEN UP playing how you want to get into that team.

Funny, you don't have a problem making all these bad choices that negatively affect how you play ... but when someone suggests making good choices for yourself, you have massive issues with that. This is the dishonesty I'm talking about. You argue that you don't want to experience negative things ... then turn around and make choices where you expose yourself to them.

So wait its ok to come to an class form and tell some one to play another class because of a suggestion?

That's not an honest assessment. I'm not telling anyone to play another class because of a suggestion they are making. That's nonsense.

Your not dealing with the point of what anet had to do to core ele to bring balance to tempest and weaver

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:It is i am not sure how you not getting this its as bad as saying "just win" to some one losing.

Well, firstly, that comparison is nonsense ... you don't CHOOSE to lose ... just like all the other not true and irrelevant statements you have made in this thread.

Its logic

Really? So the guy that uses untrue and irrelevant statements to justify his position is trying to school ME on logic? OK. That's funny.

I am not sure how you do not see your doing the same thing when you suggest to some one play another class.

Because exercising choice to enjoy the game IS a valid and reasonable approach, despite your objections to that method.

Right that the point of making it its a joke at the person expenses who are not able to do what they want to do.

not true
... you can do what you want based on the criteria you have used to make choices. If your criteria are too restrictive, you need to reconsider them. Anet can't make the game cater to individual ideas for how the game works.

See, the big problem here is that lots of people don't have a problem choosing ele and teaming and being successful. So the rhetoric you are making here about ele needing change because 'balance' is just one big
not true
story you've invented to justify ele buffs. You're just not being honest in how player choice affects people playing how they want. You're also not being honest if you think that a buff to the class mechanic will make the class more desirable for people to team with. Anet can't make the game so that EVERYTHING you want conforms to your criteria and how you want to play OR who people want to team with. This is EXACTLY the reason we have all these options to choose from in the first place.

My view is to stick with something not to find something else.

Right ... so if your primary criteria for choosing a class is 'to stick with it' ... then that's more important to you than anything else. That's not a problem Anet needs to fix for you. We've already covered this so clearly you're just ignoring me. That's OK, because saying things that aren't true or irrelevant doesn't change how choice affects player game satisfaction and neither does ignoring the truth of that statement.

so you must work with others and by doing so you MUST provide value to them. This cut your ability to play as you want.

not true
. If you team with people that tell you to bring a certain category or level of value ... that's a CHOICE you made; you have GIVEN UP playing how you want to get into that team.

Funny, you don't have a problem making all these bad choices that negatively affect how you play ... but when someone suggests making good choices for yourself, you have massive issues with that. This is the dishonesty I'm talking about. You argue that you don't want to experience negative things ... then turn around and make choices where you expose yourself to them.

So wait its ok to come to an class form and tell some one to play another class because of a suggestion?

That's not an honest assessment. I'm not telling anyone to play another class because of a suggestion they are making. That's nonsense.

Your not dealing with the point of what anet had to do to core ele to bring balance to tempest and weaver

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver but if they need to nerf any thing on tempest and weaver they need to and mostly have nerfed core ele. With out its own mechanic core ele will always get nerfed over and over which it has for the last 5 years.

Lets say something silly is added in a elite spec that burns on weakness. If that elite spec has only a few weakness effect its never going to be that op so it can be a strong burn BUT because of lighting rod a core ele effect it can be a very op effect. So we could see anet nerf lighting rod over the new elite spec (as they want to promote that eleit spec). Now we have a weaker lighting rod for core ele and a balanced lighting rod for the elite spec. Core ele only loses from this and get nothing. Even if anet gave core ele something during this it would still be a stronger prostive for the elite spec then the core ele over all. That why it NEEDS its own effect that only core ele can get or your balance for the classes will always be a full on nerf vs what the elite spec get.

I been on this soapbox for 6? years now i am not getting off of it any time soon. This is where i stand for the ele class and mostly for the core ele.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

Well, idk. Look at the profession mechanic page on guild wars 2 wiki and read off all the core mechanics. All of them add something. Ele is the only one that is a full replacement of how a system works like, weapon swapping, and then that's it. There were similar complaints with revenenat but then their core got something added, because everyone sorta has the agreement that mechanics are added on top of everything else. Thieves initiative alone doesnt count as their full mechanic, they also have steal and stolen skills on top of it, because initiative replaces the regular weapon system order. Rev has legend swap and energy, but thats a replacement for utility skills and recharge times, so they added ancient echo "On Top" of everything. These three professions have an altered way of using skills that stray from the basic way of skill performance, but ele is the only one of the three to not get an extra skill or ability that works on top of their fighting style. So I think anet has even expressed that yeah, an altered way of skill function (initiative and no recharge time, legend swap and energy, attunement swap) does not fully replace having an added, on top of everything else, profession mechanic.

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@ScottBroChill.3254 said:

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

Well, idk. Look at the profession mechanic page on guild wars 2 wiki and read off all the core mechanics. All of them add something. Ele is the only one that is a full replacement of how a system works like, weapon swapping, and then that's it.

It's obvious ele has a class mechanic. There should be NO debate on this.

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@Jski.6180 said:That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

No, I did NOT tell someone to switch class because they suggested something. That is NOT the reason I said that. That's just your disaster of a misinterpretation of what I said.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver

The complaint was NOT about balance.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

Well, idk. Look at the profession mechanic page on guild wars 2 wiki and read off all the core mechanics. All of them add something. Ele is the only one that is a full replacement of how a system works like, weapon swapping, and then that's it.

It's obvious ele has a class mechanic. There should be NO debate on this.

You didnt read any of my statement besides the first sentence apparently. Ok what if we take away thieves steal and revs ancient echo? that would be fair and cool, right?

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@ScottBroChill.3254 said:

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

Well, idk. Look at the profession mechanic page on guild wars 2 wiki and read off all the core mechanics. All of them add something. Ele is the only one that is a full replacement of how a system works like, weapon swapping, and then that's it.

It's obvious ele has a class mechanic. There should be NO debate on this.

You didnt read any of my statement besides the first sentence apparently. Ok what if we take away thieves steal and revs ancient echo? that would be fair and cool, right?

You're partially correct ... because ele DOES have a class mechanic EVEN if it's similar to weapon swapping. Let's stay on topic here.

I don't know ... what if you did? What does that have to do with the fact that ele DOES has a class mechanic?

This isn't open for debate; ele DOES have a class mechanic.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

Well, idk. Look at the profession mechanic page on guild wars 2 wiki and read off all the core mechanics. All of them add something. Ele is the only one that is a full replacement of how a system works like, weapon swapping, and then that's it.

It's obvious ele has a class mechanic. There should be NO debate on this.

You didnt read any of my statement besides the first sentence apparently. Ok what if we take away thieves steal and revs ancient echo? that would be fair and cool, right?

I don't know ... what if you did? What does that have to do with the fact that ele has a class mechanic?

Because every other profession mechanic can be removed from a class and replaced with another without destroying the fabric of how their skills work besides ele. Ele's mechanic is their weapon skills, you can't do anything with that. It's not a mechanic, its a different type of skill set. Now if the attunement worked for skills like how legends worked for revs trident, that would be different. So instead of all attunements getting vastly different skills on the same weapon, each weapon has 5 skills that get altered effects based on your attunement, then that would be a better mechanic. You could remove it and replace it without it affecting the actual weapon skills. It would be an addition to your weapon skills. It would be akin to having stances as a mechanic. But if the class mechanic cannot be changed or altered without destroying all your skills in the process, than that is not a mechanic. That is a base and foundation of the class.

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@ScottBroChill.3254 said:

That's true, I'm not, because the thread isn't about balance. The OP is VERY clear about what this thread is about:

This is mainly a complaint about core ele, as tempest has overloads and weaver skills 3 are on par with other classes skills (aka real skills), so the specializations have mechanics.

That's not about balance ... his complaint is LITERALLY that ele doesn't have a mechanic. That's not true ... and you have grasped onto that untruth to make this thread your soapbox to complain about ele balance because of changes over time you don't like. It certainly doesn't help that on top of all that, you continually make untrue statements to proceed in dishonest, perpetual argument.

Well, idk. Look at the profession mechanic page on guild wars 2 wiki and read off all the core mechanics. All of them add something. Ele is the only one that is a full replacement of how a system works like, weapon swapping, and then that's it.

It's obvious ele has a class mechanic. There should be NO debate on this.

You didnt read any of my statement besides the first sentence apparently. Ok what if we take away thieves steal and revs ancient echo? that would be fair and cool, right?

I don't know ... what if you did? What does that have to do with the fact that ele has a class mechanic?

Because every other profession mechanic can be removed from a class and replaced with another without destroying the fabric of how their skills work besides ele.

That doesn't mean ele doesn't have a class mechanic.

Ele's mechanic is their weapon skills, you can't do anything with that. It's not a mechanic, its a different type of skill set.

That doesn't make sense ... there isn't a rule that says swapping elements to get different weapon skills isn't a mechanic.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:That doesn't mean ele doesn't have a class mechanic.

yes it does. dude, your incouragable and stubborn. If its a "mechanic," its a really really really bad one for a game that for the past 7 years has based its progression around getting new elite specs that alter your mechanic. And it has left ele back in 2012 because core cannot be balanced with it's elite specs without breaking.

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@Obtena.7952 said:OK it's bad ... but swapping elements is STILL a class mechanic. This isn't up for debate. Any argument otherwise is absurd.

If it's that bad and you don't like it ... hey, class choices, you got em.

Well like i said earlier, what constitutes as a fully fledged out professon mechanic for EVERY other class is not present on ele. They even retroactively added a profession mechanic to core rev because of this SAME exact issue. If the developers were also in agreement that core rev posessed no profession mechanic, then could we also agree that core ele is in the same boat and quite possibly might need the same treatment?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

No, I did NOT tell someone to switch class because they suggested something. That is NOT the reason I said that. That's just your disaster of a misinterpretation of what I said.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver

The complaint was NOT about balance.

I am sry but WHAT did you think of there suggestion for adding to core ele then?

Also this IS about balance of core ele vs its elite spec. right now core ele is lacking and its only getting worst with each update for the elite spec.

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@ScottBroChill.3254 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:OK it's bad ... but swapping elements is STILL a class mechanic. This isn't up for debate. Any argument otherwise is absurd.

If it's that bad and you don't like it ... hey, class choices, you got em.

Well like i said earlier, what constitutes as a fully fledged out professon mechanic for EVERY other class is not present on ele.

I mean, you can have that opinion but it's not inline to how the game works. I'm just going to go back to my original point; if class mechanics are dissatisfying to you from a gameplay perspective, why aren't you choosing a different class? What criteria are you using to choose a class that has dissatisfactory mechanics for you?

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

No, I did NOT tell someone to switch class because they suggested something. That is NOT the reason I said that. That's just your disaster of a misinterpretation of what I said.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver

The complaint was NOT about balance.

I am sry but WHAT did you think of there suggestion for adding to core ele then?

I already answered that ... please try and follow the thread and read my posts if you want to have a discussion with me.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

No, I did NOT tell someone to switch class because they suggested something. That is NOT the reason I said that. That's just your disaster of a misinterpretation of what I said.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver

The complaint was NOT about balance.

I am sry but WHAT did you think of there suggestion for adding to core ele then?

I already answered that ... please try and follow the thread and read my posts if you want to have a discussion with me.

You dont think its a balance issues and you seem not to want to talk about it at all. I realty do not know what you stand for with the ele class.

As i said before you seems to just want ppl not to question anet at all and just live with it. Join that cult.

Also its super hard to talk to more then one person at the same time on these forms i suggest not going full on with it.

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@Jski.6180 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

No, I did NOT tell someone to switch class because they suggested something. That is NOT the reason I said that. That's just your disaster of a misinterpretation of what I said.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver

The complaint was NOT about balance.

I am sry but WHAT did you think of there suggestion for adding to core ele then?

I already answered that ... please try and follow the thread and read my posts if you want to have a discussion with me.

You dont think its a balance issues and you seem not to want to talk about it at all.

because the topic of the thread isn't balance. Unlike you, I don't stray from the topics of people's threads to rant about whatever I want.

Also its super hard to talk to more then one person at the same time on these forms i suggest not going full on with it.

I don't need your suggestion ... I'm not the one struggling to maintain a discussion with you on the forum.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Jski.6180 said:That is for sure what you did i am not sure how you see you self here.

No, I did NOT tell someone to switch class because they suggested something. That is NOT the reason I said that. That's just your disaster of a misinterpretation of what I said.

That is balance for core ele if you buff ANY thing on core ele you buff tempest and weaver

The complaint was NOT about balance.

I am sry but WHAT did you think of there suggestion for adding to core ele then?

I already answered that ... please try and follow the thread and read my posts if you want to have a discussion with me.

You dont think its a balance issues and you seem not to want to talk about it at all.

because the topic of the thread isn't balance. Unlike you, I don't stray from the topics of people's threads to rant about whatever I want.

But it is and you do not want ppl to talk about it at all or realty any thing.

Is anet paying you for PR?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:OK it's bad ... but swapping elements is STILL a class mechanic. This isn't up for debate. Any argument otherwise is absurd.

If it's that bad and you don't like it ... hey, class choices, you got em.

Well like i said earlier, what constitutes as a fully fledged out professon mechanic for EVERY other class is not present on ele.

I mean, you can have that opinion. Clearly, it's not relevant to how the game works though. I mean, I'm just going to go back to my original point; if class mechanics are dissatisfying to you from a gameplay perspective, why aren't you choosing a different class?

It's relevent enough for the developers to make the change for core revenant so I would disagree. And look, I have changed classes, I main revenant now for the most part. It's core, after some years, now has a proper profession mechanic. Ele can be extremely fun, but its "mechanic" is terrible for balance and does not possess the qualities that other mechanics do. It's a half of a mechanic. It's mechanic is having ele weapon skills. The reason we complain is because developers who dont have the manpower to have people constantly playtesting every profession need community feedback to help guide the game. They need to know whats fun. This whole "if you don't like it don't play it" is your way of leading everyone into a "balance" argument in which you just dismiss everything because the thread is "about ele having no profession mechanic." But here's the thing, game design is inherently tied into balance, so nice try trying to get away with that one. How can a playstyle be fun when it's constantly shooting itself in the foot and bumping heads with design philosophy.

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@ScottBroChill.3254 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:OK it's bad ... but swapping elements is STILL a class mechanic. This isn't up for debate. Any argument otherwise is absurd.

If it's that bad and you don't like it ... hey, class choices, you got em.

Well like i said earlier, what constitutes as a fully fledged out professon mechanic for EVERY other class is not present on ele.

I mean, you can have that opinion. Clearly, it's not relevant to how the game works though. I mean, I'm just going to go back to my original point; if class mechanics are dissatisfying to you from a gameplay perspective, why aren't you choosing a different class?

It's relevent enough for the developers to make the change for core revenant so I would disagree.

See, this is the problem ... ele HAS a class mechanic so the premise it doesn't have a class mechanic to justify ANYTHING a person wants to suggest to change the class is just wrong. It's wrong.

I get you think that the class mechanic is terrible ... but it exists. So if you want to make a thread that core ele class mechanic is garbage and needs to be fixed, that's awesome ... because it's not a lie. This whole thread is based on something that is NOT TRUE. No amount of debate will change the fact that ele DOES HAVE a class mechanic, so you CAN'T argue a change based on it NOT having a class mechanic. That's nonsense.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Jski.6180" said:But it is and you do not want ppl to talk about it at all or realty any thing.

OP was VERY clear what the topic of the thread is. This isn't up for debate that the topic is simply about OP claiming Ele not having a class mechanic.

It is though about core ele vs weaver vs tempest they even name this in there post about pve and doing dps. There suggestion is about core ele getting something more and how with out any thing done ele core has "Ele has no real profession mechanic meaning."

If you cant see that your just trying to suppress ppl from saying bad things about ele.

Is anet paying you any thing? You realty should come clean if they are.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:OK it's bad ... but swapping elements is STILL a class mechanic. This isn't up for debate. Any argument otherwise is absurd.

If it's that bad and you don't like it ... hey, class choices, you got em.

Well like i said earlier, what constitutes as a fully fledged out professon mechanic for EVERY other class is not present on ele.

I mean, you can have that opinion. Clearly, it's not relevant to how the game works though. I mean, I'm just going to go back to my original point; if class mechanics are dissatisfying to you from a gameplay perspective, why aren't you choosing a different class?

It's relevent enough for the developers to make the change for core revenant so I would disagree.

See, this is the problem ... ele HAS a class mechanic so the premise it doesn't have a class mechanic to justify ANYTHING a person wants to suggest to change the class is just wrong. It's wrong.

I get you think that the class mechanic is terrible ... but it exists. So if you want to make a thread that core ele class mechanic is garbage and needs to be fixed, that's awesome ... because it's not a lie.

You are saying nothing every thing you are posting is to stop ppl from talking about things.

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