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[Suggestion] Return the backwards blink to Sceptre Ambush


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@Exciton.8942 said:The current one is clearly better.

You are already 'dodging' given that you are using an ambush attack. So you have super speed to easily travel that 200 distance you need. Being able to cast while moving is much better than blinking back 200 distance.

I'm not asking for the root, just the blink.

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@Exciton.8942 said:The current one is clearly better.

You are already 'dodging' given that you are using an ambush attack. So you have super speed to easily travel that 200 distance you need. Being able to cast while moving is much better than blinking back 200 distance.

How do you plan on using that superspeed to travel 200 distance when you have to be facing your target to use the attack?

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@OriOri.8724 said:It had its problems though. If you, or a clone when you were running IH, was at the edge of the range of the skill, it would actually blink you out of range, and the attack would fail to hit. That's a pretty large problem honestly.

You have a longer activation window now, so that could be played around (run forward if you're on the edge of range then cast). Keeps you moving and makes it more dynamic, surging forward blinking back, more of a dance. We have this already with Phase Retreat and autos.

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That doesn't help your clones if you are using IH. Nor does it make sense that you should have to be 200 units closer than the range of the skill in order to land it. That's not something you should be forced to play around, and you know that's true. The range on the skill is 1,200, but the way it was before, we had to be within 1,000 units in order for it to land. That means that 1/6th of the total range was unusable, about 31% of the area around your target that was technically in range was unusable with the skill, because you would be blinked out of range.

If you are in range with a skill, then it should hit your target. There is no good reason to be forced to run 200 units closer to your target, being in range the entire time mind you, in order for the skill to land.

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@Exciton.8942 said:The current one is clearly better.

Than the old one? Maybe, but since it's still not all that much stronger than an autoattack I agree that I'd rather take the flavorful one over the boring but still annoyingly useless one.

@OriOri.8724 said:It had its problems though. If you, or a clone when you were running IH, was at the edge of the range of the skill, it would actually blink you out of range, and the attack would fail to hit. That's a pretty large problem honestly.

As a programmer, that was such a weird problem to me. It's a separate skill, why not give it 1200 range? At anything <600 it wouldn't matter as it would blink you to 900 max, but even if used from 900 it'd then work. Seemed like such a simple 5 seconds fix, commit, push, done.

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My suggestion would be to totally change scepter ambush. The current one is just plain annoying. During demo weekend, it at least dealt some okayish power damage on top on its 5 condis (when it managed to hit the target). Right now it has almost no impact, and, due to its channeling nature, it's unreasonably difficult to use it effectively.

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@OriOri.8724 said:That doesn't help your clones if you are using IH. Nor does it make sense that you should have to be 200 units closer than the range of the skill in order to land it. That's not something you should be forced to play around, and you know that's true. The range on the skill is 1,200, but the way it was before, we had to be within 1,000 units in order for it to land. That means that 1/6th of the total range was unusable, about 31% of the area around your target that was technically in range was unusable with the skill, because you would be blinked out of range.

If you are in range with a skill, then it should hit your target. There is no good reason to be forced to run 200 units closer to your target, being in range the entire time mind you, in order for the skill to land.

Scepter Auto has a range of 900 so you won't be standing at 1200, also projectile attacks have a bit of extra distance attached to them not on the tool tip. I'm not sure my clones ever missed even when pushed to max distance by spamming dodge tbh.

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@zealex.9410 said:Id love it if it still had the blink and instead it was directional based on your movement.

Like the Jackal blink? That seems the closest tech to what you mean, directed blinking without ground targetting is pretty unusual and we'd need to think about how they'd implement it.

Might be a little OP, would be cool though.

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@OriOri.8724 said:It had its problems though. If you, or a clone when you were running IH, was at the edge of the range of the skill, it would actually blink you out of range, and the attack would fail to hit. That's a pretty large problem honestly.

There's also the fact that there's the possibility for it to blink you to somewhere... unfortunate. Which is okay for something like Phase Retreat where you'd only activate if you knew the blink wasn't going to hurt you, but I could see it being very unfortunate to have a blink that is inherently linked to any autoattack that comes within a few seconds of a dodge. Or of picking up a mirror, as the case may be.

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