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lets make a list of basic characteristics of bots


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I have been playing GW2 since release and pretty much just play Pvp. I guess the bot flood came when rewards were added into pvp that has filled my bank with junk that I really don't need and it even took away my purpose of going into pve...anyway, sometimes players do prefer to remain invisible or offline that's their choice no problem, so how do we identify bots:A rule of thumb that I use generally is:

  1. Usually offline, weird username (e.g thjhhxar, true story) and guildless, although note some people prefer this
  2. instant down stun or fear cast, in other words, the number 2 down state ability before the character has even reached the floor.
  3. using the same combo over and over again. with a very sustainable build (i.e. scrapper, guardian necro...please no offence to the guys that do play good combos by hand)
  4. I don't think they ever use a finisher
  5. Jumping on the platform on sky hammer will cause the bot to move away once the point is captured and completely ignore your existence (we actually never lost a match but I used this to my advantage and we won)
  6. The easiest give away is the constant running into the wall

Pvp is in a bit of shocking state atm, but don't go around now and claim everyone who may be playing extremely well ...or extremely badly a bot when observing, I while admit I have been called a bot before as well, Please feel free to add to the list if there is any checks I have missed

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@"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

  1. Great sportsmanship. They never troll, bm, or rage quit.
  2. Plays meta builds. They are slow and predictable, but they try to pull their weight by playing builds that complement their playstyle.
  3. Never farms kills. Their rotations may be a bit wack, but they are playing the objectives despite their limited intelligence.

In 3v3 during the mirage bot explosion bots performed better than a good 60% of the playerbase.And I'd like to note, during those matches the bots were far more useful to the team than the "report" button I tried to use to get rid of them

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One of my favorites was when I was in a game with a teammate that got stuck in a wall and they just kept healing themselves instead of just letting the enemy team kill them. They even rallied themselves out of downed state and had to get downed again before they were finally killed and allowed to respawn unstuck.

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I think that always full inventory is a feature, I came across two and they had inventory full for days and days, never changed skins, never said a word.

But I also think that many people have never even come across a real bot and simply point their fingers at any player using invisible mode (I do it, to avoid being whispered while in a context where I can't just stop to chat) or having basic skins.I was accused of being a bot even, probably because of being on invisible. ANet might be flooded by reports of bots that are actually regular players and that makes the process of identifying and removing the real bots slower.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:This seems so inaccurate- you mostly listed bad play, but it’s also inaccurate in places such as the jump pad thing. Bots cannot discern los from normal pathing in many cases so bots will just attack over and over even if you sit on los.

What happened was, I was fighting a scrapper and it played exactly the same combo over again but the dead give away was the bot/character just froze as I went over the jump pad while I am shooting with a rifle it just stood there did noting to block, reflect or aoe shock stun, and as soon as it moved off point I can down, I mean like 1 split second it left

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@Damocles.4908 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:This seems so inaccurate- you mostly listed bad play, but it’s also inaccurate in places such as the jump pad thing. Bots cannot discern los from normal pathing in many cases so bots will just attack over and over even if you sit on los.

What happened was, I was fighting a scrapper and it played exactly the same combo over again but the dead give away was the bot/character just froze as I went over the jump pad while I am shooting with a rifle it just stood there did noting to block, reflect or aoe shock stun, and as soon as it moved off point I can down, I mean like 1 split second it left

I’ve seen what are supposedly actual bots- in fact 3 of them were on the other team and they were all run to the same node to attack ppl and never cap nodes, when I kite away from them onto a non port spot, this was at the start of the match btw, and they sat below the los using the same exact auto+ skill cycle for the rest of the match, a whole 13 mins, without decapping the node or getting me below 99% hp. Sometimes when ppl kite a roamer will just leave since they cannot kill a bunker, so that’s normal but just afking because a bot program thinks they are attacking is different

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