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WvW the Absolutely Broken Mess


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I dont see the issue wvw is supposed to be a madhouse. You have every spec and class in the game in there and infinite variations. Its never going to be balanced its a clusterfark and thats the fun of it. people acting like this is the wow arena championships and everything must be balanced to a fault. The only issues i have with wvw is where are alliances, and the server balance.

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@Zuldari.3940 said:I dont see the issue wvw is supposed to be a madhouse. You have every spec and class in the game in there and infinite variations. Its never going to be balanced its a clusterfark and thats the fun of it. people acting like this is the wow arena championships and everything must be balanced to a fault. The only issues i have with wvw is where are alliances, and the server balance.

It used to be more balanced. Disagreeing with the fact that sustain is out of hand sounds pretty delusional.

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@enkidu.5937 said:For years they tried to fix lags.Its not fun to die because you can’t move and use skills.

Simultaneously, the established a perma-CC-meta.Where you die because you can’t move and use skills.

So don't tell us that they have no idea. :p

Thats the game engine and particle effect, they really need to optimize this game, and allow the players a switch to toggle off that visual vomit or a slider to tone it down. maybe a button that only renders my spell effects and bosses, not the whole kitten pile.

It used to be more balanced. Disagreeing with the fact that sustain is out of hand sounds pretty delusional.

You mean the guardians? Because on one hand you have people saying they cant kill anyone because of the sustain, then you have the other half saying they cant keep anyone alive because of the burst strips conditions. It cant be both, it sounds like a targeting issue.

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