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PVP is beyond bad


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GW2's PvP is bad and it's the developers' fault.  They added way too much "bullet proofing" to classes and as a result, players like to form what's called a gyro or blob in WvW, which is a large number of players moving as one and concentrating all their heals, boons, etc as one.  This gyro/blob becomes invincible and that group can just run over everyone else and take any area of the map at will.  The only way to defeat such a mess is to form your own mess just as massive or bigger.


That is garbage PvP!


Just today I watched a player (maybe a guardian) get attacked by 10 players including myself and this is the way it went...  The target player would first take zero damage for like 10 seconds (I have know idea how he did it that long).  Then he started taking some damage but still absorbing way too much because 10 players were blasting him.  Then, when his health finally got down to about 15 to 20 percent, BOOM, he healed up to full health and then went on the zero damage trip again.  It took a lot of stuns and interrupts for 10 minutes just to kill one player.  It was like trying to kill a Raid Boss.




What is even more sick about that encounter was the fact this target player could easily do 7k damage with one hit.  So basically, he was God.  You tell me....  Is there some gear set greater than legendary?  Because he was WAY beyond anything a normal player could achieve in-game.


Seriously...  How can some players hit for 10k as a Zerg but you as a Zerg (with buffs) can't deliver the same output?  I find some seriously questionable things going on in PvP which makes me wonder who's really behind the computer running a character because it would not surprise me if it's someone in the ArenaNet family tree.


Bullet proofing destroys PvP but also the fact, the logic behind classes is brain dead.  Why in the heck would you allow long range weapon users to do so much damage from distance?  You don't wanna give the none long range player a chance?  Ranged players should all do a low DOT like what the condi Necro entire class does, which is why condi Necro is so broken.  Long range players should at some point have to fight up close and that's when they should do the higher damage not from range.  Range attacks should be about getting an edge on your target before they get close, not hit them with 10k arrow strikes for a flawless victory.  Completely uncreative design.


The condi Necro build/class is the most disrespected of them all.  The entire class is basically DOT and with DOT as low as it is for that class, you have no choice but to go zerg even if you're running a scourge, which is lame as #$$&!

Some of the Necro skills don't even work correctly, like trail of anguish.  You're supposed to have stability when activating trail of anguish but you don't!  Players can still stun, pull, root and do what ever they like to you with trail of anguish active.  Spectral Walk will not only drop out of recall randomly before 10 seconds but if you do recall, you're still targeted by everyone that was targeting you and you're still stunned, dazed or what ever.  You (the Devs) just made the whole Spectral Walk ability useless and lame!  Marks do nothing at all because DOT is so low; players just ignore them and go and get you all day if you're a condi Necro.  Hell, even Sandstorm damage is pathetic and that is one of you're biggest DOT abilities as a condi Necro.  Necro-Grasp ability range just sucks.


Speaking of range and grabbing.....


I wanna know, how I was behind a wall of smc, half way down on some stairs and an enemy player pulled me from way behind the wall, while I would have not even been visible to grab because of the distance and wall...???  Seriously, I went flying way in the air and over the wall.  THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE BY ANY NORMAL STANDARDS IN THE GAME so what is going on "Devs!?"  Are all of you doing what World of Warcraft "Devs" were doing to players!?


I was in WvW looking at a gyro group and watching them run over everybody and every thing for like two hours and I just stopped trying.  It was so boring and I just logged out the game, peroid!


It's garbage.....  I don't care what anyone say....it's GARBAGE and this kind of material is not why I sunk so much money in the game!  It's basically World of Warcraft PvP but worst!!


This all can be fixed....  For starters, get rid of all the bullet-proofing skills in PvP, get rid of high ranged DPS and make those players fight up close some and add real DOT to condi Necros because that's all they do is DOT!









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This is some of the most misgiven complaint that I have ever seen in this forum.


1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

players like to form what's called a gyro or blob in WvW, which is a large number of players moving as one and concentrating all their heals, boons, etc as one.  This gyro/blob becomes invincible and that group can just run over everyone else and take any area of the map at will.  The only way to defeat such a mess is to form your own mess just as massive or bigger.

Yup that's how it works in every game and even in real life.


1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

Just today I watched a player (maybe a guardian) get attacked by 10 players including myself and this is the way it went...  The target player would first take zero damage for like 10 seconds (I have know idea how he did it that long).  Then he started taking some damage but still absorbing way too much because 10 players were blasting him.  Then, when his health finally got down to about 15 to 20 percent, BOOM, he healed up to full health and then went on the zero damage trip again.  It took a lot of stuns and interrupts for 10 minutes just to kill one player.  It was like trying to kill a Raid Boss.

Telling a story of a single player 1vXing a zerg completely contradicts your previous statement.


1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

What is even more sick about that encounter was the fact this target player could easily do 7k damage with one hit.  So basically, he was God.  You tell me....  Is there some gear set greater than legendary?  Because he was WAY beyond anything a normal player could achieve in-game.

No, you just don't know what you're doing at all. You probably think you do, but you don't.


1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

Seriously...  How can some players hit for 10k as a Zerg but you as a Zerg (with buffs) can't deliver the same output?

Because glass cannon roaming builds are designed for damage. Zerg builds are designed for sustain and have very low damage.


1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

Why in the heck would you allow long range weapon users to do so much damage from distance?  You don't wanna give the none long range player a chance?  Ranged players should all do a low DOT like what the condi Necro entire class does, which is why condi Necro is so broken.  Long range players should at some point have to fight up close and that's when they should do the higher damage not from range.  Range attacks should be about getting an edge on your target before they get close, not hit them with 10k arrow strikes for a flawless victory. 

  1. Just about every class has teleportation and/or super speed, use them.
  2. There is an overabundance of anti-projectile skill usage in this game, use it.
  3. Stop walking out into big open areas when you know there are high powered range attacks around you. Use LOS.
1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

Some of the Necro skills don't even work correctly, like trail of anguish.  You're supposed to have stability when activating trail of anguish but you don't!  Players can still stun, pull, root and do what ever they like to you with trail of anguish active.

Trail Of Anguish grants 1 stack of stability, not 10 pulsing stacks of stability that reapply every 3s. Stability does nothing vs. roots. Trail Of Anguish works exactly the way it is supposed to.


2 hours ago, Horace.3184 said:

Spectral Walk will not only drop out of recall randomly before 10 seconds but if you do recall, you're still targeted by everyone that was targeting you and you're still stunned, dazed or what ever.  You (the Devs) just made the whole Spectral Walk ability useless and lame!  Marks do nothing at all because DOT is so low; players just ignore them and go and get you all day if you're a condi Necro.  Hell, even Sandstorm damage is pathetic and that is one of you're biggest DOT abilities as a condi Necro.  Necro-Grasp ability range just sucks.

If you are seriously complaining about the class Necromancer being bad and you actually believe that, maybe this game is not for you.



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On 11/23/2021 at 6:15 AM, Horace.3184 said:

Just today I watched a player (maybe a guardian) get attacked by 10 players including myself and this is the way it went...  The target player would first take zero damage for like 10 seconds (I have know idea how he did it that long).  Then he started taking some damage but still absorbing way too much because 10 players were blasting him.  Then, when his health finally got down to about 15 to 20 percent, BOOM, he healed up to full health and then went on the zero damage trip again.  It took a lot of stuns and interrupts for 10 minutes just to kill one player.  It was like trying to kill a Raid Boss.




What is even more sick about that encounter was the fact this target player could easily do 7k damage with one hit.  So basically, he was God.  You tell me....  Is there some gear set greater than legendary?  Because he was WAY beyond anything a normal player could achieve in-game.


Could be a warrior. SB. It's kinda important to know these things instead of citing that "maybe a guardian". Maybes dont improve your gameplay. Aren't you interested or intrigued or curious what they were playing at the very least?


On 11/23/2021 at 6:15 AM, Horace.3184 said:

Seriously...  How can some players hit for 10k as a Zerg but you as a Zerg (with buffs) can't deliver the same output?  I find some seriously questionable things going on in PvP which makes me wonder who's really behind the computer running a character because it would not surprise me if it's someone in the ArenaNet family tree.


Were you attacking when they had their invuln? Did you check if you had blindness or weakness?

On 11/23/2021 at 6:15 AM, Horace.3184 said:

This all can be fixed....  For starters, get rid of all the bullet-proofing skills in PvP, get rid of high ranged DPS and make those players fight up close some and add real DOT to condi Necros because that's all they do is DOT!

That's asking for a lot. Necros are incredibly powerful. 

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On 11/22/2021 at 5:15 PM, Horace.3184 said:

GW2's PvP is bad and it's the developers' fault.  They added way too much "bullet proofing" to classes and as a result, players like to form what's called a gyro or blob in WvW, which is a large number of players moving as one and concentrating all their heals, boons, etc as one.  This gyro/blob becomes invincible and that group can just run over everyone else and take any area of the map at will.  The only way to defeat such a mess is to form your own mess just as massive or bigger.


That is garbage PvP!


Just today I watched a player (maybe a guardian) get attacked by 10 players including myself and this is the way it went...  The target player would first take zero damage for like 10 seconds (I have know idea how he did it that long).  Then he started taking some damage but still absorbing way too much because 10 players were blasting him.  Then, when his health finally got down to about 15 to 20 percent, BOOM, he healed up to full health and then went on the zero damage trip again.  It took a lot of stuns and interrupts for 10 minutes just to kill one player.  It was like trying to kill a Raid Boss.




What is even more sick about that encounter was the fact this target player could easily do 7k damage with one hit.  So basically, he was God.  You tell me....  Is there some gear set greater than legendary?  Because he was WAY beyond anything a normal player could achieve in-game.


Seriously...  How can some players hit for 10k as a Zerg but you as a Zerg (with buffs) can't deliver the same output?  I find some seriously questionable things going on in PvP which makes me wonder who's really behind the computer running a character because it would not surprise me if it's someone in the ArenaNet family tree.


Bullet proofing destroys PvP but also the fact, the logic behind classes is brain dead.  Why in the heck would you allow long range weapon users to do so much damage from distance?  You don't wanna give the none long range player a chance?  Ranged players should all do a low DOT like what the condi Necro entire class does, which is why condi Necro is so broken.  Long range players should at some point have to fight up close and that's when they should do the higher damage not from range.  Range attacks should be about getting an edge on your target before they get close, not hit them with 10k arrow strikes for a flawless victory.  Completely uncreative design.


The condi Necro build/class is the most disrespected of them all.  The entire class is basically DOT and with DOT as low as it is for that class, you have no choice but to go zerg even if you're running a scourge, which is lame as #$$&!

Some of the Necro skills don't even work correctly, like trail of anguish.  You're supposed to have stability when activating trail of anguish but you don't!  Players can still stun, pull, root and do what ever they like to you with trail of anguish active.  Spectral Walk will not only drop out of recall randomly before 10 seconds but if you do recall, you're still targeted by everyone that was targeting you and you're still stunned, dazed or what ever.  You (the Devs) just made the whole Spectral Walk ability useless and lame!  Marks do nothing at all because DOT is so low; players just ignore them and go and get you all day if you're a condi Necro.  Hell, even Sandstorm damage is pathetic and that is one of you're biggest DOT abilities as a condi Necro.  Necro-Grasp ability range just sucks.


Speaking of range and grabbing.....


I wanna know, how I was behind a wall of smc, half way down on some stairs and an enemy player pulled me from way behind the wall, while I would have not even been visible to grab because of the distance and wall...???  Seriously, I went flying way in the air and over the wall.  THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE BY ANY NORMAL STANDARDS IN THE GAME so what is going on "Devs!?"  Are all of you doing what World of Warcraft "Devs" were doing to players!?


I was in WvW looking at a gyro group and watching them run over everybody and every thing for like two hours and I just stopped trying.  It was so boring and I just logged out the game, peroid!


It's garbage.....  I don't care what anyone say....it's GARBAGE and this kind of material is not why I sunk so much money in the game!  It's basically World of Warcraft PvP but worst!!


This all can be fixed....  For starters, get rid of all the bullet-proofing skills in PvP, get rid of high ranged DPS and make those players fight up close some and add real DOT to condi Necros because that's all they do is DOT!










You know that new MMO that just released a month or so ago. Has this exact combat model you are asking for here. There is only one META easymode brain dead Melee gods. In which ranged playstyles are not even viable. Maybe you'll feel at home over there. Where Ranged playstyles can't touch you while you can just spam LMB to delete them.


I have a different mindset. I believe Range should be able to kill melee and melee should be able kill range. It's called balance. Range is not a defense in itself in this game. Since multiple melee classes have long ranged ports and gap closers on short CD.

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